Wsus Offline and MDT

Wsus Offline and MDT

Postby handesonmiller » 30.10.2019, 23:58

Hello everyone! First, congratulations for the fantastic tool, it's awesome!
Second: Sorry for my bad english and mistake if this topic posted in worng place.
I don't complete fully automate windows patch using this two tools, I follow this steps:

1 - Create standard TS -> Add Wsus as Standard Application using quiet install command: DoUpdate.cmd /updatecpp /instmssl /updatercerts /instwmf /updatetsc /autoreboot in cmd Working directory.
Install Prerequisites for IE11 starts normally (nine updates), after reboot, the Logon screen show me Administrator and WOUTempAdmin account to continue, i know MDT uses de Bult-in administrator account to makes TS perfect.

2 - When i run cscript.exe using ZTIConnect.wsf to mount DeploymentShare$ folder and run commandline (cmd.exe /c "X:\PATH") happens same thing, or, breaks the deploy.
I am noob, my question is: It's possible complete automate using wsus, setting up the loop and running install updates normally?
PS:I tested in Windows 7 Starter and Professional, MDT latest Build, my system is Windows Server 2019 on I5-2310, 8GB RAM, 2TB + 1TB Hard Drive.
Greetings and Thanks from Brazil (AMAZONIA).
Handeson Miller.
Posts: 3
Joined: 30.10.2019, 23:16

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