Der Fehler ist wohl teilweise behoben. / The error seems to be fixed partially.
Tests are in progress and will be posted here.
Windows Server 2008 x86: ???
Windows Server 2008 x64: ???
Windows 7 x86: working (tested using 2018-04)
Windows 7 x64: working (tested using 2018-04)
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64: ???
Windows Server 2012 x64: ???
Windows 8.1 x86: ???
Windows 8.1 x64: ???
Windows Server 2012 R2 x64: ???
Windows 10 LTSB 10240 x86: unsure
Windows 10 LTSB 10240 x64: working (tested using 10240.17797 [KB4088786/2018-03-13])
Windows 10 LTSB 14393 x86: unsure
Windows 10 LTSB 14393 x64: working (tested using 10.0.14393.2214)
Windows Server 2016 x64: ???
Windows 10 15063 x86: working (tested using 15063.1058 [KB4093117/2018-04-17])
Windows 10 15063 x64: working (tested using 15063.1058 [KB4093117/2018-04-17])
Windows 10 16299 x86: working (tested using 16299.402 [KB4093105/2018-04-23])
Windows 10 16299 x64:
BROKEN (tested using 16299.402 [KB4093105/2018-04-23])Windows 10 17134 x86: working (tested using 17134.1 [RTM])
Windows 10 17134 x64: working (tested using 17134.1 [RTM])
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.
WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“