Windows Home Server 2011 Updates

Re: Windows Home Server 2011 Updates

Postby aker » 02.11.2020, 00:07

I‘m fine, just a lot of work due to COVID-19...

I can take a look at the list of updates and check them, but expect me to be very slow.

I don’t see any reason in installing a more recent servicing stack than 01/2020 as the only change I know about is allowing the next ESU-update to be installed. To prevent incompatibilities and/or strange behaviour (as still lists the Servicing stack from 01/2020), I‘d keep it as it is.
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Re: Windows Home Server 2011 Updates

Postby boco » 02.11.2020, 02:17

SSUs are not locked to ESU.
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Re: Windows Home Server 2011 Updates

Postby lioninstreet » 02.11.2020, 04:14

aker wrote:I‘m fine, just a lot of work due to COVID-19...

I can take a look at the list of updates and check them, but expect me to be very slow.

Good to hear your busy, many wish they were....

Same on my side. I've got the updates identified, titled, but only started to paste in the links of where to find them. It looks like MS has started pulling them. I've only been able to find one or two in catalog. Lucky what I searched for so far is on I'll post when I've found what's still out there.
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Re: Windows Home Server 2011 Updates

Postby aker » 02.11.2020, 11:12

boco wrote:SSUs are not locked to ESU.

You can install the most recent SSU without ESU, that's correct.
But I heard, that you need e.g. SSU 02/2020 or newer to install ESU-Rollup 03/2020 and so on.
I never checked it as I don't have an ESU license.
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Re: Windows Home Server 2011 Updates

Postby boco » 02.11.2020, 17:17

It was like that for quite some time - until recently. Now, it's the latest released SSU (due to their status as prerequisites, they cannot be locked to ESU-only. The licensing prep packages are treated exactly the same.

All other updates will require an ESU license to be present. Of course, there are ways around that, but we will not discuss such things here.
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