Win2000 dotNet 2 update issues

Win2000 dotNet 2 update issues

Postby Antharro » 11.05.2020, 04:48

PC1: VirtualBox 6.1 with latest addons, 1 CPU, 512Mb RAM, 12Gb HDD.
PC2: Dell Inspiron 4000, Pentium III, 64Mb RAM, 16Gb SSD.

WSUSOffline: 6.6.5, built on a fully updated Windows 2000 laptop.

WSUSOffline couldn't download the IE6 SP1 install files as MS had taken them offline. I have a copy of the install files but WSUSO doesn't like them, so I install them prior to using WSUSO.

Prior to running WSUS Offline, I install all of the following silently, rebooting as necessary.

DirectX 9.0C
W2k SP4 Update Rollup 1
Windows Installer 3.1
Windows Media Player 9
dotNet 1.1 Runtime
dotNet 1.1 Service Pack 1
dotNet 2.0 Runtime
IE6 SP1 Update KB912812
Root Certificate Update
Windows Update Agent 3.0
BITS and WinHTTP 5.1 Update KB842773

I then run WSUSOffline, which installs 97 updates. I then install the following:

Filter Manager update (fixes WU issues): KB922582
MSI reliability update: KB927891
Intel Indeo Codec security update: KB955759
Autorun network drive disable fix: KB967715
Microsoft Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider Package: KB909520

After this, I run Windows Update, which, all being well, will have no available updates.

However - during the WSUSOffline stage, TWO updates fail every time - they cause DLLHOST.EXE to crash. WSUSOffline doesn't see the crash and assumes that the installs installed correctly. At first I thought this was a Virtualbox issue, so I tried to replicate this on bare metal, so I tried on bare metal. In VirtualBox, KB947746 and KB110806 crash. On the laptop, KB971110 or KB953300.

After a restart, I can run WSUSOffline again and it will install the two updates absolutely fine. Apart from these two crashes, everything else works exactly as designed.

I would post logs but they'd be completely pointless - the initial download log does not show any errors, and the installation log shows those four updates installing absolutely fine on the first run (two of which did not install), and shows whichever two updates that failed in the first run installing fine in the second run.

I know 6.6.5 is a discontinued version, as is Windows 2000, but any help would be appreciated. I manually re-downloaded all four updates from the Microsoft Catalog just in case, but there was no change. I might just pull those four updates into my pre-WSUSO script and get them out of the way.

As an aside, would the Intel Indeo Codec security update (KB955759) not be included in WSUSO?

Posts: 24
Joined: 08.10.2019, 00:32

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