NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2020-07-12)

NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2020-07-12)

Postby hbuhrmester » 12.07.2020, 15:55

NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2.0-CE)

Release date: 2020-07-12
Intended compatibility: WSUS Offline Update, Community Edition 12.0

This is a port of the Linux download scripts, version 2.0 to WSUS Offline Update, Community Edition 12.0.

New features

Support for the Community Edition of WSUS Offline Updates

The Linux download scripts now support the Community Edition of WSUS Offline Updates:

The initial version 2.0-CE was tested with WSUS Offline Update, Community Edition 12.0:

Updates for the configuration files and for the self update of WSUS Offline Update are now pulled from the directory "Static Definition Updates" on GitLab:

Querying the Etag instead of timestamping for GitLab

Unfortunately, GitLab does not return the Last-modified header. This could be a problem with GitLab itself or with the Cloudflare content delivery network.

Therefore, the usual timestamping with wget or aria2 does not work. It only results in the same files being downloaded every time.

The Etag as a unique identifier can be queried instead. Download utilities like wget can send a single GET request with the conditional header "If-None-Match: <Etag>" to check for changed files. The server can then respond with "200 OK", if the file has been modified, or with "304 Not Modified", if the file is the same.

This is the the same approach, which is used for timestamping: Both use a single GET request with a conditional header and rely on the server to return the correct result.

There are four conditional headers, which can be used this way (but only one per request):

Code: Select all
      If-Unmodified-Since: <date>  Check for unchanged files
      If-Modified-Since: <date>    Check for modified files
      If-Match: <Etag>             Check for unchanged files
      If-None-Match: <Etag>        Check for modified files

The approach for the script is:

  • On the first download, the complete server response is saved to disk.
  • On the next download run, the Etag is extracted and a new custom header "If-None-Match: <Etag>" is constructed and sent to the server.
  • So far, this was only tested with wget, not with aria2 or other download utilities.

Support for Windows 10, version 2004

Support for Windows 10, version 2004, was added to the Window 10 selection dialog. This only makes a difference, if the corresponding exclude list file is added, e.g.:

Then you can deselect this version. Without configuration, the default will be to include all Windows 10 versions.


Since this is a new development branch, the self-update of the Linux scripts, if enabled, will not work for this version.


The download links for this version are:

Link for the online check at VirusTotal. Note, that the URL includes the SHA-256 hash of the archive:

The hashes for the archive sh-2.0-ce.tgz are:
Code: Select all
MD5:     5d4ee894060f387eb9274c6b67161f4e
SHA-256: 622aad7846d684e9da93c6c32c2136b13ecef7cfac93cc258aabcfbf3b378925

Further Reading

The first three posts in the original topic A complete rewrite of the Linux scripts are still being updated, to point to the latest version:

Posts: 525
Joined: 11.10.2013, 20:59

Re: NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2020-07-12)

Postby aker » 12.07.2020, 22:07

Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2020-07-12)

Postby Rush » 12.07.2020, 22:46

danke :)
Posts: 188
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Re: NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2020-07-12)

Postby mani » 17.07.2020, 13:49

Schönen Tag miteinander
Irgendwas stimmt nicht....ich laufe im Kreis ;-)

Ich habe mit hbuhrmester CE Version angefangen, die ja netterweise gleich das vollständige runter lädt...........und schwubs mache ich mit linux version 1.19 weiter

2020-07-17 14:32:37 - Info: Starting download-updates.bash 2.0-CE (2020-07-12)
2020-07-17 14:33:26 - Info: Downloading/validating ...
020-07-17 14:33:35 - Info: Restarting script download-updates.bash ...


2020-07-17 14:33:35 - Info: Starting download-updates.bash 1.19 (2020-03-11)

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Re: NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2020-07-12)

Postby Dalai » 17.07.2020, 18:19

aker hat bislang erstmal nur einen Commit bei GitLab gemacht, es gibt aber noch kein fertiges Release mit den neuen Linux-Skripten. Das ist das gleiche wie bisher mit dem Trac bei

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Re: NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2020-07-12)

Postby aker » 17.07.2020, 23:14

Ein neues Release steht noch aus, da drei entscheidende Punkte noch nicht erledigt sind:

1) neues System für die SDD-Downloads mittels ETag muss noch implementiert werden (auf meiner TODO-Liste für dieses Wochenende)
2) Anpassung der Windows- und Linux-Skripte aneinander (ETags)
3) Ich muss die ganzen Änderungen seit der 12.0 jetzt erst einmal testen; bislang hatte ich noch keine wirkliche Zeit für mehr als einen flüchtigen Test.

Viele Grüße
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2020-07-12)

Postby hbuhrmester » 18.07.2020, 02:29


Das Archiv "sh-2.0-ce.tgz" wird ja als "sh-2.0-ce" entpackt. Man sollte den Ordner an dieser Stelle nicht umbenennen.

Wenn man den Ordner in "sh" umbenennt, dann wird er beim Entpacken des wsusoffline-Archivs überschrieben, und man bekommt eine ältere Version.

Wenn man den Namen einfach beibehält, bekommt man anschließend zwei Ordner "sh" und "sh-2.0-ce". Dann wird das ursprüngliche Skript neu gestartet. So funktioniert das bei mir eigentlich immer – für die Entwicklung habe ich immer einen oder zwei zusätzliche Ordner mit anderen Namen.

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Re: NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2020-07-12)

Postby cdgoldin » 18.10.2020, 07:03

I'm totally confused. The download page shows "12.03.2020 Version 12.0" as the latest version, and it doesn't have support for Windoze 2004. This thread references Version 2.0 (vs.12.0)???
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Re: NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2020-07-12)

Postby Dalai » 18.10.2020, 10:09

It's right up there in one of the first sentences:
This is a port of the Linux download scripts, version 2.0 to WSUS Offline Update, Community Edition 12.0.

Meaning the version 2.0 relates to the Linux download scripts themselves, and they're made for WSUS Offline Update version 12.0.

Posts: 1041
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Re: NEWS for Version 2.0 Community Edition (2020-07-12)

Postby cdgoldin » 18.10.2020, 12:09

I'm still confused. Do I need to install something besides WSUSOffline 12.0? If so, how. [This may be clear to others from this thread, but it isn't clear to me. In fact, the "installation instructions" appear to be for Linux installations, not Windoze, which is also confusing? Why would I be updating Windoze from a Linux system?]

Also, I copied ... 0-2004.txt to ..\wsusoffline\ExcludeList-w100-2004.txt, but when I start the update generator, it does NOT show Windows-10 version 2004 as an option.
Last edited by cdgoldin on 19.10.2020, 03:15, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 72
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