NEWS for Linux download scripts, version 1.21

NEWS for Linux download scripts, version 1.21

Postby hbuhrmester » 24.07.2021, 10:18

NEWS for the Linux download scripts, version 1.21

Release date: 2021-07-24
Development branch: esr-11.9
Supported version: WSUS Offline Update, Community Edition 11.9.10 (b16)

Internal changes

  • Implemented revised mechanism of calculating superseded updates (Thanks to "hbuhrmester" and "aker")


The download links for this version are:

Link for the online check at VirusTotal. Note, that the URL includes the SHA-256 hash of the archive:

The hashes for the archive linux-scripts-1.21.tgz are:
Code: Select all
MD5      0fc2044b7e8554d30cde4fd70858c365
SHA-1    a5031c65e7804605b534fb347d971e33114b26da
SHA-256  36e714166410998d0ac1ae9fea6732178016c8ddef27604c0f934492d43b5144

Further Reading

The first three posts in the original topic A complete rewrite of the Linux scripts are still being updated, to point to the latest version:

Posts: 525
Joined: 11.10.2013, 20:59

Re: NEWS for Linux download scripts, version 1.21

Postby Rush » 26.07.2021, 06:06

danke für deine arbeit :)
Posts: 184
Joined: 09.08.2015, 19:05

Re: NEWS for Linux download scripts, version 1.21

Postby aker » 26.07.2021, 13:44

Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

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