MSEdge install/upgrd not work in version CE12.6.1hf1

Re: MSEdge install/upgrd not work in version CE12.6.1hf1

Postby aker » 06.05.2022, 20:55

As I still wasn't able to reproduce this over here (tried w63, w100_20H2, w100_21H2, w110 and some of them multiple times), I'd like to get a log from a machine you have.
I posted a step-by-step guide over at GitLab.

If you're not familiar with SysInternals ProcMon: Please read the complete guide and ask questions before starting.
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WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: MSEdge install/upgrd not work in version CE12.6.1hf1

Postby aker » 07.05.2022, 14:47

I just set up another 21H1 virtual machine (original MS 21H2 ISO) in VirtualBox, which wasn't connected to the internet in any way.
The only difference ist still, that I use a German ISO, while you're using an English one. I'll retry with an English one.

EDIT: Tried an English 21H2, too. Even tests with most recent Defender Engine/Definitions and running MSEdge succeded...

Log file:
Code: Select all
07.05.2022  0:23:22,20 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update - Community Edition - v. 12.7 (b37)
07.05.2022  0:23:22,23 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\client\cmd\" on DESKTOP-ELEM2GS (user: admin)
07.05.2022  0:23:22,24 - Info: Option /verify detected
07.05.2022  0:23:22,25 - Info: Option /monitoron detected
07.05.2022  0:23:38,86 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 10.0.19044.1288 (w100 x64 deu)
07.05.2022  0:23:38,86 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows Software Licensing Management Tool info...
07.05.2022  0:23:38,88 - Info: Name: Windows(R), Professional edition
07.05.2022  0:23:38,89 - Info: Beschreibung: Windows(R) Operating System, RETAIL channel
07.05.2022  0:23:38,89 - Info: Teil-Product Key: xxxxx
07.05.2022  0:23:38,89 - Info: Lizenzstatus: Benachrichtigung
07.05.2022  0:23:38,91 - Info: Benachrichtigungsgrund: 0xC004F034.
07.05.2022  0:23:38,91 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
07.05.2022  0:23:38,93 - Info: Found Servicing Stack version 10.0.19041.1220
07.05.2022  0:23:38,93 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 10.0.19041.1288
07.05.2022  0:23:38,94 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.19041.0
07.05.2022  0:23:38,94 - Info: Found Edge (Chromium) version 92.0.902.67
07.05.2022  0:23:38,96 - Info: Found Edge (Chromium) Updater version
07.05.2022  0:23:38,96 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version
07.05.2022  0:23:38,96 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 4 version 4.8.04084 (release: 528372)
07.05.2022  0:23:38,97 - Info: Found Windows Management Framework version 5.1.19041.1
07.05.2022  0:23:38,97 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version 1.303.25.0
07.05.2022  0:23:39,18 - Info: Catalog date: 11.04.2022
07.05.2022  0:23:39,19 - Info: Medium build date: 07.05.2022
07.05.2022  0:23:39,21 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Windows (w100 x64 glb)
07.05.2022  0:23:39,31 - Info: Disabled screensaver
07.05.2022  0:23:39,97 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
07.05.2022  0:23:40,15 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
07.05.2022  0:24:36,88 - Info: Installed ..\msedge\MicrosoftEdge_X64_101.0.1210.32.exe
07.05.2022  0:24:43,80 - Info: Installed ..\msedge\MicrosoftEdgeUpdateSetup_X86_1.3.157.61.exe
07.05.2022  0:24:48,00 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
07.05.2022  0:24:48,22 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
07.05.2022  0:24:48,38 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
07.05.2022  0:24:50,52 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
07.05.2022  0:24:50,52 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
07.05.2022  0:24:50,59 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
07.05.2022  0:24:50,62 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
07.05.2022  0:24:50,68 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
07.05.2022  0:24:50,68 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
07.05.2022  0:30:53,53 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
07.05.2022  0:30:53,79 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
07.05.2022  0:30:54,07 - Info: Listed update files
07.05.2022  0:31:45,68 - Info: Installed C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\wou_SSU\
07.05.2022  0:31:45,77 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
07.05.2022  0:31:45,79 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
07.05.2022  0:32:02,62 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
07.05.2022  0:32:02,62 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
07.05.2022  0:33:04,39 - Info: Installed ..\w100-x64\glb\19041\

Console output:
Code: Select all
Starting WSUS Offline Update - Community Edition - v. 12.7 (b37) at  0:23:22,13...
Checking user's privileges...
Determining system's properties...
Determining Windows licensing info...
Found Microsoft Windows version: 10.0.19044.1288 (w100 x64 deu)
Found Microsoft Windows Software Licensing Management Tool info...
Name: Windows(R), Professional edition
Beschreibung: Windows(R) Operating System, RETAIL channel
Teil-Product Key: xxxxx
Lizenzstatus: Benachrichtigung
Benachrichtigungsgrund: 0xC004F034.
Checking medium content...
Catalog date: 11.04.2022
Medium build date: 07.05.2022
Medium supports Microsoft Windows (w100 x64 glb).
Disabling screensaver...
Creating temporary power scheme...
Adjusting power management settings...
Checking Servicing Stack version...
Checking Internet Explorer version...
Determining Edge (Chromium) version...
Installing most recent Edge (Chromium)...
Verifying integrity of ..\msedge\MicrosoftEdge_X64_101.0.1210.32.exe...
hashdeep64.exe: Audit passed
Installing ..\msedge\MicrosoftEdge_X64_101.0.1210.32.exe...
Determining Edge (Chromium) Updater version...
Installing most recent Edge (Chromium) Updater...
Verifying integrity of ..\msedge\MicrosoftEdgeUpdateSetup_X86_1.3.157.61.exe...
hashdeep64.exe: Audit passed
Installing ..\msedge\MicrosoftEdgeUpdateSetup_X86_1.3.157.61.exe...
Checking Windows Defender installation state...
Checking Windows Update scan prerequisites...
Adjusting service 'Windows Update'...
Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)...
Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)...
Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)...
Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)...
Verifying integrity of Windows Update catalog file...
hashdeep64.exe: Audit passed
 0:24:59,58 - Listing ids of missing updates (please be patient, this will take a while)...
 0:30:53,53 - Done.
Listing ids of installed updates...
Listing update files...
Attempting to extract integrated servicing stack updates...
Verifying integrity of ..\w100-x64\glb\19041\
hashdeep64.exe: Audit passed
Installing extracted servicing stack updates...
Installing C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\wou_SSU\
Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)...
Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)...
Installing updates...
 0:32:02,69 - Installing update 1 of 2 (stage size: 320)...
Verifying integrity of ..\w100-x64\glb\19041\
hashdeep64.exe: Audit passed
Installing ..\w100-x64\glb\19041\
 0:33:04,43 - Installing update 2 of 2 (stage size: 320)...
Verifying integrity of ..\w100-x64\glb\19041\
hashdeep64.exe: Audit passed
Installing ..\w100-x64\glb\19041\
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: MSEdge install/upgrd not work in version CE12.6.1hf1

Postby aker » 08.05.2022, 21:39

I successfully reproduced the problem.
It's caused by the wsusou media being read-only.

I'll create a workaround.
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: MSEdge install/upgrd not work in version CE12.6.1hf1

Postby aker » 08.05.2022, 22:31

Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: MSEdge install/upgrd not work in version CE12.6.1hf1

Postby jmcaree » 17.05.2022, 14:18

Hi All
I have tested the fixes below on Windows 10 20H2 and 21H2. Edge was successfully upgraded to version 101.0.1210.47. Thank You for everyone help with this.

Thank You
Posts: 13
Joined: 21.03.2018, 20:43


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