Missing Updates Round 3: Windows 7

Missing Updates Round 3: Windows 7

Postby Antharro » 04.11.2023, 04:39

I've FINALLY got back around to looking at Windows 7 updates again. Don't worry, it's not on any production machines, just old laptops I use for messing around with. Those of you with longer memories will remember that I've worked on this intermittently over the last couple of years.

Current configuration:
- WSUSOfflineCE 11.9.11hf5
--- Last updated 30/Oct/23
--- Windows 7 x86 and x64 only

Download log for this instance is here (PasteBin).

Installation procedure:
- Windows 7 x64
- Drivers
- WSUSOffline
- Windows Update

Installation log for WSUS Offline is here.

It's a long log, so below are some notes of interest. It's also worth noting that a load of the installs failed with 1642 error, but that's ok - update not required for this computer.

Code: Select all
03/11/2023  1:18:58.60 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
03/11/2023  1:19:00.11 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
03/11/2023  1:19:00.23 - Warning: Update kb2491683 (id: b89ec71a-1103-4ea7-b123-1c4d2e23f97a) not found
03/11/2023  1:19:00.23 - Warning: Update kb2685939 (id: 5fc16654-0e03-40ca-a39e-5187b26c378e) not found
03/11/2023  1:19:00.23 - Warning: Update kb2506212 (id: f76f5a9c-8325-4256-a632-654f153704b4) not found
03/11/2023  1:19:00.23 - Warning: Update kb2620704 (id: 939403e9-f009-4244-b259-b5c1b003a1d3) not found
03/11/2023  1:19:00.23 - Warning: Update kb3011780 (id: 22e8f446-ab25-4687-b724-9d0a3a123f00) not found
03/11/2023  1:19:00.23 - Warning: Update kb3021674 (id: e8c8bfc5-cadb-4b5a-8ebe-340b78b76a6b) not found
03/11/2023  1:19:00.23 - Warning: Update kb4054518 (id: 8fde14d1-2fd6-4705-b2ab-b2aaf1aa7a05) not found
03/11/2023  1:19:00.23 - Warning: Update kb4534251 (id: 3c998415-659d-41e9-8da0-21de1270d66f) not found
03/11/2023  1:19:00.23 - Warning: Update kb4534310 (id: 5512bdce-73de-49dd-bcdd-da0c2432d00e) not found

Of those updates, none appear in the download log, so I'm not quite sure why WSUSO is looking for them. When I looked at the updates WU wanted to install, all but two of them were present - KB2685939 (Security update, RDP vulnerability, June 2012) and KB4534251 (2020-01 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7).

The Windows Update Catalog shows that KB2685939 has been superseded multiple times, BUT, none of the listed replacement packages is on the list of updates that Windows Update wants to install, AND all of them were released after the Win7 EOL in Jan 2020. I'm thinking that it's been superseded by KB4535102, which is the 2020-01 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework, so would be the last update for Win7, and is offered by WU (see below).

The remaining updates are as follows:

KB2491683 - Security Update for Windows 7 (Fax Cover Page Editor, only installed if editor is installed)
KB2506212 - Security Update for Windows 7 (Fax Cover Page Editor, all affected OSes)
KB2620704 - Security Update for Windows 7 (Windows Mail and Meeting Space remote code execution)
KB3011780 - Security Update for Windows 7 (Kerberos vulnerability)
KB3021674 - Security Update for Windows 7 (Windows User Profile Service vulnerability)
KB4054518 - 2017-12 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7
KB4534310 - 2020-01 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7

WU offers all of those, but also these:

KB4041083 - 2017-09 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7
KB4049016 - 2017-11 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7
KB4535102 - 2020-01 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8

Lastly, there are some 57 other non-security updates which WU offers, but those fall out of WSUS Offline's scope and I'll probably just download them and install them with an automated batch script (unless anyone has any better ideas).

So, the questions I have are:

1) Why isn't WSUSOffline downloading those nine updates?
2) Should WSUSOffline be offering the three .NET security rollups?

In addition, I'm finding that I have to run WSUSO multiple times to get all the updates installed, even though I have the automatic reboot and show log options enabled. It runs, reboots a couple of times, then quits out showing the low. Additional runs find other updates to install. This doesn't seem right?

I appreciate everyone's time and patience as always. :)
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Joined: 08.10.2019, 00:32

Re: Missing Updates Round 3: Windows 7

Postby boco » 04.11.2023, 08:35

Do you have the proper license so you are actually allowed to install all recent updates?

Basically, these updates might actually be superseded by newer ones that only ESU or extended ESU Windows 7 are allowed to install. As a result, supersedence chains will be broken, and these old updates will show up (and they might be removed or moved to other locations on MS servers). The WSUSSCN2.CAB is not always consistent, and the whole ESU ordeal has complicated it even more...
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
Windows Install media download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15088/windows-create-installation-media
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Re: Missing Updates Round 3: Windows 7

Postby Antharro » 05.11.2023, 10:34

That's a really interesting point. I don't have an ESU license, so I don't expect any updates from after January 2020, and I'm trying to avoid them. I do absolutely take your point on chains and the CAB being problematic, and that would certainly answer some of the problems.

I'm wondering if the best idea would be to manually download the updates WSUSO is missing, and put them in the relevant places in the WSUSO folders. How would I go about generating and storing the hash values so it doesn't balk? (I know I can run it with verification turned off, but I'd like to keep it on if possible). I can then manually download the WU updates that are outstanding and install those after WSUSO using a batch script, should be easy enough.
Posts: 24
Joined: 08.10.2019, 00:32

Re: Missing Updates Round 3: Windows 7

Postby boco » 06.11.2023, 01:47

If you want detect updates to Jan. 2020 reliably, you need a WSUSSCN2.CAB from Jan. 2020. All later versions of the file are for ESU only and will break supersedence chains if used without the proper license in place (which causes the updates to actually apply to that system).
For downloading with WSOSOU, the system doesn't matter. Thus, it will probably download you can't apply to a vanilla Windows 7 system (will roll back at reboot).

I'd just forget about WSUSOU for Windows 7, and just apply the SiMPLiX pack each month. https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/detail ... epack.html
But note that MS has now blacklisted some drivers used in attacks (on all OS), might need to find replacements for them.
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
Windows Install media download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15088/windows-create-installation-media
Posts: 2398
Joined: 24.11.2009, 17:00
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