Media does not support Microsoft Windoze (w100 x64 enu)

Media does not support Microsoft Windoze (w100 x64 enu)

Postby cdgoldin » 16.06.2019, 08:21

1) Ran WSUSOFFLINE\client\updateinstaller.exe to update my W10 x64 system. It ran with no errors, and installed multiple updates.
2) Ran WSUSOFFLINE\UpdateGenerator.exe to get the latest updates. It ran with no errors.
3) Ran WSUSOFFLINE\client\updateinstaller.exe again. Now it says:
Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.7.2 at 0:11:51.08...
Checking user's privileges...
Determining system's properties...
Determining Windows licensing info...
Found Microsoft Windows version: 10.0.18362.1 (w100 x64 enu sp0)
Found Microsoft Windows Software Licensing Management Tool info...
Name: Windows(R), Professional edition
Description: Windows(R) Operating System, RETAIL channel
Partial Product Key: 3V66T
License Status: Licensed
Checking medium content...
Catalog date: 06/11/2019
Medium build date: 06/16/2019
Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w100 x64 enu).

ERROR: Medium neither supports your Windows nor your Office version.

Ending WSUS Offline Update at 0:11:55.73...

4) Upon inspecting the log, it would appear that updategenerator.exe DELETED everything in the W100-x64 folder (and it is indeed empty now), which explains the error message show above, but ...

Last edited by cdgoldin on 16.06.2019, 13:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 09.03.2016, 10:14

Re: Media does not support Microsoft Windoze (w100 x64 enu)

Postby aker » 16.06.2019, 12:05

Could you post the content of .\log\download.log and .\UpdateGenerator.ini here?
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Re: Media does not support Microsoft Windoze (w100 x64 enu)

Postby cdgoldin » 16.06.2019, 13:35

They are rather large files. Rather than post them here, I've uploaded them to:

and ... erator.ini
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Joined: 09.03.2016, 10:14

Re: Media does not support Microsoft Windoze (w100 x64 enu)

Postby hbuhrmester » 16.06.2019, 14:33

The format of the digital file signatures was changed a few months ago. SHA-1 hashes were replaced with SHA-2 hashes. It is likely, that new downloads use the new format. This will be first noticed with Windows 10 updates, because they are all new each month.

Then you also need a new version of Sysinternals Sigcheck, but these utilities are not updated automatically. As long as all utilities can be found, the download will be skipped. This can be seen in the code from DownloadUpdates.cmd, lines 538 - 544:

Code: Select all
rem *** Download Sysinternals' tools Autologon, Sigcheck and Streams ***
if not exist ..\client\bin\Autologon.exe goto DownloadSysinternals
if not exist ..\bin\sigcheck.exe goto DownloadSysinternals
if not exist ..\bin\sigcheck64.exe goto DownloadSysinternals
if not exist ..\bin\streams.exe goto DownloadSysinternals
if not exist ..\bin\streams64.exe goto DownloadSysinternals
goto SkipSysinternals

Thus, you should check the version of the files sigcheck.exe and sigcheck64.exe.

Then remove or rename these files and run a new download.

Check the files sigcheck.exe and sigcheck64.exe again.

You could also download Sigcheck 2.72 at ... s/sigcheck and manually check a few Windows 10 updates, to see, if it makes a difference.

Note: For other Windows versions, only a few updates will be added each month. If their digital file signatures fail to verify, they might get deleted as well. Then the UpdateInstaller.exe will still run, but new updates may be missing on installation.

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Re: Media does not support Microsoft Windoze (w100 x64 enu)

Postby Dalai » 16.06.2019, 15:20

hbuhrmester wrote:Then you also need a new version of Sysinternals Sigcheck [...]

Not necessarily. Even Sigcheck 2.30 is able to verify svchost.exe from Server 2012 R2 which has only one SHA-256 based signature, although it doesn't write anything about the signature algorithm.

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Re: Media does not support Microsoft Windoze (w100 x64 enu)

Postby cdgoldin » 16.06.2019, 17:21

hbuhrmester wrote:The format of the digital file signatures was changed a few months ago. SHA-1 hashes were replaced with SHA-2 hashes. It is likely, that new downloads use the new format. This will be first noticed with Windows 10 updates, because they are all new each month...
Thus, you should check the version of the files sigcheck.exe and sigcheck64.exe.

Then remove or rename these files and run a new download.

The version of the two files is 2.53 (7/22/2016), so they need to be updated.
But, if the format was changed a few months ago, why did this problem NOT occur until today? I run updategenerator.exe every week. And why for W10-x64, but NOT for W10-x32?

Secondly, why are these two, apparently critical, files not updated whenever they change, rather than only if they don't exist?

Also, hashes-w1-x64-glb.txt was deleted!

And now we are getting "Server ignored If-Modified-Since header for file..." on almost every update
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Re: Media does not support Microsoft Windoze (w100 x64 enu)

Postby Dalai » 16.06.2019, 18:15

I guess this has something to do with the file size of the Win10 update files. Windows, and Sigcheck, don't see any valid signature for those files, because the files are too large. As a consequence, the update files are deleted because they are not signed (or so it seems).

This issue has been discussed before: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8954

When something like this happens you can see that in download.log:
Code: Select all
15.06.2019  4:03:25,26 - Warning: Deleted unsigned file "D:\wsusoffline_current\client\w100-x64\glb\"
15.06.2019  4:03:25,28 - Warning: Deleted unsigned file "D:\wsusoffline_current\client\w100-x64\glb\"
15.06.2019  4:03:25,29 - Warning: Deleted unsigned file "D:\wsusoffline_current\client\w100-x64\glb\"
15.06.2019  4:03:25,31 - Warning: Deleted unsigned file "D:\wsusoffline_current\client\w100-x64\glb\"


15.06.2019  4:43:23,26 - Warning: Deleted unsigned file "D:\wsusoffline_current\client\w100\glb\"
15.06.2019  4:43:23,28 - Warning: Deleted unsigned file "D:\wsusoffline_current\client\w100\glb\"
15.06.2019  4:43:23,28 - Warning: Deleted unsigned file "D:\wsusoffline_current\client\w100\glb\"
15.06.2019  4:43:23,31 - Warning: Deleted unsigned file "D:\wsusoffline_current\client\w100\glb\"

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Re: Media does not support Microsoft Windoze (w100 x64 enu)

Postby hbuhrmester » 16.06.2019, 22:45

But, if the format was changed a few months ago, why did this problem NOT occur until today? I run updategenerator.exe every week.

The last official patch day, which is the second Tuesday each month, was just 5 days ago. If there are major changes, I would expect them after one of these days.

And why for W10-x64, but NOT for W10-x32?

No idea.

Secondly, why are these two, apparently critical, files not updated whenever they change, rather than only if they don't exist?

I didn't write this script.

Also, hashes-w1-x64-glb.txt was deleted!

The hashes file is deleted, if the download directory is empty. You can see that in your download log: First the script downloaded/validated 1 statically defined and 34 dynamically determined updates. Then it immediately deleted all 35 updates again. Then the empty directory and the hashes file will also be deleted, but this is not shown in the logfile.

And now we are getting "Server ignored If-Modified-Since header for file..." on almost every update

This is a misconfiguration of some Microsoft servers, which don't honor the conditional header If-Modified-Since, which is used for timestamping by both wget and aria2. wget recognizes this condition and reports it as a warning. aria2 will be lead to download existing files again.

The problem with the Windows 10 downloads is not the verification of digital file signatures, as I first suspected, but the Cleanup of client directories. Your download.log shows, that all files were deleted between these two entries:

Code: Select all
06/16/2019  0:03:55.59 - Info: Adjusted UpdateInstaller.ini file
06/16/2019  0:03:57.12 - Info: Cleaned up client directory for w100-x64 glb

Then the error must be in this code block in DownloadUpdates.cmd, lines 1600 - 1625:

Code: Select all
call :Log "Info: Adjusted UpdateInstaller.ini file"

rem *** Clean up client directory for %1 %2 ***
if not exist ..\client\%1\%2\nul goto RemoveHashes
if "%CLEANUP_DL%"=="0" goto VerifyDownload
echo Cleaning up client directory for %1 %2...
if exist "%TEMP%\ValidLinks-%1-%2.txt" del "%TEMP%\ValidLinks-%1-%2.txt"
if exist "%TEMP%\ValidStaticLinks-%1-%2.txt" (
  type "%TEMP%\ValidStaticLinks-%1-%2.txt" >>"%TEMP%\ValidLinks-%1-%2.txt"
if exist "%TEMP%\ValidDynamicLinks-%1-%2.txt" (
  type "%TEMP%\ValidDynamicLinks-%1-%2.txt" >>"%TEMP%\ValidLinks-%1-%2.txt"
for /F %%i in ('dir ..\client\%1\%2 /A:-D /B') do (
  if exist "%TEMP%\ValidLinks-%1-%2.txt" (
    %SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe /I "%%i" "%TEMP%\ValidLinks-%1-%2.txt" >nul 2>&1
    if errorlevel 1 (
      del ..\client\%1\%2\%%i
      call :Log "Info: Deleted ..\client\%1\%2\%%i"
  ) else (
    del ..\client\%1\%2\%%i
    call :Log "Info: Deleted ..\client\%1\%2\%%i"
if exist "%TEMP%\ValidLinks-%1-%2.txt" del "%TEMP%\ValidLinks-%1-%2.txt"
dir ..\client\%1\%2 /A:-D >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 rd ..\client\%1\%2
call :Log "Info: Cleaned up client directory for %1 %2"

But this code didn't change in recent versions of WSUS Offline Update. The only recent change was the addition of the wget option "--trust-server-names", which is necessary for the download of the virus definition files. But this could only make a difference, if there is some redirection during download, and if this redirection causes the filename to be changed. But there is no indication for such a redirection.

But these are just random observations. I don't have any explanation at this point.

You could disable the Cleanup of client directories in the settings file UpdateGenerator.ini. Add the following line to the section Options:

Code: Select all

Then check the contents of the download directory client\w100-x64\glb for anything unusual.

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Joined: 11.10.2013, 20:59

Re: Media does not support Microsoft Windoze (w100 x64 enu)

Postby cdgoldin » 18.06.2019, 00:18

Deleting the two sigcheck files and running UpdateGenerator.exe again seems to have worked.
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Re: Media does not support Microsoft Windoze (w100 x64 enu)

Postby aker » 18.06.2019, 17:34

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