Failed installation of KB3000850

Failed installation of KB3000850

Postby Kiktelos » 08.03.2015, 05:10


Since February patch day, I've been getting errors while installing KB3000850 on all sorts of Windows 8.1 computers.
This has never happened before and I don't understand why this is happening now.

You can see in the log file bellow what happens :

Code: Select all
2015-03-05  9:27:12,34 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update (v. 9.5.2)
2015-03-05  9:27:12,35 - Info: Used path "C:\Temp\client\cmd\" on HP-PC (user: Utilisateur)
2015-03-05  9:27:12,35 - Info: Option /updatercerts detected
2015-03-05  9:27:12,37 - Info: Option /updatecpp detected
2015-03-05  9:27:12,38 - Info: Option /instmssl detected
2015-03-05  9:27:12,40 - Info: Option /instdotnet4 detected
2015-03-05  9:27:12,42 - Info: Option /verify detected
2015-03-05  9:27:12,43 - Info: Option /autoreboot detected
2015-03-05  9:27:12,45 - Info: Option /showlog detected
2015-03-05  9:27:19,21 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.3.9600.17238 (w63 x64 fra sp0)
2015-03-05  9:27:19,21 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows Software Licensing Management Tool info...
2015-03-05  9:27:19,21 - Info: Nomÿ: Windows(R), Core edition
2015-03-05  9:27:19,21 - Info: Description : Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel
2015-03-05  9:27:19,21 - Info: Cl‚ de produit partielleÿ: 94Q2D
2015-03-05  9:27:19,21 - Info: tat de la licenceÿ: avec licence
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.9.9600.17238
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.9600.17289
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.17344
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.17351
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Trusted Root Certificates' version
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Revoked Root Certificates' version
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Microsoft Data Access Components version 6.3.9600.16384
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Microsoft Silverlight version
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Windows Media Player version 12.0.9600.17031
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16384
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.4926
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 4 version 4.5.51641
2015-03-05  9:27:19,24 - Info: Found Windows Management Framework version 4.0
2015-03-05  9:27:19,26 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
2015-03-05  9:27:19,26 - Info: Medium build date: 2015-02-17
2015-03-05  9:27:19,26 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Windows (w63 x64 glb)
2015-03-05  9:27:22,12 - Info: Installing Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 Update Rollup Nov. 2014
2015-03-05 10:52:41,18 - Warning: Installation of ..\w63-x64\glb\Windows8.1-KB3000850-x64.msu  failed (errorlevel: 6800)
2015-03-05 10:53:42,78 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\Windows8.1-KB3014442-x64.msu
2015-03-05 10:53:42,86 - Info: Installed 2 updates
2015-03-05 10:53:42,93 - Info: Saved Winlogon registry hive
2015-03-05 10:53:42,96 - Info: Suppressed Winlogon Legal Notice
2015-03-05 10:53:42,98 - Info: Saved System policies registry hive
2015-03-05 10:53:43,51 - Info: Activated temporary power scheme
2015-03-05 10:53:43,71 - Info: WSUS Offline Update was started from a local drive (C:)
2015-03-05 10:53:43,71 - Info: Prepared recall directory
2015-03-05 10:53:53,61 - Info: Created WOUTempAdmin account
2015-03-05 10:53:53,63 - Info: Registered recall
2015-03-05 10:53:42,87 - Info: Adjusted boot sequence for next reboot
2015-03-05 10:53:54,46 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update


2015-03-05 10:57:31,67 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update (v. 9.5.2)
2015-03-05 10:57:31,67 - Info: Used path "C:\Temp\client\cmd\" on HP-PC (user: WOUTempAdmin)
2015-03-05 10:57:31,67 - Info: Option /verify detected
2015-03-05 10:57:31,69 - Info: Option /updatercerts detected
2015-03-05 10:57:31,70 - Info: Option /updatecpp detected
2015-03-05 10:57:31,72 - Info: Option /instmssl detected
2015-03-05 10:57:31,72 - Info: Option /instdotnet4 detected
2015-03-05 10:57:31,74 - Info: Option /autoreboot detected
2015-03-05 10:57:31,75 - Info: Option /showlog detected
2015-03-05 10:57:40,58 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
2015-03-05 10:57:51,87 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.3.9600.17238 (w63 x64 fra sp0)
2015-03-05 10:57:51,87 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows Software Licensing Management Tool info...
2015-03-05 10:57:51,87 - Info: Nomÿ: Windows(R), Core edition
2015-03-05 10:57:51,87 - Info: Description : Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel
2015-03-05 10:57:51,87 - Info: Cl‚ de produit partielleÿ: 94Q2D
2015-03-05 10:57:51,87 - Info: tat de la licenceÿ: avec licence
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.9.9600.17238
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.9600.17289
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.17344
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.17351
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Trusted Root Certificates' version
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Revoked Root Certificates' version
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Microsoft Data Access Components version 6.3.9600.16384
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Microsoft Silverlight version
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Windows Media Player version 12.0.9600.17031
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16384
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.4926
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 4 version 4.5.51641
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Windows Management Framework version 4.0
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
2015-03-05 10:57:51,90 - Info: Medium build date: 2015-02-17
2015-03-05 10:57:51,92 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Windows (w63 x64 glb)
2015-03-05 10:58:01,26 - Info: Installed ..\win\glb\rootsupd.exe
2015-03-05 10:58:01,92 - Info: Installed ..\win\glb\rvkroots.exe
2015-03-05 10:59:00,38 - Info: Installed ..\cpp\vcredist2008_x64.exe
2015-03-05 10:59:12,29 - Info: Installed ..\cpp\vcredist2012_x64.exe
2015-03-05 10:59:33,61 - Info: Installed ..\cpp\vcredist2008_x86.exe
2015-03-05 10:59:39,23 - Info: Installed ..\cpp\vcredist2012_x86.exe
2015-03-05 11:00:40,05 - Info: Installed ..\win\glb\Silverlight_x64.exe
2015-03-05 11:04:54,23 - Warning: Installation of ..\dotnet\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe /passive /norestart /lcid 1033     failed (errorlevel: 6800)
2015-03-05 11:05:06,47 - Warning: Installation of ..\dotnet\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-FRA.exe /passive /norestart       failed (errorlevel: 5100)
2015-03-05 11:05:06,52 - Info: Adjusted boot sequence for next reboot
2015-03-05 11:05:07,28 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update


2015-03-05 11:06:47,58 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update (v. 9.5.2)
2015-03-05 11:06:47,58 - Info: Used path "C:\Temp\client\cmd\" on HP-PC (user: WOUTempAdmin)
2015-03-05 11:06:47,58 - Info: Option /verify detected
2015-03-05 11:06:47,60 - Info: Option /updatercerts detected
2015-03-05 11:06:47,62 - Info: Option /updatecpp detected
2015-03-05 11:06:47,63 - Info: Option /instmssl detected
2015-03-05 11:06:47,65 - Info: Option /instdotnet4 detected
2015-03-05 11:06:47,65 - Info: Option /autoreboot detected
2015-03-05 11:06:47,66 - Info: Option /showlog detected
2015-03-05 11:06:53,31 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.3.9600.17238 (w63 x64 fra sp0)
2015-03-05 11:06:53,31 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows Software Licensing Management Tool info...
2015-03-05 11:06:53,31 - Info: Nomÿ: Windows(R), Core edition
2015-03-05 11:06:53,31 - Info: Description : Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel
2015-03-05 11:06:53,31 - Info: Cl‚ de produit partielleÿ: 94Q2D
2015-03-05 11:06:53,31 - Info: tat de la licenceÿ: avec licence
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.9.9600.17238
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.9600.17289
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.17344
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.17351
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Trusted Root Certificates' version 41.0.2195.0
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Revoked Root Certificates' version 6.0.2195.0
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Microsoft Data Access Components version 6.3.9600.16384
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Microsoft Silverlight version 5.1.30514.0
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Windows Media Player version 12.0.9600.17031
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16384
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.4926
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 4 version 4.5.51641
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Windows Management Framework version 4.0
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
2015-03-05 11:06:53,33 - Info: Medium build date: 2015-02-17
2015-03-05 11:06:53,35 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Windows (w63 x64 glb)
2015-03-05 11:10:17,21 - Warning: Installation of ..\dotnet\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe /passive /norestart /lcid 1033     failed (errorlevel: 6800)
2015-03-05 11:10:30,38 - Warning: Installation of ..\dotnet\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-FRA.exe /passive /norestart       failed (errorlevel: 5100)
2015-03-05 11:10:30,41 - Info: Adjusted boot sequence for next reboot
2015-03-05 11:10:31,20 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update


2015-03-05 11:12:06,00 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update (v. 9.5.2)
2015-03-05 11:12:06,00 - Info: Used path "C:\Temp\client\cmd\" on HP-PC (user: WOUTempAdmin)
2015-03-05 11:12:06,00 - Info: Option /verify detected
2015-03-05 11:12:06,01 - Info: Option /updatercerts detected
2015-03-05 11:12:06,03 - Info: Option /updatecpp detected
2015-03-05 11:12:06,04 - Info: Option /instmssl detected
2015-03-05 11:12:06,06 - Info: Option /instdotnet4 detected
2015-03-05 11:12:06,08 - Info: Option /autoreboot detected
2015-03-05 11:12:06,08 - Info: Option /showlog detected
2015-03-05 11:12:10,78 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.3.9600.17238 (w63 x64 fra sp0)
2015-03-05 11:12:10,78 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows Software Licensing Management Tool info...
2015-03-05 11:12:10,78 - Info: Nomÿ: Windows(R), Core edition
2015-03-05 11:12:10,78 - Info: Description : Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel
2015-03-05 11:12:10,78 - Info: Cl‚ de produit partielleÿ: 94Q2D
2015-03-05 11:12:10,78 - Info: tat de la licenceÿ: avec licence
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.9.9600.17238
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.9600.17289
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.17344
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.17351
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Trusted Root Certificates' version 41.0.2195.0
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Revoked Root Certificates' version 6.0.2195.0
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Microsoft Data Access Components version 6.3.9600.16384
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Microsoft Silverlight version 5.1.30514.0
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Windows Media Player version 12.0.9600.17031
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16384
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.4926
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 4 version 4.5.51641
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Windows Management Framework version 4.0
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Medium build date: 2015-02-17
2015-03-05 11:12:10,79 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Windows (w63 x64 glb)
2015-03-05 11:15:08,64 - Info: Installed ..\dotnet\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe
2015-03-05 11:15:19,37 - Warning: Installation of ..\dotnet\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-FRA.exe /passive /norestart       failed (errorlevel: 5100)
2015-03-05 11:15:19,40 - Info: Adjusted boot sequence for next reboot
2015-03-05 11:15:20,21 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update


2015-03-05 11:17:54,12 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update (v. 9.5.2)
2015-03-05 11:17:54,12 - Info: Used path "C:\Temp\client\cmd\" on HP-PC (user: WOUTempAdmin)
2015-03-05 11:17:54,12 - Info: Option /verify detected
2015-03-05 11:17:54,13 - Info: Option /updatercerts detected
2015-03-05 11:17:54,15 - Info: Option /updatecpp detected
2015-03-05 11:17:54,16 - Info: Option /instmssl detected
2015-03-05 11:17:54,18 - Info: Option /instdotnet4 detected
2015-03-05 11:17:54,20 - Info: Option /autoreboot detected
2015-03-05 11:17:54,21 - Info: Option /showlog detected
2015-03-05 11:18:03,54 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.3.9600.17238 (w63 x64 fra sp0)
2015-03-05 11:18:03,54 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows Software Licensing Management Tool info...
2015-03-05 11:18:03,54 - Info: Nomÿ: Windows(R), Core edition
2015-03-05 11:18:03,54 - Info: Description : Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel
2015-03-05 11:18:03,54 - Info: Cl‚ de produit partielleÿ: 94Q2D
2015-03-05 11:18:03,54 - Info: tat de la licenceÿ: avec licence
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.9.9600.17238
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.9600.17289
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.17344
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.17351
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Trusted Root Certificates' version 41.0.2195.0
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Revoked Root Certificates' version 6.0.2195.0
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Microsoft Data Access Components version 6.3.9600.16384
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Microsoft Silverlight version 5.1.30514.0
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Windows Media Player version 12.0.9600.17031
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16384
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.4926
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 4 version 4.5.51650
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Windows Management Framework version 4.0
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
2015-03-05 11:18:03,56 - Info: Medium build date: 2015-02-17
2015-03-05 11:18:03,57 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Windows (w63 x64 glb)
2015-03-05 11:18:07,79 - Info: Detected state of service 'Windows Update': Stopped (start mode: Manual)
2015-03-05 11:18:09,87 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
2015-03-05 11:19:14,14 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
2015-03-05 11:19:16,16 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
2015-03-05 11:19:16,32 - Info: Skipped update kb2917500 (Revoked Root Certificates) due to matching black list entry
2015-03-05 11:19:16,32 - Info: Skipped update kb2919355 (Windows 8.1 Update 1) due to matching black list entry
2015-03-05 11:19:16,32 - Info: Skipped update kb890830 (Malicious Software Removal Tool) due to matching black list entry
2015-03-05 11:19:16,32 - Info: Skipped update kb3021952 (Security update for Internet Explorer: February 10, 2015) due to matching black list entry
2015-03-05 11:19:20,36 - Info: Listed update files
2015-03-05 11:31:15,22 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:31:59,87 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:32:35,94 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:34:21,61 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:34:54,46 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:37:54,48 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:38:11,22 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:38:39,92 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:38:55,05 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:39:27,75 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:39:54,87 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:40:30,70 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:47:54,81 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:57:32,62 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:58:03,51 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:59:09,77 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 11:59:26,87 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:07:00,33 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:07:26,36 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:07:43,58 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:08:02,85 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:08:20,31 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:08:45,82 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:09:03,95 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:09:21,97 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:09:40,14 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:09:58,56 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:10:25,00 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:15:51,35 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:28:56,42 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:40:09,56 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:40:54,09 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:41:14,75 - Info: Installed ..\w63-x64\glb\
2015-03-05 12:41:14,78 - Info: Installed 33 updates
2015-03-05 12:41:14,84 - Info: Registered log file display
2015-03-05 12:41:14,86 - Info: Restored Winlogon registry hive
2015-03-05 12:41:14,89 - Info: Restored System policies registry hive
2015-03-05 12:41:15,04 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
2015-03-05 12:41:15,08 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
2015-03-05 12:41:15,09 - Info: Unregistered recall
2015-03-05 12:41:15,11 - Info: Disabled autologon
2015-03-05 12:41:15,26 - Info: Registered deletion of WOUTempAdmin profile ("C:\Users\WOUTempAdmin")
2015-03-05 12:41:15,26 - Info: Deleted registry reference to WOUTempAdmin profile
2015-03-05 12:41:15,33 - Info: Registered deletion of recall directory
2015-03-05 12:41:25,03 - Info: Deleted WOUTempAdmin account
2015-03-05 12:41:14,79 - Info: Adjusted boot sequence for next reboot
2015-03-05 12:41:25,87 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update

The computer fails to install KB3000850, restarts, then goes on to install the remaining updates as if the update was successfuly installed.
After WSUSOU ends, I still have to install KB3000850 via Windows Update.
And the weird part is that even if the update successfully installs, I still have to re-download the update via Windows Update and install it again.

This reminds me of a problem I still encounter with KB2919355

Any advice on this?

Posts: 18
Joined: 10.08.2014, 18:34

Re: Failed installation of KB3000850

Postby aker » 08.03.2015, 09:38

Please post the content of C:\Windows\Logs\Dism\Dism.log in [code]-tags directly after wsusou ran.
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: Failed installation of KB3000850

Postby Kiktelos » 12.03.2015, 02:48

aker wrote:Please post the content of C:\Windows\Logs\Dism\Dism.log in [code]-tags directly after wsusou ran.

Thanks for the answer aker, I'll post my findings but it won't be until 2 weeks as I'm on vacation.
Posts: 18
Joined: 10.08.2014, 18:34

Re: Failed installation of KB3000850

Postby someone2 » 18.09.2017, 10:23

Download KB3000850
32 bit: [ shortened link removed]
64 bit: [ shortened link removed]
Last edited by harry on 18.09.2017, 11:36, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: [ shortened link removed]
Posts: 28
Joined: 19.08.2011, 12:56

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