Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Postby TDPsGM » 07.09.2013, 18:06

Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Is that possible?
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Re: Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Postby harry » 07.09.2013, 18:14

Please see .\doc\faq-enu.txt:
.\doc\faq-enu.txt wrote:Q: Can I download/install additional patches?
A: Yes, you can adjust how the download and update scripts behave by excluding or adding patches from download or installation. For adding updates proceed as follows:

1. Adding updates to download routines

For adding an update to be downloaded, insert its download URL into the matching "StaticDownloadLinks-<platform>[-architecture>]-<language>.txt file, found in the "...\static\custom" directory. Please don't forget a trailing <CR><LF>.

2. Adding updates to installation routines

Add an update to installation by inserting its knowledge base ID (KBxxxxxx or simply xxxxxx) into the matching "StaticUpdateIds-<platform>[-<architecture>].txt file (directory "...\client\static\custom"). Please don't forget a trailing <CR><LF>.
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Re: Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Postby TDPsGM » 07.09.2013, 18:35

There seems to be a lot of people that have inquired about having important updates included as part of wsusofflines capabilities.

Is there anyone that has created a file that includes some of the very common recommended updates?

I am not sure I follow how to make the entry you have suggested.
As an example, if I wanted to add this update to my wsus setup:

Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 on Windows 7, Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2750147)

It sounds like I am to create a *.txt file

Now the download page for this is:

and the actual download LINK is:
Code: Select all
for the 64 bit version
Code: Select all
for the x86 version

I am using Notepad++ as my editor.

How should the entry appear, and do I need a separate file for each entry?

Thanks very much for the help!
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Re: Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Postby aker » 07.09.2013, 18:50

Just put all your links for .NET into the file .\static\custom\StaticDownloadLinks-dotnet-x(64/86)-glb.txt and add an empty line (CR LF) at the end.
The KB-number should be added to .\client\static\custom\StaticUpdatIds-dotnet4.txt with a CR LF at the end.
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Re: Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Postby TDPsGM » 07.09.2013, 18:56

Hold on - once I looked closer at it I think I understand.
Can you confirm this for me:

For DOWNLOADING the example I provided I would create a text file named:


Is the 'Name' of the text file important for this to work?

ie: could I have said: StaticDownloadLinks-windows7-x64-enu.txt

Next I open the file and enter in the download link on its own line

. . . and save that file in the "...\static\custom" directory.

Is this correct?
If so, when it is downloaded the first time, and I subsequently run UpdateGenerator.exe will it be checked against a hash somewhere to validate the file I have?
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Re: Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Postby TDPsGM » 07.09.2013, 19:10

Sorry, your beat me to the response.
I'll await your response regarding the "Naming" of the file.

With regards to . . . "Please don't forget a trailing <CR><LF>"

. . . I know I have 'seen' that before somewhere.

Do I have to 'Physically' enter that in the last line, or do I just leave the last line 'blank' as it is in the underlying code?

Thanks for the clarification.
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Re: Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Postby aker » 07.09.2013, 19:44

The naming is important.
.NET => dotnet
Windows XP => wxp
Vista => w60
And so on...

And you manually have to add that last line (please be sure, that notepad++ uses Windows line ends [CR LF]) (if you want to, just open one of the files inside .\static in notepad++ to see how you need to do it)

The downloading tool will validate change date and size to find out if the remote file differs from the local one. wsusou will redownload / replace the file, if you downloaded the file using some browsers, but it won't, if you used wget to download it.
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Re: Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Postby TDPsGM » 07.09.2013, 19:45

So for this particular update:
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2823180)

I could create a file called:

Now I can go back and look at any machine that I have that has recommended updates and add their download link to this file?

in the example above I got the link from this page:

I noticed that some of the pages ask for validation (ie: run the GenuineCheck.exe file) how does wsusoffline navigate that . . . or is it that it simply needs the url?

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Re: Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Postby aker » 07.09.2013, 19:51

The platform code for windows 7 is "w61"
And Windows Vista and newer use "glb" as language. The updates for a German Windows 7 does not differ from an English one.
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Re: Can I MANUALLY add important Udates to my wsusoffline?

Postby TDPsGM » 07.09.2013, 19:52

ok, what part of the naming is important? All of it?

What is the name for
windows 7 64 bit
windows 7 32 bit

... I would guess then by extension, the language part is important --- enu for English?

Lastly, is there any part of the naming of the file I'd have some discression as to help me define what it is without screwing up it's ability to be used?

ALSO, with regards to the [CR LF] . . . if I am understanding you correctly, once the last line has been entered, simply hit the 'Return' or 'Enter' key. There isn't actually any thing like [CR LF] that is written on the screen - that is to mean, be visible by a human . . . is that correct?

Thanks again for the help
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