Release date: 2020-03-11
Intended compatibility: WSUS Offline Update 11.9
Bug fixes
Virus definition files, certificates and certificate revocation lists were not downloaded
Some Microsoft servers now check the user-agent of the download utility.
Internal changes
The domain now uses https everywhere
All occurrences of "", "" and "" were changed to https.
The download links are used for the self-update of WSUS Offline Update and for the update of the configuration files. Forum and Trac links are only used in comments and the documentation.
Cleaned up the calculation of dynamic Office updates
Version 1.17 introduced a new method for the calculation of dynamic Office updates. The old method was kept as a fallback, because there was a small chance, that the WSUS offline scan file would change back to its former format. This didn't happen, and the old implementation was removed now.
The private file ./xslt/extract-office-revision-and-update-ids.xsl for the Linux scripts is no longer needed, because it was moved to wsusoffline/xslt.
Cleaned up the calculation of dynamic Windows 10 updates
Superseded Windows 10 updates were not deleted, because their paths on the server changed, and the calculation of superseded updates did not respect the new paths.
Version 1.18 suggested a new XSLT transformation file extract-file-ids-and-locations.xsl, which did not check the paths on the server at all. This fixed the calculation of superseded Windows 10 updates, but it also affected other Windows versions, e.g. some files were also deleted from other download directories. This could actually be correct, but it was unexpected at this point.
WSUS Offline Update now uses a modified file extract-update-cab-exe-ids-and-locations.xsl, which respects the new file paths of Windows 10 updates on the server. This doesn't cause unexpected side effects with other Windows versions. The Windows and Linux scripts don't need any changes, because the filename of the XSLT did not change.
So, most of the changes in version 1.18 can now be rolled back, and the private file ./xslt/extract-file-ids-and-locations.xsl is no longer needed. The private directory ./xslt can also be deleted for now.
Renamed some temporary files
The files DynamicDownloadLinksPruned-${name}-${arch}-${lang}.txt and DynamicDownloadLinksPruned-ofc-${lang}.txt were renamed to CurrentDynamicLinks-${name}-${arch}-${lang}.txt and CurrentDynamicLinks-ofc-${lang}.txt.
This describes the purpose of these files better: First a list of all dynamic updates is created, then the superseded updates are removed. The difference is a list of current dynamic links.
Moved and reimplemented some code
The creation of backup files and the integrity check of the file and the four virus definition files was moved from the function download_single_file to the function download_single_file_failsafe. This removes some duplicate code.
The check for new versions of the file and the WSUS Offline Update configuration files was rewritten without the need of temporary timestamp files.
The download links for this version are:
Link for the online check at VirusTotal. Note, that the URL includes the SHA-256 hash of the archive:
The hashes for the archive sh-1.19.tgz are:
- Code: Select all
MD5: a50ccd57500a6e62032be101b91b80e0
SHA-256: 8a0af4fb679e8b9f10e4567196bb1edacb06ec87136780e00ef0e5345f730f48
Further Reading
The first three posts in the original topic A complete rewrite of the Linux scripts are still being updated, to point to the latest version: