Windows Home Server Updates

Windows Home Server Updates

Postby lioninstreet » 21.06.2018, 00:20

EDIT by aker:
The most recent release can be found here: :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8190&start=40#p27164


Both WHS v1 and the newer WHS 2011 are out of formal support by Microsoft, 1/8/13 and 4/12/16 respectively.

But (at least with v1) should I do a clean server install, the service packs & the updates will push in. So I'm wondering if there any way to use WSUS to pull these updates?

I do have most of the KB numbers for them and tried to look them up in Microsoft Update Catalog. But some are there, some are not.

Thanks in advance for any help and advice.
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby aker » 21.06.2018, 04:55

WHS 2008 is based on Windows Server 2003 and WHS 2011 is based on Windows Server 2008 R2.
You can download the updates for those to get the most updates.
To integrate the WHS rollups, just use the guide to add custom updates (see .\doc\faq-enu.txt).
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby lioninstreet » 25.06.2018, 17:47

Thank you for the reply aker.

I am using the 32 bit version of Windows Home Server based on Server 2003 due to the built in drive extender. It is known as WHS v1. The version of v1 that comes on the original OS install disks is 1.0. This version is updated by the Microsoft downloads ultimately to 1.33. These updates (titled as power paks) are most likely specific to WHS.

As automatic updates downloads and installs these versions, they appear to be done in numerical order from 1.1 to 2.5 to 3.0 and ultimately 3.3. I have the kb numbers for these updates but when I look them up in the Microsoft Update Catalog, they do not appear. Is there a way to capture them when they download?
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby lioninstreet » 25.06.2018, 17:51

I have also noticed that Windows Home Server has a C:/Windows folder titled SoftwareDistribution. Is this the folder that updates are downloaded into from Microsoft and if so would you know how would one identify what the update files are?
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby aker » 25.06.2018, 19:36

The easiest way would be setting up a virtual machine, updating it, while not installing the updates, you want to get the download links of. Then use WUMT (Windows Update MiniTool) to copy the URLs.

Would this be a solution for you, or should I check, if I could get the links (you‘ll have to post the KB-number here).
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby Cababs » 26.06.2018, 20:46

Windows Home Server is based on Windows Server 2003

i have just started a VM of WHS. the server2003 seems to be going in fine.

where do you find the version information of 1.33 - when i do winver is showing me the server 2003 version.

my copy of server 2003 updates are live here!ALw8scDaFkwGgpgF
Last edited by Cababs on 26.06.2018, 23:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby aker » 26.06.2018, 22:30

Short test showed KB979453 & KB981089 for a German WHS2008 (Windows Server 2003 base) installation.
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby lioninstreet » 27.06.2018, 16:38


Thanks for digging into this. I will try to answer the best I can given that you are way ahead of me with the technical side of solutions. I'm not sure if this answers your questions or not so if you need more info please let me know.

Per wikipedia, Power Pack 1 for Windows Home Server was released on 20 July 2008. Power Pack 2 was released on 24 March 2009 and Power Pack 3 was released on 24 November 2009. As you may be aware, mainstream support ended for the 32 bit WHS ended 1/2013.

The most common WHS v1 (the 32bit Server 2003 based OS) was bundled with the HP MediaSmart Server produced between late 2008 and late 2010. The early units (the AMD powered EX47x) shipped with OS disks showing v1.0. By 2010 unit were Intel powered and shipped with software OS disks showing the 3.0 version. There was an on line push to the version 3.3. The installed version is displayed on the server dashboard installed on clients, but I am also able to view the OS directly from the server.

When viewing system properties on the server itself, it shows the OS as Microsoft Windows Home Server Service Pack 2, there is no mention of the Power packs.

When on a client terminal viewing the Home Server Console a fully updated server will show the software version is - 2/3/2010 EX0308170348 as well as showing Microsoft Windows Home Server with Power Pack 3.

I could image some screenshots if that would help. And I think I have found an add-in software that will display the update history and KB's of the updates.
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby lioninstreet » 16.07.2018, 23:22

Hello Aker,
It took me some time to get back to this issue, apologies for the delay. I will be trying your suggestion to use WUMT first. With any luck that will be enough to get the updates and save them off line for me.

On my last WHS install I did write down most if not all (about 36) of the KB numbers being installed. Not that it matters but there were three levels of updates that went in. It's odd but the two updates you posted (KB979453 & KB981089 for a German WHS2008 (Windows Server 2003 base)) were not part of what I took a record of.

Hello Kabibs,
Thank you for sending the link to download the w2k3 iso. Just for kicks, I also pulled down your WOU Links spreadsheet. Unlike what I was expecting to find, it appears that many of the KB#'s shown for w2k3 are not part of the WHS v1 update push that I recorded the KB#'s on (and vice versa). For example along with 29 others, there is a KB# 956587 (WHS ppk2) that was not shown on the w2k3 spreadsheet. There are only 6 updates that had common KB#'s
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby aker » 18.07.2018, 05:30

Maybe I should have said, that I used WUMT after installing all updates I have cached locally (more or less an archive of current updates for all platforms I have to set up at least sometimes).
The two updates I posted were the only WHS2008-specific ones I found.
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