Missing Meltdown KB4056897

Missing Meltdown KB4056897

Postby Revan » 24.09.2019, 16:42

Hello everyone,

I need to make sure that my machine is protected against Meltdown, but I realized that I was missing the KB4056897 update. Does WSUS not download or install the Meltdown KB4056897 update? Is that something that needs to be done manually? I checked the exclude files and it's not listed there.

Thank you for your time.
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Joined: 24.09.2019, 15:28

Re: Missing Meltdown KB4056897

Postby Dalai » 24.09.2019, 18:12

KB4056897 is the Security-Only update for January 2018. Did you enable the checkbox in UpdateDownloader that makes it download the security-only updates instead of the monthly rollups? If not, security-only updates won't be downloaded, including that one.

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Re: Missing Meltdown KB4056897

Postby boco » 24.09.2019, 18:23

The full CU from January '18 also contains everything the complete SecOnly feature set. Even if you do not use SecOnly, you will be protected.

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