Speeding up "verifying integrity of existing..."

Speeding up "verifying integrity of existing..."

Postby eLPuSHeR » 13.01.2020, 09:37


I don't know whether this is doable or not but that stage(s) TAKE AGES on my SATA II hard disk. I don't know wheter the script is reading/verifyng hashes or whatever but as I have said it takes ages (I know my hard disk is not the fastest one but).

Chipset is Intel X99 with Intel AHCI driver.
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Re: Speeding up "verifying integrity of existing..."

Postby eLPuSHeR » 13.01.2020, 17:22

I have set a folder exclusion for Windows Defender. Now, instead of 2h it takes one hour and a half.

I will try with standard ms ahci drivers this afternoon.
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Re: Speeding up "verifying integrity of existing..."

Postby boco » 13.01.2020, 18:02

It's only 1-2 minutes, for me. This is on a USB 2.0-connected magnetic hard disk.

Even 1.5 hours is abnormally long.
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Re: Speeding up "verifying integrity of existing..."

Postby Dalai » 13.01.2020, 18:13

On my server it takes one to two minutes, even for the ~4.5 GB updates for MS Office (on internal SATA disk).

Defragmenting the files could help, but since the time span you told us is so much larger, it could be that your disk has some issues reading some sectors (or is even dying). You should check its SMART values with a program like CrystalDiskInfo and probably do some performance tests with the drive.

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Re: Speeding up "verifying integrity of existing..."

Postby aker » 13.01.2020, 22:42

Taking about 5 minutes here.
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Re: Speeding up "verifying integrity of existing..."

Postby eLPuSHeR » 13.01.2020, 23:53


First of all, thank you very much for those suggestions.

On my work's computer, (Intel i7, 7th gen), the full process takes usually around 15-20 minutes. I am using a SATA III drive there.

I am going to do some integrity, surface tests on my SATA II hard disk although it appears to be fine.

This is what winsat says about performance.

> Disk Random 16.0 Read 1.62 MB/s 4.0
> Disk Sequential 64.0 Read 64.37 MB/s 5.8
> Disk Sequential 64.0 Write 63.94 MB/s 5.8
> Promedio de tiempo de lectura con escrituras secuenciales6.478 ms 5.5
> Latencia: percentil 95 11.878 ms 5.4
> Latencia: máxima 21.802 ms 7.9
> Promedio de tiempo de lectura con escrituras aleatorias6.503 ms 5.5

Best regards.
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Re: Speeding up "verifying integrity of existing..."

Postby eLPuSHeR » 13.01.2020, 23:59

Some info from HDTune

Buffer size : 8192 KB
Standard : ATA/ATAPI-8 - SATA II
Supported mode : UDMA Mode 6 (Ultra ATA/133)
Current mode : UDMA Mode 5 (Ultra ATA/100)

S.M.A.R.T : yes
48-bit Address : yes
Read Look-Ahead : yes
Write Cache : yes
Host Protected Area : yes
Device Configuration Overlay : yes
Automatic Acoustic Management: yes
Power Management : yes
Advanced Power Management : no
Power-up in Standby : yes
Security Mode : yes
Firmware Upgradable : yes

Partition : 1
Drive letter : D:\
Label : DATOS
Capacity : 476936 MB
Usage : 81.59%
Type : NTFS
Bootable : Yes

HD Tune: ATA WDC WD5000AAJS-2 Health

ID Current Worst ThresholdData Status
(01) Raw Read Error Rate 200 200 51 0 Ok
(03) Spin Up Time 175 172 21 6241 Ok
(04) Start/Stop Count 88 88 0 12788 Ok
(05) Reallocated Sector Count 200 200 140 0 Ok
(07) Seek Error Rate 200 200 51 0 Ok
(09) Power On Hours Count 44 44 0 41406 Ok
(0A) Spin Retry Count 100 100 51 0 Ok
(0B) Calibration Retry Count 100 100 51 0 Ok
(0C) Power Cycle Count 91 91 0 9805 Ok
(C0) Power Off Retract Count 200 200 0 408 Ok
(C1) Load Cycle Count 196 196 0 12793 Ok
(C2) Temperature 125 101 0 25 Ok
(C4) Reallocated Event Count 200 200 0 0 Ok
(C5) Current Pending Sector 200 200 0 0 Ok
(C6) Offline Uncorrectable 200 200 0 0 Ok
(C7) Ultra DMA CRC Error Count 200 200 0 710 Ok
(C8) Write Error Rate 200 200 51 0 Ok

Power On Time : 41406
Health Status : Ok

Disk is totally defragmented and seems in working order.
Time to go to sleep. I will do more testing tomorrow.
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Re: Speeding up "verifying integrity of existing..."

Postby eLPuSHeR » 14.01.2020, 10:09


I have just created a whole WSUS installation from scratch (At my work's PC).

Total time 22 minutes. Good.

Could it be I was previously using the minimizeondownload=Enabled option?

I will recheck it after lunch on my main SATA II PC.
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Re: Speeding up "verifying integrity of existing..."

Postby boco » 14.01.2020, 11:55

There is an OS "foreground boost" for the currently active window, yes. The only thing you could do is trying if it makes any difference without that option.

Do you have any software that manages process priorities (like Process Lasso, for example)?
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Re: Speeding up "verifying integrity of existing..."

Postby Denniss » 14.01.2020, 13:07

Please monitor the C7 errors on your HDD, may be a cable/connection problem.
Plus the more threads your CPU has the more files are checked simultaneously which is major stress for a HDD and actually forced me to move files to my SSD (HDD head sounds were not sounding healthy to me)
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