Install updates 1 by 1 and reboot after each update ?

Install updates 1 by 1 and reboot after each update ?

Postby overwatchnub » 17.08.2018, 15:50


I have Windows 10 and have been constantly getting the usual 'updates didn't complete - rolling back changes', I've made several changes to my installation as regards turning most off the bloatware such as cortana, Ms Apps / MS store, I use this mainly for competitive gaming, I don't need all that Windows junk.

From what I understand the MS updates are rollups containing many individual updates, what I'm wondering is if it's possible to install 1 update at a time and not the whole rollup then reboot after each update to avoid the time consuming reboot and rolling back of the changes ? then possibly skip the failing updates.
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Re: Install updates 1 by 1 and reboot after each update ?

Postby Dalai » 17.08.2018, 16:08

Hi and welcome to the forums :).

overwatchnub wrote:From what I understand the MS updates are rollups containing many individual updates [...]

No, that's not how it works. The cumulative updates contain updated parts of several components, yes, but these are not separate updates or update packages that could be installed separately.

if it's possible to install 1 update at a time and not the whole rollup then reboot after each update to avoid the time consuming reboot and rolling back of the changes ?

Because of what I explained above, this is not possible. What you can do, is to check the file C:\Windows\wsusofflineupdate.log which updates were installed and install them manually to see which of them fails. Note that this is a little bit more work for CAB files (as opposed to MSUs or EXEs which can just be double-clicked), probably most the updates are CABs. Running Get-WindowsUpdateLog PowerShell command to find out what's wrong would be my best bet, primarily to find an Windows Update error code or similar.

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Re: Install updates 1 by 1 and reboot after each update ?

Postby aker » 18.08.2018, 21:34

Which version of Windows 10 are you using (10240/10586/14393/15063/16299/17134)?
You can either find it out by posting the content of C:\Windows\wsusuofflineupdate.log or pressing Windows-Key + R, enter "winver" and pressing OK.
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Re: Install updates 1 by 1 and reboot after each update ?

Postby overwatchnub » 23.08.2018, 10:40

Thanks for the replies, I'm on 1803 build 17134.1, for me every time I've tried Windows update it has failed, I only got to 1803 by doing a system refresh with 1803 media. I find it way too annoying with the rolling back changes game, just takes hours of trying, rebooting, waiting and hoping. I think the last time I tried I got a wonderful error of "something went wrong" and 1 error code, I know the update log may help but it does turn into a load of time consuming pain. I've been using Windows for decades and for me at the moment Windows update has never been this bad in terms of working. I think the best option for me is another system refresh or a clean install. I'd guess at Microsoft assumes each PC will have all the Windows 10 services and junk running, not everyone wants Cortana and all the that junk, they should make sure Windows 10 update works on a badly configured PC first even if that means overriding someones configuration such as enabling disabled services or at least produce a clear / useful error such as couldn't install because xyz isn't running. When I say badly configured I mean from Microsoft's point of view, for me my clean set of services and switched off Windows junk is how I want to run Windows 10 - I don't want any lag from background network usage, disk or CPU usage, every millisecond for me is important.
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Re: Install updates 1 by 1 and reboot after each update ?

Postby boco » 24.08.2018, 03:14

they should make sure Windows 10 update works on a badly configured PC first even if that means overriding someones configuration such as enabling disabled services
That's exactly what they do already. For example the Update Remediation (rempl), Windows Upgrade Assistant v1/v2 etc.

Unless the system is badly screwed they'll ignore WU settings and re-enable all WU services (in order to serve you more juicy bugs and crap, automatically).
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Re: Install updates 1 by 1 and reboot after each update ?

Postby samsam » 24.09.2018, 05:23

I am also facing update on windows 10 1803; can you please share any link or steps to cross check windows services & settings which is required for WSUS offline 11.4.

Thanks ,
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