epguy9 wrote:you should
not be installing the KB3020369 Servicing Stack Update anymore as it's obsolete and superseded by the newer
KB3177467 and
KB4490628 servicing stack updates.
the WSUS offline update tools should NOT be offering the KB3020369 update anymore and should offer the newer updates like either KB3177467 or KB4490628 as normal WU no longer issues KB3020369.
The list of servicing stack updates, that WSUS Offline Update uses, can be found in the file:
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This doesn't include KB3020369, so this seems to be a manual download and installation.
aker maintains a list of current servicing stack updates at:
https://forums.wsusoffline.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6069These updates should be added to the configuration file:
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I would remove the last line:
- Code: Select all
kb4537829,February 2020 Servicing stack update for Windows 7 SP1...
and replace it with:
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kb4536952,January 2020 Servicing stack update
kb4562030,June 2020 Servicing stack update
Unfortunately, moderators cannot write to the svn version control system. We can only write to the forum, like anybody else.
epguy9 wrote:also to resolve some problems installing certain .NET updates which generate the "A certificate chain could not be built to a trusted root authority" error message, download & install the "Microsoft Certificate Authority 2011 certificate" from
MS support article 3149737.
WSUS Offline Update is supposed to automatically download and install this certificate as:
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Otherwise, you can download it at the Microsoft PKI repository: