Windows 7 - missing several updates

Windows 7 - missing several updates

Postby user9898 » 29.04.2014, 15:20

Your guys tool is seriously great!
However when I am using it on a new Win7 64 - Professional or Home Premium system.
I am missing about 14x updates
If anyone can tell how export the history of already installed patched and missing ones.
I will upload the list.

Thx, suer 9898

Re: Windows 7 - missing several updates

Postby aker » 29.04.2014, 16:23

Are the missing updates security relevant? (Scan with MBSA to check that).
Else: :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=172

Log file: C:\Windows\wsusofflineupdate.log (post the content in [code]-tags)
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Re: Windows 7 - missing several updates

Postby user9898 » 01.05.2014, 08:26

Thank you for explaining that item to me.

Checking which ones are relevant or not, would mean to check all of them one by one.
Which would take a lot of time.
Therefore the lazy option is probably to just install of them.
Is there a way to reconfigure wsusoffline so it does download all patches?

Thx, user9898

Re: Windows 7 - missing several updates

Postby aker » 01.05.2014, 19:28

You can check it using MBSA. It will list the updates, wsusou will install, as "security update"s.

To add patches, see
.\doc\faq-enu.txt wrote:Q: Can I download/install additional patches?
A: Yes, you can adjust how the download and update scripts behave by excluding or adding patches from download or installation. For adding updates proceed as follows:

1. Adding updates to download routines

For adding an update to be downloaded, insert its download URL into the matching "StaticDownloadLinks-<platform>[-architecture>]-<language>.txt file, found in the "...\static\custom" directory. Please don't forget a trailing <CR><LF>.

2. Adding updates to installation routines

Add an update to installation by inserting its knowledge base ID (KBxxxxxx or simply xxxxxx) into the matching "StaticUpdateIds-<platform>[-<architecture>].txt file (directory "...\client\static\custom"). Please don't forget a trailing <CR><LF>.

platform codes: :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3848
(Windows 7 32bit = w61(-x86); Windows 7 64bit w61-x64)
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