WSUS Offline in Background

WSUS Offline in Background

Postby ppcwph » 26.08.2017, 00:45

When the updater is running, the command prompt window opens and grabs the focus in Windows. This isn't a huge problem for the first window, as it can just be minimized and moved to the background. However, every other group that gets updated opens a new command prompt window and steals focus again. This limits the ability to let the updates run in the background while one performs other tasks. I usually lose a sentence that I was typing or have a full screen applications (yes, a video game) minimized unexpectedly while letting WSUS Offline run unless I leave my computer alone while the updates download and process (a lengthy process).

If these new command prompt windows could open minimized and without stealing focus, it would make the process of multitasking while keeping up to date easier.

I've looked for this option in the software, including poking around in the scripts, and have not been able to find a way to do this (WSUS Offline 11.0.1 and previous versions).

- wph

Re: WSUS Offline in Background

Postby Dalai » 26.08.2017, 03:42

A very similar thing has been discussed in this (German) thread recently. You can use the mentioned tool CMDOW, and minimizing the window should work when you replace /HID parameter with /MIN.

Posts: 1041
Joined: 12.07.2016, 21:00

Re: WSUS Offline in Background

Postby ppcwph » 26.08.2017, 04:01

Thanks for the prompt reply, Dalai.

I resorted to going through threads page by page and came across this: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5508&p=18248&hilit=background#p18248. As I am a new user to the forum, I didn't have an opportunity to amend my post until it had been approved.
The ini file option appears to work as I was hoping it would. Adding the option to the GUI or changing the default behavior so as to not keep stealing the focus would probably be handy.

For reference:
Q: Can I let the download window(s) stay in the background?
A: Yes. Please edit the UpdateGenerator.ini file and add an entry/line "minimizeondownload=Enabled" to the "[Miscellaneous]" section.

Re: WSUS Offline in Background

Postby Dalai » 26.08.2017, 14:31

Ah, didn't know that there's already an option for this. Nice. And good to hear that it solves your problem :).

Posts: 1041
Joined: 12.07.2016, 21:00

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