Missing Updates Round Two: Windows 7

Re: Missing Updates Round Two: Windows 7

Postby boco » 18.11.2019, 05:55

@aker: WUMT is getting very old and seems unmaintained, better to use WUMgr now.
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
Windows Install media download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15088/windows-create-installation-media
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Re: Missing Updates Round Two: Windows 7

Postby Antharro » 25.04.2020, 01:27

Restarting this thread as I've now had some time to get back to it.

Here's the setup:
- Dell Vostro 1510 (Core2Duo, 4Gb RAM, 120Gb SSD)
- New build of WSUSOffline 11.8.3 with Windows 7 x86 + x64 only

Steps taken:

1) Clean install Windows 7 Ultimate x64
2) Installed Dalai's pre-requisites using the script.
3) Ran WSUSOffline in automatic reboot mode.
4) Ran Windows Update.


WU came up with the following updates:


So let's go through these with what we know already.

From the Important tab:

1) 2017-09 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET (KB4041083)
2) 2017-12 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for W7 x64 (KB4054518)
3) 2020-01 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET (KB4535102)
4) 2020-01 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for W7 x64 (KB4534310)
5) Security Update for W7 x64 (KB3021674)
6) Update for W7 x64 (KB971033)
7) Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (KB890830)

1) Not sure why this one is here, would have thought it would have been superseded.
2) Fixes for SQL Server issues, updates timezones and security fixes for Microsoft Scripting Engine. Thought it would have been superseded.
3, 4) I wonder if these have replaced the missing 2019-10 updates from my screenshots above.
5) This fixes a privilege attack issue.
6) Not a security issue. Updates Activation Technologies.
7) Not expecting this to be included in WSUSO.

I would have expected 1 through 5 to be included in WSUSO?

From the Optional tab:

8) 2017-11 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET (KB4049016)
9) 2019-07 Update for W7 x64 (KB4493132)
10) 2020-01 Preview of Monthly Quality Rollup for W7 x64 (KB4539601)
11) Update for Kernel Mode Driver Framework (KB2685811)
12) Update for W7 x64 (KB2647753)
13) Update for W7 x64 (KB3133977)
14) Update for W7 x64 (KB3150513)

8) Seems to be a later version of [1] above?
9) W7 End of Life Notification - not required in WSUSO.
10) Presumably WSUSO does not use "preview" updates?
11) Not a security update.
12) Not a security update. (Printing fix).
13) Not a security update. (Bitlocker fix).
14) Not a security update. (W10 compatibility tool update).

So we can safely ignore all the driver updates (I couldn't be bothered to do them for this test), and we can ignore 11 through 14.

That leaves us with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8.

1) As per Aker's advice, I will install KB4019990 and report back.
2-8) Should these not be included in WSUSO?

I suspect when 8 is installed, 1 will disappear. This is easy enough to test but as it's a security update, I would rather have WSUSO install it.

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Re: Missing Updates Round Two: Windows 7

Postby Dalai » 25.04.2020, 01:34

You should repeat the process with WOU version 11.9.1 since it includes several changes to various updates.

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Re: Missing Updates Round Two: Windows 7

Postby Antharro » 26.04.2020, 02:34


- Downloaded 11.9.1, selected W7 x86 + x64, let it do its thing. No warnings. Log available here: Download Log.
- Clean installed W7 x64 SP1.
- Ran WSUSO.
- Update log here: WSUSOffline Update Log.
- Rebooted when finished, ran Windows Update.
- Results:


That's a lot of updates... before I start going into each one, any ideas?
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Re: Missing Updates Round Two: Windows 7

Postby boco » 26.04.2020, 02:39

Optional and non-security-critical updates are not touched by WOU, that's by design (the catalog from MS doesn't contain them).
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
Windows Install media download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15088/windows-create-installation-media
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Re: Missing Updates Round Two: Windows 7

Postby Antharro » 26.04.2020, 03:57

Ok - but last time around, very few of those updates were required. So WSUSOffline did something last time that it didn't do this time.

Let's look at the "Important" updates then. Four of those are security updates, one from 2017 and as far as I can see, should be included in WSUSO. Of the remaining updates:

1) KB2138612 - Update for Windows Update. It seems to fix a number of vulnerabilities, so while not marked as a security update, it might be wise to include this? It also speeds up WU.
2) KB971033 - Update for Windows Activation. Not one for WSUSO.
3) SP1 is already installed so not sure why it needs this again - but I have seen this on other W7 installs.
4) Windows MSRT - Not one for WSUSO.
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Re: Missing Updates Round Two: Windows 7

Postby aker » 26.04.2020, 10:24

Antharro wrote:1) KB2138612 - Update for Windows Update. It seems to fix a number of vulnerabilities, so while not marked as a security update, it might be wise to include this? It also speeds up WU.
2) KB971033 - Update for Windows Activation. Not one for WSUSO.
3) SP1 is already installed so not sure why it needs this again - but I have seen this on other W7 installs.
4) Windows MSRT - Not one for WSUSO.

1) Most likely superseded by other updates (but I'm not sure as I currently cannot find the file).
2) Not useful for wsusou
3) That's a broken supersedence with an old version of the Servicing Stack. The SP1 is installed, but a additional Servicing Stack, which hasn't been installed by wsusou, was bundled with it. As this Servicing Stack isn't installed, WU shows it as missing.
4) Not useful for wsusou
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Re: Missing Updates Round Two: Windows 7

Postby DK3 » 26.04.2020, 11:20

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Re: Missing Updates Round Two: Windows 7

Postby Antharro » 27.04.2020, 05:40

KB2533552 wouldn't install on my laptop - failed every time.

I tried something else. Updated my instance of WSUSO. Did another clean install of W7 Ent x64, then installed the April 2015 Servicing Stack Update (KB3020369), then the Convenience Rollup (KB3125574).

After a reboot, I then ran WSUSO, and got these results: https://pastebin.com/CeVADr2R

The interesting bits to note are:

Code: Select all
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4014985 (id: bd312012-799e-4b68-9af2-f9eee93e86aa) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4019108 (id: 3244af7a-f1c3-4b03-911b-100cd1adfb7c) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4041083 (id: 63d66f1b-d720-4eaf-b3aa-03f17de1f2dc) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4041090 (id: 9a2afe5c-0247-4f10-b396-e5b646d2bda7) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4054518 (id: 8fde14d1-2fd6-4705-b2ab-b2aaf1aa7a05) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4099637 (id: 192b76d7-3f2c-4b0c-88a3-8ece93530cc4) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4340004 (id: 4f350cf0-b8ff-45b2-a827-b25c97690227) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4345679 (id: 9017e50c-8440-4320-816b-cda1493fbd6f) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4471981 (id: 92b26429-b7c1-49ca-b130-fa1f924a3dfb) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4487121 (id: 8f601e2c-ed42-409a-b754-3c5f402f4f9a) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4498961 (id: fb9fc7fc-b4dd-4351-8549-1edb165ee21a) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4507411 (id: 106cdb86-48da-4e3d-8331-e1eee8b3adb6) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4535102 (id: 075d4f35-c2bf-4f8f-9b78-ae1b7d1a6aa8) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4534976 (id: eaba6484-a7b0-4d4b-ad57-b2136bef08d6) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4534251 (id: 3c998415-659d-41e9-8da0-21de1270d66f) not found
27/04/2020  1:19:03.80 - Warning: Update kb4534310 (id: 5512bdce-73de-49dd-bcdd-da0c2432d00e) not found

Let's look at what those updates are:

Code: Select all
kb4014985 Security Only update for the .NET Framework
kb4019108 Security Only update for the .NET Framework
kb4041083 Security and Quality Rollup for the .NET Framework
kb4041090 Security Only update for the .NET Framework
kb4054518 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7
kb4099637 Security Only update for .NET Framework
kb4340004 Security Only update for .NET Framework
kb4345679 Security Only update for .NET Framework
kb4471981 2018-12 Security Only Update for .NET Framework
kb4487121 Security Only updates for .NET Framework
kb4498961 Security Only update for .NET Framework
kb4507411 Security Only update for .NET Framework
kb4535102 Security and Quality Rollup for the .NET Framework
kb4534976 Security Only update for .NET Framework
kb4534251 2020-01 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 9
kb4534310 2020-01 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows

None of these updates are listed in the download log for this instance of WSUSO, so it's looking to me like they should have been downloaded but weren't. This is likely why WU still shows some old updates. And here's what Windows Update had to offer:


A lot fewer of the "Update for Windows 7..." updates compared with the last run, but the same Important updates are threre.

I know I can download and manually install those updates, but I can't help but think that as they're all Security updates, WSUSO should have picked them up?
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Re: Missing Updates Round Two: Windows 7

Postby Dalai » 27.04.2020, 16:00

IIRC WOU doesn't download security-only updates when you don't tell it to do so, i.e. not specifying the /seconly switch. I have no idea why it doesn't pick up the missing rollups and cumulative IE9 update, though.

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