lioninstreet wrote:So you don't want KB4534976 = 2020-01 SecOnly update for .NET 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2 and 4.8 in the install tool?
There is no "Windows6.1-KB4534976-xxx.exe/cmd/msu".
KB4534976 is a collection of KB4532960, KB4532964, KB4532971 and KB4532952. wrote:2020-01 Sicherheitsupdate für .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8 für Windows 7 und Server 2008 R2 für x64 (KB4534976)
lioninstreet wrote:Run log showing updates skipped due to black list entries I referred to above.
Did you install the convenience rollup?
KB982018 is included using a static list (.\static\custom\StaticUpdateIds-w61-x64.txt), but excluded using a convenience-rollup exclusive exclude list (.\exclude\custom\ExcludeList-KB3125574.txt).
The files excluded using these update-dependant exclude lists were excluded to prevent an installation loop because they are in a static list, but superseded by another rollup. Either as they are marked as superseded by MS (.\exclude\ExcludeList-KB3125574.txt) or behave strange [installation loops, fail to install, not listed by WUMT after installing the rollup anymore] (.\exclude\custom\ExcludeList-KB3125574.txt). For the updates on my own convenience update ExcludeList (.\exclude\custom\ExcludeList-KB3125574.txt) I cannot tell you, why I put them on it. I had a reason for all of them.
You can try to install the updates listed in .\exclude\custom\ExcludeList-KB3125574.txt, but it might not work as expected.
lioninstreet wrote::!: After all this work, Im pretty puzzled about the differences in what WUMT and a wmic qfe list show as being installed. Comparing the two, they both pickup some and miss others. How in the heck can you be sure what is actually being installed?
Using two ways:
1) The most complete list is provided by DISM. Combined with the others (Windows Update history, list of installed updates under "Control Panel -> Programs -> View installed updated", reports of wmic/systeminfo/...) I can get a pretty complete list. You can use the script ".\cmd\ListInstalledDISMPackages.cmd" to get the installed updates using DISM. Run it as admin and it will store a file named "InstalledDISMPackages.txt" or similar in your TEMP-folder.
2) Due to the fact, that WUMT/... don't show the updates as missing anymore.
lioninstreet wrote:4) After running the update tool, WU still wants to install 16 updates. Most are time zone related, GWX/Telemetry related, a driver, or not related to WHS11 functionality. On the five remaining below, was there anything specific about them that you chose to leave them out of the tool, should they just be installed with WU, or?
kb2603229 - U - values of the 32-bit versions of two registry entries are incorrect in 64-bit versions
kb2798162 - U - Improves messaging in dialog boxes when you run executable files
kb2893519 - U - "Remember my credentials" option cannot be hidden when the SspiPromptForCredentials function is called
kb3054205 - U - Update for SIP to enable WinVerifyTrust function ins2k8r2 to work with a later version of Windows
kb3118401 - U - Allows w10 dependent Universal Runtime apps to run on earlier versions of Windows.
Just saw this edit.
Please post new aspects in new posts, just edit posts to correct mistakes (such as me posting the wrong .NET version). This reduces the confusion on the side of all others reading this topic.
I'll take a look at the updates.