Windows 10 Pro not installing updates

Windows 10 Pro not installing updates

Postby Thisheis » 22.11.2019, 07:52

I have the latest version of WSUS Offline updates 11.8.3 and the operating system is Windows 10 Pro

when i install try to install the updates i get the following message

and the message does not change even after multiple reboots

Code: Select all
Adjusting service 'Windows Update'...
Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)...
Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Running' (timeout: 60s)...
12:11:40.93 - Listing ids of missing updates (please be patient, this will take a while)...
12:13:48.48 - Done.
Listing ids of installed updates...
Listing update files...
Warning: Update kb4041689 (id: c6c38d0b-3125-4a5a-bf3a-31cfc45fb07e) not found.
Warning: Update kb4049179 (id: 1144fe12-51f2-4905-82a5-ed58f53cb283) not found.
Info: Skipping update kb890830 (Malicious Software Removal Tool) due to matching black list entry.
Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)...
Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'Stopped' (timeout: 180s)...
Installing updates...
12:13:54.57 - Installing update 1 of 1 (stage size: 320)...
Skipped inapplicable ..\w100-x64\glb\
Restoring screensaver setting...
Activating previous power scheme...
Deleting temporary power scheme...

Installation successful. Please reboot your system now.

Ending WSUS Offline Update at 12:13:58.70...


Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10586]

Posts: 22
Joined: 18.06.2019, 00:44

Re: Windows 10 Pro not installing updates

Postby Thisheis » 22.11.2019, 07:52

Any ideas what is happening ?
Posts: 22
Joined: 18.06.2019, 00:44

Re: Windows 10 Pro not installing updates

Postby aker » 22.11.2019, 10:47

Windows 10 1511 (build 10586) is unsupported by MS (and wsusou) since 10-2017...
Please upgrade to a newer build.
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