A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

Postby hbuhrmester » 09.03.2020, 10:22

A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

I'm currently testing a new XSLT file to extract Office updates by their Product Ids, rather than the ProductFamily Id:

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
     Author: H. Buhrmester, 2020
     Filename: extract-office-revision-and-update-ids.xsl

     This file selects Office updates by their Product Ids:
     Office 2010 = 84f5f325-30d7-41c4-81d1-87a0e6535b66
     Office 2013 = 704a0a4a-518f-4d69-9e03-10ba44198bd5
     Office 2016 = 25aed893-7c2d-4a31-ae22-28ff8ac150ed

     It extracts the following fields:
     Field 1: Bundle RevisionId
     Field 2: UpdateId
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:__="http://schemas.microsoft.com/msus/2004/02/OfflineSync" version="1.0">
  <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no" method="text"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="__:OfflineSyncPackage/__:Updates/__:Update/__:Categories/__:Category[@Type='Product']">
      <xsl:if test="contains(@Id, '84f5f325-30d7-41c4-81d1-87a0e6535b66')
                 or contains(@Id, '704a0a4a-518f-4d69-9e03-10ba44198bd5')
                 or contains(@Id, '25aed893-7c2d-4a31-ae22-28ff8ac150ed')">
        <xsl:value-of select="../../@RevisionId"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="../../@UpdateId"/>

This file is compatible with the existing Windows and Linux scripts. It can replace the existing file in the xslt directory. It removes several old updates like works432, which don't belong to the supported Office versions.

This reduces the number of downloads to:

ofc/glb: 183 files
ofc/enu: 18 files
ofc/deu: 18 files

We can also create three more XSLT files, to select the supported Office versions separately:

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
     Author: H. Buhrmester, 2020
     Filename: extract-o2k10-revision-and-update-ids.xsl

     This file selects Office 2010 updates by their Product Id:
     Office 2010 = 84f5f325-30d7-41c4-81d1-87a0e6535b66

     It extracts the following fields:
     Field 1: Bundle RevisionId
     Field 2: UpdateId
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:__="http://schemas.microsoft.com/msus/2004/02/OfflineSync" version="1.0">
  <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no" method="text"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="__:OfflineSyncPackage/__:Updates/__:Update/__:Categories/__:Category[@Type='Product']">
      <xsl:if test="contains(@Id, '84f5f325-30d7-41c4-81d1-87a0e6535b66')">
        <xsl:value-of select="../../@RevisionId"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="../../@UpdateId"/>

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
     Author: H. Buhrmester, 2020
     Filename: extract-o2k13-revision-and-update-ids.xsl

     This file selects Office 2013 updates by their Product Id:
     Office 2013 = 704a0a4a-518f-4d69-9e03-10ba44198bd5

     It extracts the following fields:
     Field 1: Bundle RevisionId
     Field 2: UpdateId
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:__="http://schemas.microsoft.com/msus/2004/02/OfflineSync" version="1.0">
  <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no" method="text"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="__:OfflineSyncPackage/__:Updates/__:Update/__:Categories/__:Category[@Type='Product']">
      <xsl:if test="contains(@Id, '704a0a4a-518f-4d69-9e03-10ba44198bd5')">
        <xsl:value-of select="../../@RevisionId"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="../../@UpdateId"/>

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?>
     Author: H. Buhrmester, 2020
     Filename: extract-o2k16-revision-and-update-ids.xsl

     This file selects Office 2016 updates by their Product Id:
     Office 2016 = 25aed893-7c2d-4a31-ae22-28ff8ac150ed

     It extracts the following fields:
     Field 1: Bundle RevisionId
     Field 2: UpdateId
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:__="http://schemas.microsoft.com/msus/2004/02/OfflineSync" version="1.0">
  <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no" method="text"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="__:OfflineSyncPackage/__:Updates/__:Update/__:Categories/__:Category[@Type='Product']">
      <xsl:if test="contains(@Id, '25aed893-7c2d-4a31-ae22-28ff8ac150ed')">
        <xsl:value-of select="../../@RevisionId"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="../../@UpdateId"/>

These files are not integrated in DownloadUpdates.cmd, nor in the Linux download scripts. To use these files with the existing scripts:
  • rename the existing file xslt/extract-office-revision-and-update-ids.xsl to extract-office-revision-and-update-ids.xsl.bak
  • rename the file you want to use to extract-office-revision-and-update-ids.xsl
  • by sure to only select the corresponding Office version in UpdateGenerator.exe

Then we get for Office 2010:

ofc/glb: 72 files
ofc/enu: 14 files
ofc/deu: 14 files

For Office 2013:

ofc/glb: 65 files
ofc/enu: 4 files
ofc/deu: 4 files

For Office 2016:

ofc/glb: 46 files
ofc/enu: 0 files
ofc/deu: 0 files

After each step, I selected 10 random update ids from the temporary file office-update-ids-and-locations.txt and searched them in the Microsoft Update Catalog https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/home.aspx. The three Office versions were duly separated, e.g. after selecting the XSLT file extract-o2k13-revision-and-update-ids.xsl, I only got updates for Office 2013.

Caveats: This should work in theory, but I can't verify the installation, because I don't have any version of Microsoft Office.

The Product Ids are from an old post by aker:

It would be interesting to get an updated list of Product and ProductFamily Ids. There is a PowerShell module "Get-WsusProduct", which may somehow retrieve this information:

Then maybe, WSUS Offline Update could some day have the same selections as a real WSUS server:

However, a complex application logic should not be implemented as a shell script, and certainly not as a cmd.exe batch file.

Posts: 525
Joined: 11.10.2013, 20:59

Re: A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

Postby aker » 09.03.2020, 12:54

I‘ve got the possibility to test them and could do so.
I could test o2k10 SingleImage and ProPlusEval in x86 and x64, o2k13 ProPlusEval x86 and x64 and o2k16 ProPlusEval x86 and x64. As I don‘t have the time to modify the scripts, could you provide an patch I can simply apply to a default wsusou 11.9 (or some trunk). Then I‘d test them using a Windows 7 x64 VM.
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

Postby hbuhrmester » 09.03.2020, 16:15

The scripts don't need any patch, only the XSLT files need to be renamed in turn.

The script DownloadUpdates.cmd, as in version 11.9, uses one file extract-office-revision-and-update-ids.xsl for all Office updates.

So you could use the file extract-office-revision-and-update-ids.xsl from the above post directly, to get updates for Office 2010, 2013 and 2016.

To get only Office 2010 updates, rename the file extract-o2k10-revision-and-update-ids.xsl to extract-office-revision-and-update-ids.xsl and select Office 2010 in UpdateGenerator.exe.

To test Office 2013 updates, rename the file extract-o2k13-revision-and-update-ids.xsl to extract-office-revision-and-update-ids.xsl and select Office 2013 in UpdateGenerator.exe.

For Office 2016, rename the file extract-o2k16-revision-and-update-ids.xsl to extract-office-revision-and-update-ids.xsl and select Office 2016.

The XSLT files must be placed in wsusoffline/xslt. You can save or rename the original file in that directory.

I separated the three Office versions, to see, if there are any overlaps. So far, there don't seem to be any.

If this works well, we could consider, how to best use them: Maybe we could even get rid of the ofc directory and download the Office updates to the separate directories o2k10, o2k13 and o2k16, just like the Windows Updates.

Posts: 525
Joined: 11.10.2013, 20:59

Re: A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

Postby aker » 09.03.2020, 22:03

Will test it now. Results will be edited into this post.

o2k10 x86:
Code: Select all
10.03.2020  1:23:38,89 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
10.03.2020  1:23:38,89 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k10\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
10.03.2020  1:23:42,67 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
10.03.2020  1:23:42,68 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
10.03.2020  1:23:42,68 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
10.03.2020  1:23:42,68 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
10.03.2020  1:23:42,70 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
10.03.2020  1:23:42,70 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
10.03.2020  1:23:42,71 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
10.03.2020  1:23:42,73 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
10.03.2020  1:23:42,73 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
10.03.2020  1:23:42,78 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
10.03.2020  1:23:42,78 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2010 Word version 14.0.7015.1000 (o2k10 x86 deu sp2)
10.03.2020  1:23:42,79 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
10.03.2020  1:23:42,81 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
10.03.2020  1:23:42,81 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
10.03.2020  1:23:42,82 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc deu)
10.03.2020  1:23:42,92 - Info: Disabled screensaver
10.03.2020  1:23:43,04 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
10.03.2020  1:23:43,20 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
10.03.2020  1:24:04,04 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
10.03.2020  1:24:04,04 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
10.03.2020  1:24:04,04 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
10.03.2020  1:24:04,79 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  1:24:05,00 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
10.03.2020  1:24:07,11 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
10.03.2020  1:24:07,11 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  1:24:07,14 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  1:24:07,15 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
10.03.2020  1:24:07,18 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
10.03.2020  1:24:07,20 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  1:32:54,28 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
10.03.2020  1:33:04,93 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
10.03.2020  1:33:05,11 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
10.03.2020  1:33:05,11 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
10.03.2020  1:33:05,11 - Warning: Update kb2999465 (id: 6fafb1ac-8403-4884-afd2-18268a5d5dd7) not found
10.03.2020  1:33:09,48 - Info: Listed update files
10.03.2020  1:33:10,45 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  1:33:10,50 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
10.03.2020  1:33:39,18 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
10.03.2020  1:33:39,18 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  1:33:55,20 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\outlookloc2010-kb4475604-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020  1:34:02,18 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\mshelp-x-none_4c3af1336cc8599e0b6f1cebcc7a22d2fd44d524.cab
10.03.2020  1:34:08,31 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msaddndr-x-none_fe7e444293cb613cbd3883bac96bf50eb76ba8a1.cab
10.03.2020  1:34:13,87 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\fm20-x-none_28210a36f7d5d948e8b95cc9d4b9a9141eedc557.cab
10.03.2020  1:34:15,50 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\deu\msointl-de-de_ff8b6444a6ab2ee2ee9cc3b909a0ee3fe3039c99.cab
10.03.2020  1:34:16,84 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\deu\powerpointintl-de-de_8ac4162262721c263745f22c43d804b7a858f866.cab
10.03.2020  1:34:22,26 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ieawsdc-x-none_48528979c421e062fd198908d5de4828b99ff32e.cab
10.03.2020  1:34:29,00 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\mscomctlocx-x-none_037c2e34dfa1b048ad37c896d4a6826125fc0b8d.cab
10.03.2020  1:34:35,73 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\otkruntimertl-x-none_ed039e26757d92e91629f0ef966dedd3aeace2a7.cab
10.03.2020  1:34:43,73 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\infopath-x-none_71e941bd9c288cac97405c0b44dd140d171bebde.cab
10.03.2020  1:34:50,87 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\visio2010-kb3114872-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020  1:35:09,87 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\onenoteloc2010-kb3114885-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020  1:35:14,45 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\vbe7-x-none_da7ecd740b30d8f2699acc30f5beda805138241e.cab
10.03.2020  1:35:19,42 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\wce-x-none_85cc31f351a3cd3c448ed06bcf311babdbbbfd22.cab
10.03.2020  1:35:30,32 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\proofloc2010-kb3203468-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020  1:35:34,00 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\convloc2010-kb3213626-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020  1:35:40,36 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\usp10-x-none_4bf400783d89e5dd97c93cc8c65d394ac43721a0.cab
10.03.2020  1:35:42,79 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\deu\eqnedt322010-kb4011610-fullfile-x86-de-de.exe
10.03.2020  1:35:49,75 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\access-x-none_7d8d030566185fed7526f8b5762de762c706e291.cab
10.03.2020  1:35:56,12 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\oart-x-none_5b6a337944a2f282db4c626bf56243a5a9e8fa4c.cab
10.03.2020  1:36:01,50 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\oartconv-x-none_db1971e40e0069c84e31a87cc0231de5694925d5.cab
10.03.2020  1:36:07,07 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\publisher-x-none_2fdbf1786c5e550b7076d2aac9bf8f732b9ef89d.cab
10.03.2020  1:36:14,64 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ose-x-none_3078d43e678365e4c9e8743915f13a74d8bc089c.cab
10.03.2020  1:36:19,21 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\osetup-x-none_1d9ab800d30916ec8a16a7d5f792ec58a16f25f1.cab
10.03.2020  1:36:25,54 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\offowc-x-none_11b56a360b71e9951edcad260e46b65016b297a8.cab
10.03.2020  1:36:31,45 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msptls-x-none_e2cdd9de533758b57ac6c6cc3520ddd55da0ba85.cab
10.03.2020  1:36:41,79 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msohevi-x-none_a01a35c87b1b61d7cab0f6782c01e98dbbc2f72c.cab
10.03.2020  1:36:56,62 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\wordloc2010-kb4461625-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020  1:37:04,11 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\mso-x-none_f0e9be8fe8f323c145c906e2f2840fd00e1d8009.cab
10.03.2020  1:37:09,82 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ace-x-none_cc088e8fdb0ac44cd375670a83496136061bdea3.cab
10.03.2020  1:37:20,11 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\powerpoint-x-none_9f9f1659b161c6c3618c3075262c5b1fce51d793.cab
10.03.2020  1:37:28,11 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\word-x-none_dace90ee4f8a9fee142375b5f32f5762c7f6746d.cab
10.03.2020  1:37:34,68 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\graph-x-none_a86cb8a7a2f2a1a54162452450cd6bfc03b83c9e.cab
10.03.2020  1:37:43,51 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\excel-x-none_5a8fdc0187f8b1b24efd15ca5823b736be6d1f2f.cab
10.03.2020  1:37:47,39 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\deu\outlookintl-de-de_a5175c7096b9ec71aeded059cede85264131120d.cab
10.03.2020  1:37:47,43 - Info: Installed 35 updates
10.03.2020  1:37:47,45 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
10.03.2020  1:37:47,46 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
10.03.2020  1:37:47,48 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
10.03.2020  1:37:47,50 - Info: Installation successful
10.03.2020  1:37:47,98 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update


10.03.2020  1:41:42,71 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
10.03.2020  1:41:42,71 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k10\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
10.03.2020  1:41:44,67 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
10.03.2020  1:41:44,67 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
10.03.2020  1:41:44,67 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
10.03.2020  1:41:44,67 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
10.03.2020  1:41:44,69 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
10.03.2020  1:41:44,69 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
10.03.2020  1:41:44,70 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
10.03.2020  1:41:44,70 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
10.03.2020  1:41:44,72 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
10.03.2020  1:41:44,76 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
10.03.2020  1:41:44,76 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2010 Word version 14.0.7243.5000 (o2k10 x86 deu sp2)
10.03.2020  1:41:44,76 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
10.03.2020  1:41:44,78 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
10.03.2020  1:41:44,78 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
10.03.2020  1:41:44,79 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc deu)
10.03.2020  1:41:44,95 - Info: Disabled screensaver
10.03.2020  1:41:45,15 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
10.03.2020  1:41:45,35 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
10.03.2020  1:42:03,27 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
10.03.2020  1:42:03,30 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
10.03.2020  1:42:03,30 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
10.03.2020  1:42:04,03 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  1:42:04,13 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
10.03.2020  1:42:06,08 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
10.03.2020  1:42:06,08 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  1:48:53,61 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
10.03.2020  1:48:58,51 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
10.03.2020  1:48:58,68 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
10.03.2020  1:48:58,68 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
10.03.2020  1:48:58,68 - Warning: Update kb2999465 (id: 6fafb1ac-8403-4884-afd2-18268a5d5dd7) not found
10.03.2020  1:48:59,11 - Info: Listed update files
10.03.2020  1:48:59,19 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  1:48:59,21 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
10.03.2020  1:49:27,86 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
10.03.2020  1:49:27,88 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  1:49:31,44 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\deu\outlookintl-de-de_a5175c7096b9ec71aeded059cede85264131120d.cab
10.03.2020  1:49:31,49 - Info: Installed 1 updates
10.03.2020  1:49:31,51 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
10.03.2020  1:49:31,52 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
10.03.2020  1:49:31,54 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
10.03.2020  1:49:31,55 - Info: Installation successful
10.03.2020  1:49:31,55 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update

:arrow: KB2999465 (id: 6fafb1ac-8403-4884-afd2-18268a5d5dd7)

o2k10 x64:
Code: Select all
10.03.2020  0:35:56,98 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
10.03.2020  0:35:57,01 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k10\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
10.03.2020  0:35:58,00 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
10.03.2020  0:35:58,01 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
10.03.2020  0:35:58,01 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
10.03.2020  0:35:58,01 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
10.03.2020  0:35:58,03 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
10.03.2020  0:35:58,03 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
10.03.2020  0:35:58,03 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
10.03.2020  0:35:58,04 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
10.03.2020  0:35:58,04 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
10.03.2020  0:35:58,07 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
10.03.2020  0:35:58,07 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2010 Word version 14.0.7015.1000 (o2k10 x64 deu sp2)
10.03.2020  0:35:58,09 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
10.03.2020  0:35:58,09 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
10.03.2020  0:35:58,10 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
10.03.2020  0:35:58,12 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc deu)
10.03.2020  0:35:58,20 - Info: Disabled screensaver
10.03.2020  0:35:58,32 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
10.03.2020  0:35:58,50 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
10.03.2020  0:36:19,39 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
10.03.2020  0:36:19,43 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
10.03.2020  0:36:19,43 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
10.03.2020  0:36:20,04 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  0:36:20,13 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
10.03.2020  0:36:22,82 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
10.03.2020  0:36:22,82 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  0:36:22,86 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  0:36:22,88 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
10.03.2020  0:36:22,92 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
10.03.2020  0:36:22,92 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  0:44:27,60 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
10.03.2020  0:44:32,01 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
10.03.2020  0:44:32,15 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
10.03.2020  0:44:32,15 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
10.03.2020  0:44:32,15 - Warning: Update kb2999465 (id: fd2d829e-efaf-4b83-b3eb-8cf1b0152b90) not found
10.03.2020  0:44:32,15 - Warning: Update kb4461631 (id: ffa69ae0-31bf-4eda-916d-172ae0899659) not found
10.03.2020  0:44:36,23 - Info: Listed update files
10.03.2020  0:44:36,31 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  0:44:36,35 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
10.03.2020  0:45:05,12 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
10.03.2020  0:45:05,13 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  0:45:28,98 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\outlookloc2010-kb4475604-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020  0:45:34,48 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\mshelp-x-none_5b916e484108c9525874c9a38400faf8085fed31.cab
10.03.2020  0:45:38,68 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msaddndr-x-none_d52fe4160c1a22cbf60febc1f9a75fe7388ee9f3.cab
10.03.2020  0:45:43,46 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\fm20-x-none_fd9df76a6233a2a46ceb3116e4b31c7506bf64ae.cab
10.03.2020  0:45:47,45 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\otkruntimertl-x-none_fedb88fccfa1386831816fdd1da0be7d11964a31.cab
10.03.2020  0:45:49,57 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\deu\msointl-de-de_d14d6e60b82c066aac3f7101033706e0e7710529.cab
10.03.2020  0:45:50,57 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\deu\powerpointintl-de-de_1258115d87180b27e177657cd70a26df4526de95.cab
10.03.2020  0:45:55,54 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ieawsdc-x-none_530ad277780e4f6b6c5cfc9eb09246ac2890e679.cab
10.03.2020  0:46:00,82 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\infopath-x-none_dba8ad15ec257e32477444ddd32c9efca6366d26.cab
10.03.2020  0:46:07,29 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\visio2010-kb3114872-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020  0:46:19,24 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\onenoteloc2010-kb3114885-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020  0:46:23,04 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\vbe7-x-none_49a09c03219cb4eb8107fc583b81602c12324b14.cab
10.03.2020  0:46:23,88 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\wce-x-none_6645f88bcb01754e12372523bba7796e80ca5b7e.cab
10.03.2020  0:46:32,57 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\proofloc2010-kb3203468-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020  0:46:35,65 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\convloc2010-kb3213626-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020  0:46:40,57 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\usp10-x-none_c46b7df614cf9c35cb749882e2a4e21de31d76cc.cab
10.03.2020  0:46:42,40 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\deu\eqnedt322010-kb4011610-fullfile-x64-de-de.exe
10.03.2020  0:46:50,15 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\access-x-none_c15efe2d553fac84bdfeb5c2b339d656c20c8602.cab
10.03.2020  0:46:55,31 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\oart-x-none_bf539bc7ead7cd2bc09ac208580020c0b3c0afb9.cab
10.03.2020  0:47:00,20 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\oartconv-x-none_48bbd9ba11a8ba8133259522fa9db130ca93fcad.cab
10.03.2020  0:47:06,26 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\publisher-x-none_baaedbb36422eacd647f67f6da6ae42c24d15cd8.cab
10.03.2020  0:47:10,29 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\osetup-x-none_4b6d9b8ab914f9df79e8f1e2af2ce4047a4e229d.cab
10.03.2020  0:47:16,27 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ose-x-none_471fa1f2f3d44e1c8029bdcc16e6d06c642dae13.cab
10.03.2020  0:47:22,15 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\offowc-x-none_12f0a2cac32ff7baf38c9198403be5f9d36a4227.cab
10.03.2020  0:47:27,27 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msptls-x-none_221d212915b4770e3060b018243dfd804af57ad9.cab
10.03.2020  0:47:39,84 - Info: Installed ..\o2k10\glb\wordloc2010-kb4461625-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020  0:47:48,23 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msohevi-x-none_be4fec4da7c9fdda8884e8d208632a54ad8ad861.cab
10.03.2020  0:47:56,02 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\mso-x-none_a47b72401696fff06e91cbfabd2e8389015a7e3e.cab
10.03.2020  0:48:01,96 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ace-x-none_2012745955eaa1d904876c8d7eadf60634d1c1e5.cab
10.03.2020  0:48:10,85 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\powerpoint-x-none_578e6a4bd6c08349009479ad7feb002d29dd8eba.cab
10.03.2020  0:48:17,46 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\word-x-none_ea4a497f6c45861308a94b1e95226cc8ec7cadff.cab
10.03.2020  0:48:23,40 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\graph-x-none_2fcdc89c2ff5ffb1a8768ff7f23f7e345b87f60e.cab
10.03.2020  0:48:31,24 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\excel-x-none_51a1967b66cfce379e922120e531392c090150aa.cab
10.03.2020  0:48:33,43 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\deu\outlookintl-de-de_aaee28b56a356fcce91becaf501398c5a19430ab.cab
10.03.2020  0:48:33,48 - Info: Installed 34 updates
10.03.2020  0:48:33,49 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
10.03.2020  0:48:33,51 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
10.03.2020  0:48:33,52 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
10.03.2020  0:48:33,52 - Info: Installation successful
10.03.2020  0:48:33,54 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update


10.03.2020  0:50:04,54 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
10.03.2020  0:50:04,54 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k10\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
10.03.2020  0:50:06,85 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
10.03.2020  0:50:06,85 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
10.03.2020  0:50:06,85 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
10.03.2020  0:50:06,87 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
10.03.2020  0:50:06,87 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
10.03.2020  0:50:06,87 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
10.03.2020  0:50:06,89 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
10.03.2020  0:50:06,89 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
10.03.2020  0:50:06,89 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
10.03.2020  0:50:06,92 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
10.03.2020  0:50:06,94 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2010 Word version 14.0.7243.5000 (o2k10 x64 deu sp2)
10.03.2020  0:50:06,94 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
10.03.2020  0:50:06,95 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
10.03.2020  0:50:06,95 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
10.03.2020  0:50:06,95 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc deu)
10.03.2020  0:50:07,09 - Info: Disabled screensaver
10.03.2020  0:50:07,21 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
10.03.2020  0:50:07,38 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
10.03.2020  0:50:21,24 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
10.03.2020  0:50:21,25 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
10.03.2020  0:50:21,25 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
10.03.2020  0:50:21,75 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  0:50:21,80 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
10.03.2020  0:50:23,68 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
10.03.2020  0:50:23,69 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  0:57:18,56 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
10.03.2020  0:57:23,29 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
10.03.2020  0:57:24,06 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
10.03.2020  0:57:24,06 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
10.03.2020  0:57:24,06 - Warning: Update kb2999465 (id: fd2d829e-efaf-4b83-b3eb-8cf1b0152b90) not found
10.03.2020  0:57:24,06 - Warning: Update kb4461631 (id: ffa69ae0-31bf-4eda-916d-172ae0899659) not found
10.03.2020  0:57:24,60 - Info: Listed update files
10.03.2020  0:57:25,34 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  0:57:25,81 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
10.03.2020  0:57:54,40 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
10.03.2020  0:57:54,42 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020  0:57:58,32 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\deu\outlookintl-de-de_aaee28b56a356fcce91becaf501398c5a19430ab.cab
10.03.2020  0:57:58,37 - Info: Installed 1 updates
10.03.2020  0:57:58,38 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
10.03.2020  0:57:58,40 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
10.03.2020  0:57:58,40 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
10.03.2020  0:57:58,42 - Info: Installation successful
10.03.2020  0:57:58,42 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update

:arrow: KB2999465 (id: fd2d829e-efaf-4b83-b3eb-8cf1b0152b90)
:arrow: KB4461631 (id: ffa69ae0-31bf-4eda-916d-172ae0899659)

o2k13 x86:
Code: Select all
10.03.2020 14:52:13,23 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
10.03.2020 14:52:13,25 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k13\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
10.03.2020 14:52:15,11 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
10.03.2020 14:52:15,11 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
10.03.2020 14:52:15,11 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
10.03.2020 14:52:15,12 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
10.03.2020 14:52:15,12 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
10.03.2020 14:52:15,12 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
10.03.2020 14:52:15,13 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
10.03.2020 14:52:15,13 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
10.03.2020 14:52:15,13 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
10.03.2020 14:52:15,16 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
10.03.2020 14:52:15,16 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2013 Word version 15.0.4569.1504 (o2k13 x86 deu sp1)
10.03.2020 14:52:15,18 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
10.03.2020 14:52:15,19 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
10.03.2020 14:52:15,19 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
10.03.2020 14:52:15,19 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc deu)
10.03.2020 14:52:15,34 - Info: Disabled screensaver
10.03.2020 14:52:15,44 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
10.03.2020 14:52:15,58 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
10.03.2020 14:52:46,22 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
10.03.2020 14:52:46,24 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
10.03.2020 14:52:46,24 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
10.03.2020 14:52:47,20 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020 14:52:47,26 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
10.03.2020 14:52:49,52 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
10.03.2020 14:52:49,54 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020 15:01:14,56 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
10.03.2020 15:01:19,51 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
10.03.2020 15:01:20,20 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
10.03.2020 15:01:20,20 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
10.03.2020 15:01:20,20 - Warning: Update kb4464548 (id: ed1b8d60-8e1d-435e-a457-d4a54cfeb2ce) not found
10.03.2020 15:01:23,95 - Info: Listed update files
10.03.2020 15:01:24,00 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020 15:01:24,04 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
10.03.2020 15:01:59,84 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
10.03.2020 15:01:59,86 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020 15:02:13,62 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\proofloc2013-kb2880463-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020 15:02:31,48 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\fm20-x-none_ec8eef578dd4ffefb149d1e2aeaa12f4ac2710dc.cab
10.03.2020 15:03:34,89 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\lyncmso2013-kb3039779-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020 15:03:43,29 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ieawsdc-x-none_8149e8dfb8e12395fa6b4cfde45374454542d89c.cab
10.03.2020 15:03:54,95 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msptls-x-none_12ee3f4060bdbb5a1e93b6532e1418d301b77ba1.cab
10.03.2020 15:04:08,23 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\infopath-x-none_a931f1294eacb05c5c47e29b973e3ecb601635d1.cab
10.03.2020 15:04:17,63 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\publisher-x-none_65003cec6e71ec683993022c2e13237eba36801c.cab
10.03.2020 15:04:26,29 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\mscomctlocx-x-none_fe60408dbc61c169eeaf88185543e1e6b7e6de2a.cab
10.03.2020 15:04:34,96 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\otkruntimertl-x-none_53f566a5c9408aa47eaddd1ae6dfd5b07abb4a92.cab
10.03.2020 15:04:45,64 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\infopath-x-none_13a74b53e9fc77d6bbfe81973c8f72bbf5d966c1.cab
10.03.2020 15:05:20,14 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\onenote-x-none_67a779ccee24e87f048bfe6a64dad50767a56d9d.cab
10.03.2020 15:05:26,61 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\vbe7-x-none_fd0eb59c77d9f1cfbc2d24c5b6ba23c0ae908f3d.cab
10.03.2020 15:05:31,64 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\lynchelploc2013-kb3191937-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020 15:05:44,69 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\dcf-x-none_2304b6c7138de598688871b01cc5b826a88b1dd0.cab
10.03.2020 15:05:50,11 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\conv2013-kb3213564-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020 15:05:58,92 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\eqnedt322013-kb4011580-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020 15:06:05,61 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ipeditor-x-none_d243926c1cb3894e526732fd8d755521fbde5cc7.cab
10.03.2020 15:06:17,37 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\oart-x-none_903cd7c3bdf4786187db61c080cd258f01f51cd5.cab
10.03.2020 15:06:24,45 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ose-x-none_865c3e68cfcf5ea5f399805caba9a715768eb329.cab
10.03.2020 15:06:33,08 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\osetup-x-none_b0685a82a1d04094b28b216894924f60dfa7c004.cab
10.03.2020 15:06:49,12 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\access-x-none_129b61426e2d88ac144b52b66759d916fb160a38.cab
10.03.2020 15:06:58,80 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msohevi-x-none_36be56673fec0172a8e464984de8638cb6ee7733.cab
10.03.2020 15:07:28,05 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\lync2013-kb4475519-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020 15:07:42,59 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\osfclient2013-kb4018375-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
10.03.2020 15:08:04,51 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\mso-x-none_b0afa2244118a8fe6435839272385768f096a876.cab
10.03.2020 15:08:21,19 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ace-x-none_88ff9c0a15dbf7d51fe1f4b18f2ef1fb2ad9bf2d.cab
10.03.2020 15:08:34,91 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\powerpoint-x-none_539f7399bdd45fb700f9b337d0a20e992cc51c24.cab
10.03.2020 15:09:09,55 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\word-x-none_8206cc933ace28297db308ddc79e45a4d64f51a6.cab
10.03.2020 15:09:19,22 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\graph-x-none_126115d86ee33ff3c879b415be241a7665789c4f.cab
10.03.2020 15:09:46,17 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\excel-x-none_df93483cb58ea84f6230ece5924be41a8216cc7c.cab
10.03.2020 15:10:10,53 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\outlook-x-none_ee92132f51c91ef28dc14626f9c1093814319dc2.cab
10.03.2020 15:10:10,58 - Info: Installed 31 updates
10.03.2020 15:10:10,59 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
10.03.2020 15:10:10,61 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
10.03.2020 15:10:10,61 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
10.03.2020 15:10:10,62 - Info: Installation successful
10.03.2020 15:10:10,64 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update


10.03.2020 19:43:56,13 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
10.03.2020 19:43:56,15 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k13\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
10.03.2020 19:43:57,97 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
10.03.2020 19:43:57,97 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
10.03.2020 19:43:57,97 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
10.03.2020 19:43:57,97 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
10.03.2020 19:43:57,99 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
10.03.2020 19:43:57,99 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
10.03.2020 19:43:58,01 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
10.03.2020 19:43:58,01 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
10.03.2020 19:43:58,01 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
10.03.2020 19:43:58,04 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
10.03.2020 19:43:58,06 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2013 Word version 15.0.5197.1000 (o2k13 x86 deu sp1)
10.03.2020 19:43:58,06 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
10.03.2020 19:43:58,08 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
10.03.2020 19:43:58,08 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
10.03.2020 19:43:58,10 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc deu)
10.03.2020 19:43:58,19 - Info: Disabled screensaver
10.03.2020 19:43:58,30 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
10.03.2020 19:43:58,48 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
10.03.2020 19:44:19,31 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
10.03.2020 19:44:19,33 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
10.03.2020 19:44:19,33 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
10.03.2020 19:44:19,89 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020 19:44:20,02 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
10.03.2020 19:44:22,44 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
10.03.2020 19:44:22,44 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020 19:51:01,43 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
10.03.2020 19:51:05,89 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
10.03.2020 19:51:06,62 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
10.03.2020 19:51:06,62 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
10.03.2020 19:51:06,62 - Warning: Update kb4464548 (id: ed1b8d60-8e1d-435e-a457-d4a54cfeb2ce) not found
10.03.2020 19:51:06,93 - Info: Listed update files
10.03.2020 19:51:06,93 - Info: Any missing update was either black listed or not found
10.03.2020 19:51:06,95 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
10.03.2020 19:51:06,96 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
10.03.2020 19:51:06,96 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
10.03.2020 19:51:06,98 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update

:arrow: KB4464548(id: ed1b8d60-8e1d-435e-a457-d4a54cfeb2ce)

o2k13 x64:
Code: Select all
10.03.2020 11:21:04,04 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
10.03.2020 11:21:04,04 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k13\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
10.03.2020 11:21:05,33 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
10.03.2020 11:21:05,33 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
10.03.2020 11:21:05,35 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
10.03.2020 11:21:05,35 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
10.03.2020 11:21:05,35 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
10.03.2020 11:21:05,35 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
10.03.2020 11:21:05,36 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
10.03.2020 11:21:05,36 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
10.03.2020 11:21:05,38 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
10.03.2020 11:21:05,40 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
10.03.2020 11:21:05,42 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2013 Word version 15.0.4569.1504 (o2k13 x64 deu sp1)
10.03.2020 11:21:05,42 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
10.03.2020 11:21:05,44 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
10.03.2020 11:21:05,44 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
10.03.2020 11:21:05,47 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc deu)
10.03.2020 11:21:05,60 - Info: Disabled screensaver
10.03.2020 11:21:05,71 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
10.03.2020 11:21:05,89 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
10.03.2020 11:21:46,19 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
10.03.2020 11:21:46,24 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
10.03.2020 11:21:46,24 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
10.03.2020 11:21:47,01 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020 11:21:47,11 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
10.03.2020 11:24:42,67 - Warning: Service 'wuauserv' did not reach state 'Stopped' in time
10.03.2020 11:33:21,24 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
10.03.2020 11:33:26,99 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
10.03.2020 11:33:27,61 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
10.03.2020 11:33:27,61 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
10.03.2020 11:33:27,61 - Warning: Update kb4464548 (id: 126dd73d-7a6c-4b28-8048-4e136070e8dd) not found
10.03.2020 11:33:31,73 - Info: Listed update files
10.03.2020 11:33:31,76 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020 11:33:31,84 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
10.03.2020 11:34:08,97 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
10.03.2020 11:34:08,97 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020 11:34:18,11 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\proofloc2013-kb2880463-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020 11:34:28,51 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\fm20-x-none_940e36421ffcc83756b96d950b92b2985d0896a1.cab
10.03.2020 11:34:32,18 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\otkruntimertl-x-none_cfd4144c5fc97778cd656ad1a860de84f4dc9547.cab
10.03.2020 11:35:33,66 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\lyncmso2013-kb3039779-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020 11:35:44,13 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msptls-x-none_5a2a26901d1706a3f8d914055265bdce48aa8e3a.cab
10.03.2020 11:35:53,79 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ieawsdc-x-none_ee9814dd5056b16118279d6294c759b3add738f1.cab
10.03.2020 11:36:09,06 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\infopath-x-none_5f314586e37bfb624991c590da0d90fec3a1a30b.cab
10.03.2020 11:36:24,89 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\publisher-x-none_8b916b79f05d674f3960661c6457558485fb68cd.cab
10.03.2020 11:36:36,32 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\infopath-x-none_6554bb3dc9d8fdd375089ec7f4029fd7b9182128.cab
10.03.2020 11:36:51,45 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\onenote-x-none_1e68f700d52709c6250cfa018df91dfe689cfe4b.cab
10.03.2020 11:36:56,95 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\vbe7-x-none_daf1fa025a0b4edd784b9d8adf44e62c23eecc18.cab
10.03.2020 11:37:06,67 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\dcf-x-none_160c84d5daa6b2baa1b4ad2f17e1935dfac53e3b.cab
10.03.2020 11:37:09,93 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\lynchelploc2013-kb3191937-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020 11:37:11,98 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\conv2013-kb3213564-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020 11:37:17,26 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\eqnedt322013-kb4011580-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020 11:37:21,53 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ipeditor-x-none_328d808936fde0cf369282e47b7855dc1368577f.cab
10.03.2020 11:37:27,19 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\oart-x-none_9ac620304b24beb4701abe2e26510f4aac219637.cab
10.03.2020 11:37:31,79 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ose-x-none_94e67bfe2069062033a366a1a4d12985b1d81595.cab
10.03.2020 11:37:36,92 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\osetup-x-none_beb57237ceb78758573659e0f221c590a286796f.cab
10.03.2020 11:37:46,62 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\access-x-none_fc0fbc5243fc77c90374e18527c93b219536374f.cab
10.03.2020 11:37:55,73 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msohevi-x-none_b48a334d5dd89953c3402e10b587b0235fc82d12.cab
10.03.2020 11:38:18,53 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\lync2013-kb4475519-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020 11:38:38,85 - Info: Installed ..\o2k13\glb\osfclient2013-kb4018375-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
10.03.2020 11:39:04,27 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\mso-x-none_21fbab92c7dc902314ea875cbb4da47161906c1e.cab
10.03.2020 11:39:14,11 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ace-x-none_25121ebd3e48f9cbcccfd3820cc13354df86cb8e.cab
10.03.2020 11:39:25,76 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\powerpoint-x-none_e34c449995e5879977a8411614d6767151af2f23.cab
10.03.2020 11:39:40,88 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\word-x-none_9023661c392259a7b1fed47b3f68da0748d839a5.cab
10.03.2020 11:39:45,94 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\graph-x-none_97b414fa5f1978229ee8a04db26fb8052d36a658.cab
10.03.2020 11:40:04,04 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\outlook-x-none_26c984d09acb345335fa2f9e64b62a2a52949945.cab
10.03.2020 11:40:26,62 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\excel-x-none_67530b202461df1b55932077fff02308e6dbd91b.cab
10.03.2020 11:40:26,66 - Info: Installed 30 updates
10.03.2020 11:40:26,68 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
10.03.2020 11:40:26,70 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
10.03.2020 11:40:26,72 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
10.03.2020 11:40:26,74 - Info: Installation successful
10.03.2020 11:40:26,74 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update


10.03.2020 11:41:58,42 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
10.03.2020 11:41:58,44 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k13\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
10.03.2020 11:42:00,36 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
10.03.2020 11:42:00,38 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
10.03.2020 11:42:00,38 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
10.03.2020 11:42:00,38 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
10.03.2020 11:42:00,39 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
10.03.2020 11:42:00,39 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
10.03.2020 11:42:00,41 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
10.03.2020 11:42:00,41 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
10.03.2020 11:42:00,41 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
10.03.2020 11:42:00,44 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
10.03.2020 11:42:00,44 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2013 Word version 15.0.5197.1000 (o2k13 x64 deu sp1)
10.03.2020 11:42:00,46 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
10.03.2020 11:42:00,46 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
10.03.2020 11:42:00,48 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
10.03.2020 11:42:00,50 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc deu)
10.03.2020 11:42:00,61 - Info: Disabled screensaver
10.03.2020 11:42:00,75 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
10.03.2020 11:42:00,92 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
10.03.2020 11:42:16,50 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
10.03.2020 11:42:16,53 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
10.03.2020 11:42:16,53 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
10.03.2020 11:42:17,25 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020 11:42:17,36 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
10.03.2020 11:42:19,42 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
10.03.2020 11:42:19,44 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
10.03.2020 11:49:07,26 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
10.03.2020 11:49:11,92 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
10.03.2020 11:49:13,00 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
10.03.2020 11:49:13,00 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
10.03.2020 11:49:13,00 - Warning: Update kb4464548 (id: 126dd73d-7a6c-4b28-8048-4e136070e8dd) not found
10.03.2020 11:49:13,35 - Info: Listed update files
10.03.2020 11:49:13,35 - Info: Any missing update was either black listed or not found
10.03.2020 11:49:13,37 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
10.03.2020 11:49:13,38 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
10.03.2020 11:49:13,38 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
10.03.2020 11:49:13,40 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update

:arrow: KB4464548(id: 126dd73d-7a6c-4b28-8048-4e136070e8dd)

o2k16 x86:
Code: Select all
11.03.2020  0:43:49,45 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
11.03.2020  0:43:49,46 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k16\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
11.03.2020  0:43:52,52 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
11.03.2020  0:43:52,52 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
11.03.2020  0:43:52,54 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
11.03.2020  0:43:52,54 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
11.03.2020  0:43:52,55 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
11.03.2020  0:43:52,55 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
11.03.2020  0:43:52,57 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
11.03.2020  0:43:52,57 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
11.03.2020  0:43:52,59 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
11.03.2020  0:43:52,63 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
11.03.2020  0:43:52,63 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2016 Word version 16.0.4266.1001 (o2k16 x86 deu sp0)
11.03.2020  0:43:52,65 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
11.03.2020  0:43:52,65 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
11.03.2020  0:43:52,66 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
11.03.2020  0:43:52,66 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc glb)
11.03.2020  0:43:52,74 - Info: Disabled screensaver
11.03.2020  0:43:52,82 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
11.03.2020  0:43:52,99 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
11.03.2020  0:44:26,73 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
11.03.2020  0:44:26,73 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
11.03.2020  0:44:26,73 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
11.03.2020  0:44:27,07 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:44:27,10 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
11.03.2020  0:44:27,13 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
11.03.2020  0:44:27,13 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:44:27,16 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:44:27,18 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
11.03.2020  0:44:27,23 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
11.03.2020  0:44:27,23 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:53:00,60 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
11.03.2020  0:53:10,09 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
11.03.2020  0:53:10,15 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
11.03.2020  0:53:10,15 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
11.03.2020  0:53:13,26 - Info: Listed update files
11.03.2020  0:53:13,34 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:53:13,37 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
11.03.2020  0:53:36,66 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
11.03.2020  0:53:36,68 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:53:42,29 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ieawsdc-x-none_8a716adbe513ab4411444b079cc4ac977e6fcb4e.cab
11.03.2020  0:53:48,43 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\publisher-x-none_2c68e085d66d7b2353defba72e2b3b2246cf4a12.cab
11.03.2020  0:53:54,32 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\mscomctlocx-x-none_bd305a032c07e3f4818088950191693a02184c26.cab
11.03.2020  0:53:58,99 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\otkruntimertl-x-none_8f3141d07a90d92bf5d6768ea97c82eeb83e1b66.cab
11.03.2020  0:54:06,38 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msodll40ui-x-none_26ccebc0307d1baaa1ea7a05c788201b62771f07.cab
11.03.2020  0:54:16,24 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\visio2016-kb3115041-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:54:29,66 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\onenote-x-none_b2cd11addfd3005621709b2ed5dc45bbece7d0ca.cab
11.03.2020  0:54:33,40 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\vbe7-x-none_c90ee58a13cc922fc44339184c19159c97485500.cab
11.03.2020  0:54:39,16 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msodll20-x-none_ae2afe2913447c38ea30c2d8847a9b811f2c06be.cab
11.03.2020  0:54:47,62 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\conv2016-kb3213551-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:54:52,15 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msodll30-x-none_00f36e5055a2b23d2093a0bf963a2e2f634d3327.cab
11.03.2020  0:54:59,87 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\eqnedt322016-kb4011574-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:55:04,21 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\chart-x-none_a7cfdd3d2d9eaa73e1f85ff5880b719d0d77231f.cab
11.03.2020  0:55:09,91 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\oart-x-none_e0f114e41c5aad70de6035e484e98f8cd53c0217.cab
11.03.2020  0:55:16,66 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\access-x-none_77a0973f7ae97404266174321ff9d851a6a0c2a5.cab
11.03.2020  0:55:21,65 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ose-x-none_ab7c762e01e3510c5bae4ae1401808fe191692af.cab
11.03.2020  0:55:25,48 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\osetup-x-none_d89580b37415d8d507077d2dd39a624d96ee270e.cab
11.03.2020  0:55:32,96 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msohevi-x-none_cd9fa602ff9b1d6207a525342f21c203564f8c33.cab
11.03.2020  0:55:58,82 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\lync2016-kb4475545-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:56:07,93 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\msodll99l2016-kb4475514-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:56:15,70 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\osfclient2016-kb4464534-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:56:23,95 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\project2016-kb4475589-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:56:38,27 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\mso-x-none_9ab5484c30ecf643952a01adf234477044651ca5.cab
11.03.2020  0:56:46,52 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ace-x-none_f2447fc2801849e1a3442d679f23c380c340f545.cab
11.03.2020  0:56:55,51 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\powerpoint-x-none_099d71b1aa5bab3b5fa3ad9157464e1a9881ed1b.cab
11.03.2020  0:57:07,34 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\word-x-none_733b71ad143751cf615f0b6877e88b14aeb58b23.cab
11.03.2020  0:57:11,10 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\graph-x-none_26bf7e6ed88fe5351b82125a1d366d14953eb674.cab
11.03.2020  0:57:54,57 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\excel-x-none_54f4a85d175c49cda00e949616c9f492b44f7a0a.cab
11.03.2020  0:58:18,51 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\outlook-x-none_bab05d922ce90d919762c0ddb783c2505349836c.cab
11.03.2020  0:58:18,57 - Info: Installed 29 updates
11.03.2020  0:58:18,60 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
11.03.2020  0:58:18,62 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
11.03.2020  0:58:18,63 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
11.03.2020  0:58:18,65 - Info: Installation successful
11.03.2020  0:58:18,66 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update


11.03.2020  1:00:52,82 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
11.03.2020  1:00:52,82 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k16\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
11.03.2020  1:00:54,50 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
11.03.2020  1:00:54,50 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
11.03.2020  1:00:54,52 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
11.03.2020  1:00:54,52 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
11.03.2020  1:00:54,52 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
11.03.2020  1:00:54,53 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
11.03.2020  1:00:54,53 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
11.03.2020  1:00:54,53 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
11.03.2020  1:00:54,55 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
11.03.2020  1:00:54,58 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
11.03.2020  1:00:54,58 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2016 Word version 16.0.4939.1000 (o2k16 x86 deu sp0)
11.03.2020  1:00:54,59 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
11.03.2020  1:00:54,59 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
11.03.2020  1:00:54,61 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
11.03.2020  1:00:54,61 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc glb)
11.03.2020  1:00:54,71 - Info: Disabled screensaver
11.03.2020  1:00:54,82 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
11.03.2020  1:00:54,98 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
11.03.2020  1:01:09,02 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
11.03.2020  1:01:09,05 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
11.03.2020  1:01:09,05 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
11.03.2020  1:01:09,42 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  1:01:09,49 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
11.03.2020  1:01:11,34 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
11.03.2020  1:01:11,34 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  1:08:06,90 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
11.03.2020  1:08:11,49 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
11.03.2020  1:08:11,88 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
11.03.2020  1:08:11,88 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
11.03.2020  1:08:12,06 - Info: Listed update files
11.03.2020  1:08:12,07 - Info: No missing update found
11.03.2020  1:08:12,07 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
11.03.2020  1:08:12,09 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
11.03.2020  1:08:12,10 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
11.03.2020  1:08:12,10 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update

o2k16 x64:
Code: Select all
11.03.2020  0:02:40,40 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
11.03.2020  0:02:40,40 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k16\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
11.03.2020  0:02:43,54 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
11.03.2020  0:02:43,56 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
11.03.2020  0:02:43,56 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
11.03.2020  0:02:43,57 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
11.03.2020  0:02:43,57 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
11.03.2020  0:02:43,59 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
11.03.2020  0:02:43,61 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
11.03.2020  0:02:43,61 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
11.03.2020  0:02:43,61 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
11.03.2020  0:02:43,65 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
11.03.2020  0:02:43,67 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2016 Word version 16.0.4266.1001 (o2k16 x64 deu sp0)
11.03.2020  0:02:43,67 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
11.03.2020  0:02:43,68 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
11.03.2020  0:02:43,68 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
11.03.2020  0:02:43,70 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc glb)
11.03.2020  0:02:44,25 - Info: Disabled screensaver
11.03.2020  0:02:44,32 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
11.03.2020  0:02:44,48 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
11.03.2020  0:03:15,98 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
11.03.2020  0:03:16,00 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
11.03.2020  0:03:16,00 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
11.03.2020  0:03:16,54 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:03:16,64 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
11.03.2020  0:03:18,95 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
11.03.2020  0:03:18,96 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:03:19,00 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:03:19,01 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
11.03.2020  0:03:19,04 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
11.03.2020  0:03:19,06 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:14:07,62 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
11.03.2020  0:14:19,98 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
11.03.2020  0:14:20,14 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
11.03.2020  0:14:20,14 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
11.03.2020  0:14:22,89 - Info: Listed update files
11.03.2020  0:14:22,93 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:14:22,96 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)
11.03.2020  0:14:58,26 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Stopped'
11.03.2020  0:14:58,26 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:15:03,75 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ieawsdc-x-none_07d6c6b06dea7dde9f7f2bf83bb0a06fa969231f.cab
11.03.2020  0:15:15,98 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\publisher-x-none_8eabca3b6e82309c0f4f600e41f17f5c1105a6aa.cab
11.03.2020  0:15:22,37 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msodll40ui-x-none_851dc32327882ae526cf1aa59e1a93131f761d45.cab
11.03.2020  0:15:35,03 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\visio2016-kb3115041-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:15:48,15 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\onenote-x-none_7b43d76667d780330aef3475942b8d26a9242bdc.cab
11.03.2020  0:15:54,39 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\vbe7-x-none_7cf77eaf81b12cb3324623219f892ce0dd9a2a00.cab
11.03.2020  0:16:00,12 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msodll20-x-none_777d2290a9cfc9ea735b0499bf582d179653d583.cab
11.03.2020  0:16:09,39 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\conv2016-kb3213551-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:16:14,23 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msodll30-x-none_e43e9535cb8eeeb5b18fed3092093d353a81ef6a.cab
11.03.2020  0:16:21,37 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\eqnedt322016-kb4011574-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:16:26,90 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\chart-x-none_51501a9544ed6d25dd910295f1beb5fc72ed73c6.cab
11.03.2020  0:16:33,84 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\oart-x-none_b92df3ef678a5d78a69417a3bd50289f8bfcc519.cab
11.03.2020  0:16:43,68 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\access-x-none_87e840dec3f99402f5a4c7cbf09f5985f183a518.cab
11.03.2020  0:16:49,17 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ose-x-none_7ba616e80ace118c7469b15b136b0355067af01b.cab
11.03.2020  0:16:54,11 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\osetup-x-none_841c727872ac78b4725c3bb859008fe1a4da551d.cab
11.03.2020  0:17:00,98 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\msohevi-x-none_7e3aa376c7f79f8c0ac2051c7955ee796520ceee.cab
11.03.2020  0:17:30,53 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\lync2016-kb4475545-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:17:41,87 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\msodll99l2016-kb4475514-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:17:54,79 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\osfclient2016-kb4464534-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:18:06,12 - Info: Installed ..\o2k16\glb\project2016-kb4475589-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
11.03.2020  0:18:42,93 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\mso-x-none_6b3277706c3c5d7a6c67c6dc5de642ad26023897.cab
11.03.2020  0:18:46,79 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\ace-x-none_188bd9aafb3e302bd7630f4be9acf65c94e6035b.cab
11.03.2020  0:18:59,71 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\powerpoint-x-none_f784c696da4a22c63048985878ecc3d60950130d.cab
11.03.2020  0:19:13,31 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\word-x-none_f08a4d5740c4c3466a8caf567377cbb36b047aa8.cab
11.03.2020  0:19:19,17 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\graph-x-none_10ee4da899172adced128581fea490c29c477def.cab
11.03.2020  0:20:11,20 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\excel-x-none_ec35ca6b6ffa2d4e3586870d840e686220cf9884.cab
11.03.2020  0:20:36,00 - Info: Installed ..\ofc\glb\outlook-x-none_cac7047d2cfa5a568bc2cd72694af4533579c21e.cab
11.03.2020  0:20:36,04 - Info: Installed 27 updates
11.03.2020  0:20:36,06 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
11.03.2020  0:20:36,07 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
11.03.2020  0:20:36,09 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
11.03.2020  0:20:36,11 - Info: Installation successful
11.03.2020  0:20:36,12 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update


11.03.2020  0:21:59,71 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update v. 11.9+ (r1117)
11.03.2020  0:21:59,71 - Info: Used path "C:\Users\aker\Desktop\wsusou_o2k16\cmd\" on AKER-PC (user: aker)
11.03.2020  0:22:01,60 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.1.7601.24545 (w61 x64 deu sp1)
11.03.2020  0:22:01,60 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
11.03.2020  0:22:01,62 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.6.7601.24542
11.03.2020  0:22:01,62 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.7601.24535
11.03.2020  0:22:01,62 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.19597
11.03.2020  0:22:01,64 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.19596
11.03.2020  0:22:01,64 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.16415
11.03.2020  0:22:01,66 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.5420
11.03.2020  0:22:01,66 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
11.03.2020  0:22:01,70 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
11.03.2020  0:22:01,70 - Info: Found Microsoft Office 2016 Word version 16.0.4939.1000 (o2k16 x64 deu sp0)
11.03.2020  0:22:01,71 - Info: Catalog date: 11.02.2020
11.03.2020  0:22:01,71 - Info: Medium build date: 09.03.2020
11.03.2020  0:22:01,73 - Info: Medium does not support Microsoft Windows (w61 x64 deu)
11.03.2020  0:22:01,73 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Office (ofc glb)
11.03.2020  0:22:01,88 - Info: Disabled screensaver
11.03.2020  0:22:02,01 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
11.03.2020  0:22:02,22 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
11.03.2020  0:22:22,18 - Info: Checked Windows Update scan prerequisites
11.03.2020  0:22:22,21 - Warning: Update kb2552343 not found
11.03.2020  0:22:22,21 - Warning: Update kb4537829 not found
11.03.2020  0:22:22,72 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:22:22,80 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)
11.03.2020  0:22:24,95 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'Running'
11.03.2020  0:22:24,95 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
11.03.2020  0:28:51,67 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
11.03.2020  0:28:55,67 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
11.03.2020  0:28:55,78 - Warning: Update kb2506014 not found
11.03.2020  0:28:55,78 - Warning: Update kb3018238 not found
11.03.2020  0:28:55,98 - Info: Listed update files
11.03.2020  0:28:55,98 - Info: No missing update found
11.03.2020  0:28:55,99 - Info: Restored screensaver setting
11.03.2020  0:28:56,01 - Info: Activated previous power scheme
11.03.2020  0:28:56,01 - Info: Deleted temporary power scheme
11.03.2020  0:28:56,02 - Info: Ending WSUS Offline Update
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

Postby aker » 10.03.2020, 01:19

Bei o2k10 x64 sieht man, dass die Datei "..\ofc\deu\outlookintl-de-de_aaee28b56a356fcce91becaf501398c5a19430ab.cab" immer wieder angeboten wird.
Das liegt daran, dass zu dem Update KB4484163 (ID b7af78ba-e720-4225-b200-b65354811e27) gehören zwei Dateien.
Zum einen "..\ofc\deu\outlookintl-de-de_aaee28b56a356fcce91becaf501398c5a19430ab.cab", aber auch die ".\ofc\glb\outlook-x-none_9eb7c6e57791b82653d69da70b88959ecbeed7b1.cab".
Installiert man die ".\ofc\glb\outlook-x-none_9eb7c6e57791b82653d69da70b88959ecbeed7b1.cab", verschwindet die Loop.

Genereller Bugfix: Bei der Office-Update Suche mittels UpdateID sollte sowohl die "glb"-CSV, als auch die Dateien, welche die installierten Sprachen abdecken.

Viele Grüße
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

Postby hbuhrmester » 10.03.2020, 02:25

So, let's see, what we can find in the file package.xml:

Warning: Update kb2999465 (id: fd2d829e-efaf-4b83-b3eb-8cf1b0152b90) not found

The UpdateId leads to the bundle record:

<Update CreationDate="2017-06-27T02:14:32Z" DefaultLanguage="en" UpdateId="fd2d829e-efaf-4b83-b3eb-8cf1b0152b90" RevisionNumber="201" RevisionId="21215464" IsLeaf="true" IsBundle="true">
<UpdateId Id="0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441"/>
<UpdateId Id="84f5f325-30d7-41c4-81d1-87a0e6535b66"/>
<Category Type="UpdateClassification" Id="0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441"/>
<Category Type="ProductFamily" Id="477b856e-65c4-4473-b621-a8b230bb70d9"/>
<Category Type="Company" Id="56309036-4c77-4dd9-951a-99ee9c246a94"/>
<Category Type="Product" Id="84f5f325-30d7-41c4-81d1-87a0e6535b66"/>

The RevisionId leads to one update record (there can be more for localized updates):

<Update CreationDate="2017-06-27T02:14:30Z" DefaultLanguage="en" UpdateId="4b903cb0-7c4d-49b9-953d-9a86c94ca5ff" RevisionNumber="201" RevisionId="21215463" IsLeaf="true" DeploymentAction="Bundle">
<File Id="k6Wt0za0mJtm6Fo5kA8MvkN1U4E="/>

<UpdateId Id="84f5f325-30d7-41c4-81d1-87a0e6535b66"/>
<Revision Id="21215464"/>


The File Id in the field <PayloadFiles> leads to the FileLocation:

<FileLocation Id="k6Wt0za0mJtm6Fo5kA8MvkN1U4E=" Url="http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/secu/2016/06/vviewer-x-none_93a5add336b4989b66e85a39900f0cbe43755381.cab"/>

— "vviewer-x-none_93a5add336b4989b66e85a39900f0cbe43755381" is excluded in wsusoffline/exclude/ExcludeList-ofc-glb.txt

Warning: Update kb4461631 (id: ffa69ae0-31bf-4eda-916d-172ae0899659) not found

The UpdateId leads to the bundle record:

<Update CreationDate="2019-09-05T23:22:35Z" DefaultLanguage="en" UpdateId="ffa69ae0-31bf-4eda-916d-172ae0899659" RevisionNumber="201" RevisionId="29842256" IsLeaf="true" IsBundle="true">
<UpdateId Id="0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441"/>
<UpdateId Id="84f5f325-30d7-41c4-81d1-87a0e6535b66"/>
<Category Type="UpdateClassification" Id="0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441"/>
<Category Type="ProductFamily" Id="477b856e-65c4-4473-b621-a8b230bb70d9"/>
<Category Type="Company" Id="56309036-4c77-4dd9-951a-99ee9c246a94"/>
<Category Type="Product" Id="84f5f325-30d7-41c4-81d1-87a0e6535b66"/>

The RevisionId leads to one update record:

<Update CreationDate="2019-09-05T23:22:33Z" DefaultLanguage="en" UpdateId="d9bf0c5e-7357-41e9-a610-9fa229027351" RevisionNumber="201" RevisionId="29842255" IsLeaf="true" DeploymentAction="Bundle">
<File Id="cRGP1CrnSidABlnuLktrkcWXN8w="/>

<UpdateId Id="176aa4b8-59c0-4258-bfcb-b0f2ffb447c6"/>
<Revision Id="29842256"/>


The File Id leads to the FileLocation:

<FileLocation Id="cRGP1CrnSidABlnuLktrkcWXN8w=" Url="http://download.windowsupdate.com/c/msdownload/update/software/secu/2019/08/project-x-none_71118fd42ae74a27400659ee2e4b6b91c59737cc.cab"/>

— "project" is excluded in wsusoffline/exclude/ExcludeList-ofc.txt

So, if this is wrong, then these two filters should be removed from ExcludeList-ofc.txt and ExcludeList-ofc-glb.txt

Posts: 525
Joined: 11.10.2013, 20:59

Re: A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

Postby WSUSUpdateAdmin » 10.03.2020, 14:47


Herzlichen Dank! :)
Ich habe das gerade übernommen.

Posts: 2245
Joined: 07.07.2009, 14:38

Re: A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

Postby hbuhrmester » 10.03.2020, 17:26

Results for Office 2010 x86

Update kb2999465 (id: 6fafb1ac-8403-4884-afd2-18268a5d5dd7) is the file vviewer-x-none_d78f3d1bc020ff923b6126dd297480c3c0b06050.cab

It is excluded with the filter "vviewer-x-none_d78f3d1bc020ff923b6126dd297480c3c0b06050" in ExcludeList-ofc-glb.txt

Results for Office 2013 x64

Update kb4464548 (id: 126dd73d-7a6c-4b28-8048-4e136070e8dd) is the file project-x-none_99cb5b8c603ddec64e73a6f421be40941baf126f.cab

It was excluded with the filter "project" in ExcludeList-ofc.txt, but WSUSUpdateAdmin just removed this one in revision 1118 and 1119 (one is for trunk, the other for a new branch wsusoffline11.9.x, which will become a new ESR version for Windows 7).

Posts: 525
Joined: 11.10.2013, 20:59

Re: A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

Postby hbuhrmester » 10.03.2020, 20:54

Results for Office 2013 x86

Update kb4464548 (id: ed1b8d60-8e1d-435e-a457-d4a54cfeb2ce) is the file project-x-none_409381d2fafcddd2f675dd1154cf9728136dc1e9.cab

It was excluded with the filter "project" in ExcludeList-ofc.txt, but this should be solved by now (at least in trunk).

Posts: 525
Joined: 11.10.2013, 20:59

Re: A new XSLT file to extract Office updates by Product Ids

Postby aker » 11.03.2020, 01:14

Done; all logs created.
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten oder an den Meistbietenden versteigern. / Everybody finding a misspelling is allowed to keep or sell it.

WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
Posts: 3999
Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32


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