version 2.0: first run comments

version 2.0: first run comments

Postby mani » 01.04.2020, 11:15

Dear Hartmut
First of all: Great improvement over the last years and thanks for your hard work.
I am running my cron job nowadays every week, Wednesday early morning, and I am curious since 26th of march how your new version will solve the Win-10 choosing part.

Now I got 4 warnings for following command:
Command line: /files/wsusoffline/sh-new/download-updates.bash w100,w100-x64,o2k13-x64 deu,enu -includesp -includecpp -includedotnet
2020-04-01 02:01:29 - Warning: Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 is no longer supported.
2020-04-01 02:01:31 - Warning: Option -includesp is not recognized.
2020-04-01 02:03:50 - Warning: The settings file w100-versions.ini was not found. Please install the utility "dialog" and use the script update-generator.bash to select your Windows 10 versions.
2020-04-01 02:08:09 - Warning: The settings file w100-versions.ini was not found. Please install the utility "dialog" and use the script update-generator.bash to select your Windows 10 versions.

1. the Win7 warning is nice, but in my case not necessary anymore (stopped the download in February)
2. nice reminder to change my cron script

3 and 4. this was not so easy ;-)
first I was looking for a w100-version.ini...........not available...aha...I have to run the problem (i thought), to choose the necessary parts and....say NO to run the script, because it was done a few hours before......

not a good choice: the new ini files are not written, the tmp directories are empty..........after running it again, everything is working and no warning anymore in the short run, because nothing is really done, due to the 24 hours rerun limit.

Now I have real questions:
1. why is the 1507 and 1607 win10 version chosen as standard? I thought they are out of service
2. what will happen, when the 2003 version will appear and i run the update only as command (see above)?
will you add them automatically to the ini? (I would prefer it this way)

Best regards
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Joined: 04.04.2017, 15:50

Re: version 2.0: first run comments

Postby boco » 01.04.2020, 17:59

I can answer #1: 1507 and 1607 are still in support, as the LTSB 2015 (1507) and LTSB 2016 (1607) versions are alive. LTSB 2015 will reach EOL in 2025, and LTSB 2016 in 2026.

The third LTSB (now called LTSC) version is 1809. A new LTSC is released roughly every 3 years, each has 5 years full + 5 years extended support.
Microsoft update catalog:
Windows Install media download:
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Re: version 2.0: first run comments

Postby hbuhrmester » 02.04.2020, 18:01

2020-04-01 02:01:29 - Warning: Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 is no longer supported.

1. the Win7 warning is nice, but in my case not necessary anymore (stopped the download in February)

This warning is displayed, if the download directories client/w61 or client/w61-x64 can still be found. But the latest version WSUS Offline Update 12.0 won't support these downloads anymore.

You could rather use the new ESR versions, which still support Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2:

  • Download and unpack WSUS Offline Update 11.9.1-ESR
  • Download and unpack the Linux scripts 1.19.1-ESR
  • Move the directories client/w61 and client/w61-x64 to the ESR version
  • Move the hashdeep files client/md/hashes-w61-glb.txt and client/md/hashes-w61-x64-glb.txt to the ESR version

not a good choice: the new ini files are not written, the tmp directories are empty..........after running it again, everything is working and no warning anymore in the short run, because nothing is really done, due to the 24 hours rerun limit.

If you need to rerun the script, you can simply delete the timestamp files in the directory wsusoffline/timestamps.

These are just empty files. They are created and updated with "touch", and the modification date can then be read with "date -r". So this is not rocket science, but a simple way to keep track of completed tasks.

If the script says:

"The configuration file... was updated. All updates will be recalculated."

then it will also delete these timestamps, to reschedule all updates.

1. why is the 1507 and 1607 win10 version chosen as standard? I thought they are out of service

I just copied the default selections from the Windows application UpdateGenerator.exe.

2. what will happen, when the 2003 version will appear and i run the update only as command (see above)?

With the current implementation, the key will not be found, and then the default action will be taken. In this case, the new version will be downloaded.

This is, because the new Windows 10 selection works with exclude lists:

Code: Select all

These files are compiled to a Windows 10 specific exclude list, if the versions are set to "off". So the default would be to download all versions, if the settings cannot be found.

You should rerun the script update-generator.bash at least once to update the file w100-versions.ini.

will you add them automatically to the ini? (I would prefer it this way)

This can be added by inserting three lines into the file 60-main-updates.bash, e.g. change:

Code: Select all
if value="$(read_setting "${w100_versions_file}" "${key}")"
    if [[ "${value}" == off ]]
        # Let the function apply_exclude_lists check,
        # if all added files actually exist
        log_debug_message "Excluded: ${key} ${value}"


Code: Select all
if value="$(read_setting "${w100_versions_file}" "${key}")"
    if [[ "${value}" == off ]]
        # Let the function apply_exclude_lists check,
        # if all added files actually exist
        log_debug_message "Excluded: ${key} ${value}"
    log_warning_message "The key ${key} was not found in the settings file ${w100_versions_file}. Appending \"${key}=on\" to the end of the file."
    write_setting "${w100_versions_file}" "${key}" on

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Re: version 2.0: first run comments

Postby mani » 09.04.2020, 09:50

Dear Hartmuth
There is a misunderstanding for my wish: it is obsolete, because your program is working as I want it: OFF is doing something to hold up the downloading and (ON or not existing) is anyway downloading. Means: I have to be active to stop the downloading

BTW: I only download the 1903/1909 versions at the moment and the directory size for the 32 Bit version went from 3.6G to 396M, and from 6.2 to 722M for the x64

I recognized that the kb4537759 Update is still available for all versions.
kb4514359-x64 is in an endless install mode till you install the 1903 to 1909 "feature update"
The rest of the updates are drivers and a Cumulative Updates which were released after the update catalog file date: 2020-03-12T17:03:51Z

Thanks again for your great work

Thanks for the explanation; I was fearing that MS has still some important old-updates in this versions.
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Joined: 04.04.2017, 15:50

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