w2k8 .NET 4.6.2

w2k8 .NET 4.6.2

Postby aker » 13.07.2021, 19:03

Beim Durchsehen der aktuellen Patches ist mir folgender aufgefallen: "2021-07 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 4.5.2, 4.6 and 4.6.2 for Windows Server 2008 SP2 (KB5004232)".

Bislang war 4.6 das Ende für Windows Vista / Server 2008.

Ich vermute, dass MS 4.6.2 für NT 6.0 freigegeben hat, da der Support für die älteren Versionen ausläuft.
vgl. :arrow: https://www.deskmodder.de/blog/2021/04/27/net-framework-4-5-2-4-6-und-4-6-1-supportende-im-april-2022/

Könnte jemand bitte testen, ob und wie das .NET 4.6.2-Setup unter einem sonst aktuellen Server 2008 funktioniert?
Es wäre klasse, wenn ich einfach nur die .NET 4.6er-Links und Dateinamen durch 4.6.2er austauschen müsste.

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Re: w2k8 .NET 4.6.2

Postby boco » 14.07.2021, 01:30


Will test if Net 4.6 will simply be updated to 4.6.2 in the process. Then, we'd just keep the 4.6 Installer until MS replaces the offline installer to include NT 6.0.
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
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Re: w2k8 .NET 4.6.2

Postby aker » 14.07.2021, 05:43

Eventuell wäre eine Suche mit WUMT/WuMgr angebracht, falls es eine Art „Upgrade-Paket“ via Windows Update gibt…
Dann könnte man die Links dumpen und ich setze mich (sobald ich etwas Zeit habe) dran, das ein wenig auseinanderzubauen.

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Re: w2k8 .NET 4.6.2

Postby boco » 14.07.2021, 18:45

Also, Server 2008 SP2 hat weiterhin .NET 4.6, auch nach dem Patch.

"2021-07 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 4.5.2, 4.6 and 4.6.2 for Windows Server 2008 SP2 (KB5004232)"

Hier die entsprechende Zeile vom QueryTool:

Code: Select all
Detected .Net Version{s}   : v1.1.4322, v2.0.50727, v3.0.30729.4037, v3.5.30729.01, v4.0.30319, v4.6
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
Windows Install media download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15088/windows-create-installation-media
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Re: w2k8 .NET 4.6.2

Postby aker » 14.07.2021, 19:55

Dann sollten wir trotzdem die Augen offen halten, ob da noch was kommt.

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Re: w2k8 .NET 4.6.2

Postby rbronca » 15.07.2021, 02:50

Here is the key page for this particular mess.
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet ... pendencies
This confirms that 4.6 is the end of the road for 2008 SP2.

Things will get exciting if a big ticket vulnerability in .Net is identified post the end of support for version 4.6.
My bet would be Microsoft would resolve the issue for 4.6 for all the paying ESU customers - they would rightly scream if they didn't.

This is similar to IE 9 being "unsupported", yet they still release patches for 2008 SP2.
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Re: w2k8 .NET 4.6.2

Postby boco » 15.07.2021, 22:06

That was the page I was looking on earlier.

IE9 (or the latest IE for any platform) was declared a system component by MS. Thus, it follows the life cycle of the OS system. However, I couldn't find if they do the same for DotNet (in that case, 4.6 would stay supported for Server 2008 SP2 only, after that date). AFAIK, Server 2012 has a similar issue.
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
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Re: w2k8 .NET 4.6.2

Postby aker » 22.08.2021, 11:23

MS changed the system requirements for .NET 4.6.2 here:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet ... quirements
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Re: w2k8 .NET 4.6.2

Postby rbronca » 23.08.2021, 00:24

I searched for the latest Dot.net 4.62 framework and ended up here. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downloa ... x?id=53344.
It suggests that the version was updated in June this year.
I downloaded it and compared against the original version from 2018 and it was identical. So no new release.
I then retested a 32 bit 2008 SP2 VM to make sure nothing has changed.
I started with .Net 4.6 (393297) installed.
.Net 4.6.1 installed correctly. (394271) - This has been the case for a long time.
.Net 4.6.2 failed to install.
"Blocking Issues:
The .Net Framework 4.6.2 is not supported on this operating system"
I also checked 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2 and 4.8 with the same results.

So no change in actual supported .Net versions.
Looks like yet another screw-up within Microsoft support. For a change this one is only documentation. :D
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Re: w2k8 .NET 4.6.2

Postby aker » 13.11.2021, 15:03

MS actually updated the installer to allow installation on w2k8 in some configurations (as far as I understand the PackageInfo.xml).
Code: Select all
      <BlockIf DisplayText="#(loc.Blocker_UnSupportedOS)" ID="UnSupportedOS">
          <Equals LeftHandSide="Installing" BoolWhenNonExistent="false">
            <Operation />
              <GreaterThan LeftHandSide="6.0.0" BoolWhenNonExistent="false">
                <TargetOS />
              <Equals LeftHandSide="6.1.0" BoolWhenNonExistent="false">
                <TargetOS />
              <And Id="Is2k8ServerCore">
                      <LessThanOrEqualTo LeftHandSide="6.0.0" BoolWhenNonExistent="false">
                        <TargetOS />
                      <GreaterThan LeftHandSide="6.1.0" BoolWhenNonExistent="false">
                        <TargetOS />
                      <Equals LeftHandSide="Client" BoolWhenNonExistent="false">
                        <TargetOSType />
                    <FileVersion Location="%windir%\system32\oclist.exe" />
                  <Path Location="%windir%\system32\scregedit.wsf" />
                <LessThanOrEqualTo LeftHandSide="4.0.31106.0" BoolWhenNonExistent="false">
                  <FileVersion Location="%windir%\System32\mscoree.dll" />

File name: ndp462-kb3151800-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe
URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=780600
Signing date: 2021-05-01
CRC32: 41031705
SHA1: 053ABDC5B421F50292149F7302F6A1A373CC2D5C
SHA256: B4CBB4BC9A3983EC3BE9F80447E0D619D15256A9CE66FF414AE6E3856705E237

Could someone please retry, which configurations are supported and which not (x86<->x64, ServerCore<->full, Standard<->Enterprise<->Datacenter, ...).
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