2018-05 wsuscn2.cab Problem

2018-05 wsuscn2.cab Problem

Postby aker » 16.05.2018, 00:05

Anscheinend ist im Kontext des Patchday Mai 2018 (2018-05) die Datei wsusscn2.cab beschädigt worden, sodass trotz Download unter Windows 10 aktuell keine Updates ermittelt werden können.
Eine Fehlerbehebung durch Microsoft ist hierzu erforderlich.
Eine Kopie der wsusscn2.cab vom 10.04.2018 ist am Ende des Beitrags verlinkt.


This patchday (2018-05) the catalog file wsusscn2.cab got damaged by MS. wsusou currently isn't able to determine missing updates on Windows 10 platforms due to the error inside the catalog.
This behaviour has to be corrected by MS and can't be fixed here.
A link to a copy of 2018-04-10 wsusscn2.cab is added at the end of this post.


Quelle / source: :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8027
wsusscn2.cab (2018-04-10): Link entfernt, da Problem behoben
Last edited by aker on 22.12.2018, 02:31, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Link entfernt
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WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: 2018-05 wsuscn2.cab Problem

Postby boco » 16.05.2018, 02:44

Der originale Katalog vom 08.05.2018 ist mit Sicherheit kaputt. Es gibt bereits einen neuen Katalog vom 15.05.2018, bleibt zu testen, ob der das Problem behebt.

Code: Select all
File: wsusscn2.cab
CRC-32: aea2fd0f
MD5: 5c2f17b75d8be1d33f50ab463692442c
SHA-1: 7dbc9f70c01f3f4d0943325f936fb43e8eb3c5ea
SHA-256: 03a554c10f9efd51db1becf9a231b52a4fc5a756a54da58d76507280bf2d67d3
SHA-512: 3ba08d4a9d13b8d9b65a527ce1858fede3560b80f28d89e367fa8231a7d69ba108291479539ec734e1adca8728b2eba9aee01052b95b04c73f7bc9ca2ea1cad5
SHA3-256: e421dd56d4a83b7991479775de6670a89f5f24879d65f00a59274886c9a63262
SHA3-512: f0326224c3353213c133d15eedbf542f06b4df8874d1c355b86221aabf4819f89c40ad795b521c38e4c81ec42fb20a9edb6cdf0392c285dd6ebb05f84eac9a5f

Code: Select all
File: wsusscn2.cab
CRC-32: 84d437fd
MD5: 73605d45f9c2b44612b839c1ac1d4116
SHA-1: 3f29dd37359e16e03ec3aab08bbf95db0a214871
SHA-256: 30e8e889207a9ef6d118f07b4a37901b11234bd90b8deded7ec57ee821bcedbe
SHA-512: 0f2576226fc34c1afc91a640d7023887d825b0f97471ecce7c94c5711227d0bfe48f44daac851ba831df7d914f51706330436a561ccf61c83f4c4f4bb76b4af3
SHA3-256: b20a7da35628922c19bc2f069ccb657f35e59e179bb354a01f528550419750f3
SHA3-512: 32323e3fea7187025d5c0e69cff80e0e687dc32a467a8dc3b3fc28696c281e23020ba2ac9230843ca08fa4ed6800384146e67e1a1615da8da5d690c3500f5362
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
Windows Install media download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15088/windows-create-installation-media
Posts: 2398
Joined: 24.11.2009, 17:00
Location: Germany

Re: 2018-05 wsuscn2.cab Problem

Postby aker » 22.05.2018, 14:51

Der Fehler ist wohl teilweise behoben. / The error seems to be fixed partially.

Tests are in progress and will be posted here.

Windows Server 2008 x86: ???
Windows Server 2008 x64: ???

Windows 7 x86: working (tested using 2018-04)
Windows 7 x64: working (tested using 2018-04)
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64: ???

Windows Server 2012 x64: ???

Windows 8.1 x86: ???
Windows 8.1 x64: ???
Windows Server 2012 R2 x64: ???

Windows 10 LTSB 10240 x86: unsure
Windows 10 LTSB 10240 x64: working (tested using 10240.17797 [KB4088786/2018-03-13])

Windows 10 LTSB 14393 x86: unsure
Windows 10 LTSB 14393 x64: working (tested using 10.0.14393.2214)
Windows Server 2016 x64: ???

Windows 10 15063 x86: working (tested using 15063.1058 [KB4093117/2018-04-17])
Windows 10 15063 x64: working (tested using 15063.1058 [KB4093117/2018-04-17])

Windows 10 16299 x86: working (tested using 16299.402 [KB4093105/2018-04-23])
Windows 10 16299 x64: BROKEN (tested using 16299.402 [KB4093105/2018-04-23])

Windows 10 17134 x86: working (tested using 17134.1 [RTM])
Windows 10 17134 x64: working (tested using 17134.1 [RTM])
Last edited by aker on 22.05.2018, 21:35, edited 1 time in total.
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: 2018-05 wsuscn2.cab Problem

Postby aker » 23.05.2018, 22:08

16299.402 (fresh setup, running inside VirtualBox)
Code: Select all
23.05.2018 23:11:25,54 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update (v. 11.3+ (r962))
23.05.2018 23:11:25,54 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\client\cmd\" on DESKTOP-SOQSRC4 (user: aker)
23.05.2018 23:11:37,92 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 10.0.16299.402 (w100 x64 deu sp0)
23.05.2018 23:11:37,92 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows Software Licensing Management Tool info...
23.05.2018 23:11:37,97 - Info: Found total physical memory: 2 GB
23.05.2018 23:11:37,97 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 10.0.16299.402
23.05.2018 23:11:37,97 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.16299.309
23.05.2018 23:11:37,97 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.812.10240.16384
23.05.2018 23:11:37,98 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.16299.0
23.05.2018 23:11:37,98 - Info: Found Microsoft Silverlight version
23.05.2018 23:11:37,98 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 10.0.16299.402
23.05.2018 23:11:37,98 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version
23.05.2018 23:11:37,98 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
23.05.2018 23:11:37,98 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 4 version 4.7.02556 (release: 461308)
23.05.2018 23:11:37,98 - Info: Found Windows Management Framework version 5.1.16299.15
23.05.2018 23:11:37,98 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
23.05.2018 23:11:38,17 - Info: Medium build date: 22.05.2018
23.05.2018 23:11:38,17 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Windows (w100 x64 glb)
23.05.2018 23:11:38,29 - Info: Disabled screensaver
23.05.2018 23:11:38,58 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
23.05.2018 23:11:38,79 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
23.05.2018 23:11:39,17 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
23.05.2018 23:11:39,31 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
23.05.2018 23:11:39,31 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
23.05.2018 23:11:39,29 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
23.05.2018 23:11:41,64 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
23.05.2018 23:11:41,65 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
23.05.2018 23:11:41,67 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
23.05.2018 23:11:41,64 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
23.05.2018 23:14:17,48 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
23.05.2018 23:14:19,92 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
23.05.2018 23:14:20,04 - Info: Listed update files
23.05.2018 23:14:20,06 - Info: No missing update found
23.05.2018 23:14:20,09 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
23.05.2018 23:14:20,11 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
23.05.2018 23:14:20,17 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
23.05.2018 23:14:20,20 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update

installed updates:
Code: Select all
- KB4054022 (Servicing Stack)
- KB4058702 (Servicing Stack)
- KB4074608 (Servicing Stack)
- KB4087256 (Servicing Stack)
- KB4090914 (Servicing Stack)
- KB4099989 (Servicing Stack)
- KB4131372 (Servicing Stack)
- KB4132650 (Servicing Stack)
- KB4093110 (Flash 2018-04)
- KB4093105 (cumulative 2018-04-23)
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

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