Update WSUS database in background

Update WSUS database in background

Postby paul1149 » 08.04.2014, 16:59

I do my database updates on my main machine weekly. This usually takes place while I am doing other work, and so command windows frequently pop up at inopportune times. It would be a great advantage if WSUS could do it's updating using command windows in the background. I'm referring to the updating of the WSUS database, not updating the machine.

Thanks and best wishes,
Posts: 52
Joined: 02.12.2011, 23:43

Re: Update WSUS database in background

Postby harry » 08.04.2014, 17:09

.\doc\faq-enu.txt wrote:Q: Can I let the download window(s) stay in the background?
A: Yes. Please edit the UpdateGenerator.ini file and add an entry/line "minimizeondownload=Enabled" to the "[Miscellaneous]" section.

Posts: 737
Joined: 29.10.2009, 17:02

Re: Update WSUS database in background

Postby paul1149 » 08.04.2014, 17:20

Beautiful! Thanks Harry!

Maybe this should be a check box on the interface?
Posts: 52
Joined: 02.12.2011, 23:43

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