Cababs wrote:WUMT is outdated. it was updated to WuMgr but when i used both they both gave the same result. your best bet is to get the list of updates from Windows Update itself.
I'm in the midst of running install testing of the updater v3. To find installed updates I'm using the update tool log and comparing it to the output of the CMD script wmic qfe list > UpdateList.txt. I'm also comparing against WUMT. I went with WUMT because unlike WuMgr, it can be used without .NET 4.6.1 as a prerequisite so I can use it before installing .NET4.8. Results after running to update tool are:
[Edited for clarification]
A bare install starts with 2 updates already showing in WU history. The readme adds 10 more. Run the updater and the log shows it added another 107 for a total of 119.
Differing, the wmic qfe list list shows 109 installed & includes the 10 readme updates.
Again, WUMT is also completely different. It shows 71 on the installed log, 27 on the update history log for a total of 98. but by breaking down the URL kb download links (some KB's seem to contain multiple sub updates) there is a total of 58 titled kb's and 142 URL's with kb numbers on them.
Even stranger is kb2781272 (GPT/UEFI Hotfix Feature Pack) doesn't show installed on the wmic qfe list or the WUMT installed log (& URL log). It only shows up on the WUMT update history log.

So I was wondering, since it doesn't seem to be possible to print the WU installed updates list directly, what are you using to pull a list of installed updates?
aker wrote:I still need to add the last missig 4 updates to the installation list,
Will have to set up a new VM and redo all the preparation.
[Edited for clarification]
Couple of observations.
1) I remember the discussion about updating .NET (and not updating 4.x when using 4.8). Looks like the 2020-01 .NET 4.8 update (kb4534976) is not in the tool). On purpose?
2) Update kb2857650 (RemoteApp and Desktop 8.1 Connections feature) fails to install. Just install manually if the behavior repeats?
3) What's the criteria for the black list? Of the 44 updates on it, 34 are superseded by either the CR or the 2020-01 SMQR. The other 9 are not superseded.
3 of those 9 are 2014 & 2016 .NET 3.51 updates kb2973112 , kb2978120, kb3122648. They are included in the installer, but from what I've found not included in the most recent 2020-01.NET rollup (or earlier ones). But I've not bothered to research them and there may be a particular issue I don't know about them. Do you remember why they are on the black list?
Of the other 6, the below 2 seem like they would be valuable.
kb3140245 - U - Update to enable TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 as default secure protocols in WinHTTP (re-released 2019-07)
kb982018-v3 - U - Improves compatibility with Advanced Format Disks
The rest deal with functionality that most likely wouldn't be applicable for the use of WHS11.
4) After running the update tool, WU still wants to install 16 updates. Most are time zone related, GWX/Telemetry related, a driver, or not related to WHS11 functionality. On the five remaining below, was there anything specific about them that you chose to leave them out of the tool, should they just be installed with WU, or?
kb2603229 - U - values of the 32-bit versions of two registry entries are incorrect in 64-bit versions
kb2798162 - U - Improves messaging in dialog boxes when you run executable files
kb2893519 - U - "Remember my credentials" option cannot be hidden when the SspiPromptForCredentials function is called
kb3054205 - U - Update for SIP to enable WinVerifyTrust function ins2k8r2 to work with a later version of Windows
kb3118401 - U - Allows w10 dependent Universal Runtime apps to run on earlier versions of Windows.
Your thoughts?