Aker, I will keep my eyes open for a Microsoft copy of WHSv1 with no power packs installed. They are pretty common, but most of what is out there seems to have pp1. I couldn't find anything on the language paks.
Thanks for being willing carve time out of what sounds like a crazy busy schedule, especially that you're a mod, not an admin.
Changing subject to WHS11, I'll post a reminder for you towards the end of the year on this as you suggested.
You mentioned three updates (presuming UR4 combines all four of the update rollups). There seems to be a fourth, 2/27/13 KB2781278
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/hel ... fi-based-c[Update for Windows Home Server 2011- UEFI Hotfix for WHS11 Backup Support with disks using GPT formatting].
Problem is, last December I checked a fully updated whs11 system for the URL using WUMT & didn't see it listed. Let me look again.
I have posted the other three Microsoft .cab file URL's for the updates you mentioned below:
UR4 (KB2757011)
KB2885314 (404 error File not found during Remote Web Access)
KB2934950 (Client backup fails with KB2781278 UEFI Hotfix or kb2960358 Net framework vulnerability patch)
http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdow ... f7da52.cabhttp://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msd ... 9da433.cabhttp://download.windowsupdate.com/c/msd ... 00d081.cabNote that UR4 also appears to have a client side update (KB2757014).