Win 7 Ultimate x64 update issue

Win 7 Ultimate x64 update issue

Postby ChrisUK » 30.07.2017, 20:50

Hi Guys, Gals, Geeks etc

I have run the update generator countless times on this machine in the past and today not for the first time i have received the following error (taken from logfile)

30/07/2017 10:57:41.71 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update download (v. 11.0.1) for w60 glb
30/07/2017 11:08:38.61 - Error: File integrity verification failure

(ok well thats not good - thought the log would have all info)

Error :(
(27.79 KiB) Not downloaded yet

Now i can only assume that this is a temporary error.... at least i am hoping so as this has saved me countless hours of electricity when sorting out friends computers (especially when they d/l a dodgy version of win 10 and it wipes the recovery partition of the machine - yes i'm looking at you James (Now i named him i hope there is not a James on the forum...))

Edited: Ok - I screwed up - on one of the signatures it showed a help link and the top entry was how to solve the above error..... i'm a idiot - sorry :)

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