End of support for Win 2000 - Wegfall des W2k-Supports

End of support for Win 2000 - Wegfall des W2k-Supports

Postby asdf.wou » 08.11.2010, 17:31

WSUS Offline home page says version 6.6.4 is the last being able to download Win 2000 updates. I don't understand it clearly:

what I want to know is: in there any confirmed date in which Win 2000 updates won't be ever downloadable, or does it simply mean that Microsoft won't release new updates?

In other words, if I want to have all Win 2000 updates stored on a DVD, must I download all them NOW?

Sorry for my bad english and thanks before your replay.

Re: End of support for Win 2000

Postby -Iwan- » 08.11.2010, 19:09


i believe that nobody can tell you, how long the patches will stay on the MS homepage and server.
I believe, they will be available for some years as i've updated a Win 98 machine some weeks ago.
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Re: End of support for Win 2000

Postby boco » 08.11.2010, 20:07

MS says that self-support for products out of lifecycle will continue for at least a year.
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
Windows Install media download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15088/windows-create-installation-media
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Re: End of support for Win 2000

Postby Denniss » 08.11.2010, 20:32

Then it'stime to backup a recent wsusscn2.cab with W2k support if a future version of sometime year will be released without containing W2k updates.
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Re: End of support for Win 2000

Postby asdf.wou » 09.11.2010, 11:04

-Iwan- wrote:Hello,

i believe that nobody can tell you, how long the patches will stay on the MS homepage and server.
I believe, they will be available for some years as i've updated a Win 98 machine some weeks ago.

Oh! How interesting! How have you done to download Winthem? Is there any way to download Win 95/98/ME updates nowadays?

Re: End of support for Win 2000

Postby -Iwan- » 09.11.2010, 18:09

I only started the MS Update shortcut in the start menu.
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Re: End of support for Win 2000

Postby asdf.wou » 11.11.2010, 11:09

Ah, sorry, what a shame, And is there any old version of WSUS that allows you to download oldest systems updates?

Re: End of support for Win 2000

Postby boco » 11.11.2010, 11:35

No. OS older than Win2k don't work with WSUS. Some time ago you could build a 9x/ME/NT update repository using the Windows catalog, but no more (now redirects to Marketplace).
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
Windows Install media download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15088/windows-create-installation-media
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Re: End of support for Win 2000

Postby Denniss » 09.12.2010, 20:25

Support for win2000 has been completely removed in the new version, please use the old version 665 for updating W2k-machines.

It is possible that M$ will remove W2k from the update database file wsusscn2.cab we use for dynamically determination of the update files. You may want to backup a current version still with W2k support for future use.
Last edited by boco on 10.12.2010, 04:36, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Corrected a few typos.
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Was bedeutet der Wegfall des W2k-Supports

Postby rolfie » 14.12.2010, 21:32

Ok, MS liefert für W2k keine Updates mehr aus. Thorsten hat angekündigt das ab V6.7 auch der W2k-Support entfällt.

Was bedeutet das für meine seit mindestens V4.0 gepflegte Sammlung von W2k-Updates? Werden die beim nächsten Aufruf bereinigt und gelöscht? Ich habe mir bisher nie ISO's gebrannt. War nicht nötig, das Offline-Update liegt auf meinem Fileserver und ist für alle PC's erreichbar. Und ich will meine W2k-PC's nicht auf XP upgraden.

Wie sichere ich die gesammelten Updates am besten? Per ISO? Oder kann ich die irgendwie geschickt auslagern? Ich bitte um Vorschläge.

Mfg rh


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