ERROR: ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs - Laufzeitfehler in VBScript

ERROR: ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs - Laufzeitfehler in VBScript

Postby mth404 » 31.10.2010, 16:27


I just wanted to update my Win7x64 (german version), but I got the following error each time I try to start UpdateInstaller:

Code: Select all
Starting WSUS Offline Update (v. 6.6.4+ (r159)) at 16:13:28,45...
Determining system's properties...
Found OS caption: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Found Microsoft Windows version: 6.1.7600 (w61 x64 deu sp0)
Found Microsoft Office 2010 Word version: 14.0.4762.1000 (o2k10 deu sp0)
Checking user's privileges...
Checking medium content...
Medium build date: 31.10.2010
Medium supports Microsoft Windows (w61-x64 glb).
Medium does not support Microsoft Office (o2k10 deu).
Checking Windows Service Pack version...
Checking Windows Update Agent version...
Checking Windows Installer version...
Checking Windows Script Host version...
Checking Internet Explorer version...
Checking Microsoft Security Essentials installation state...
Checking state of service 'automatic updates'...
Listing ids of missing updates...
x:\xxx\wsusoffline\client\cmd\ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs(17, 1) Laufzeitfehler in Microsoft VBScript: Ungültiger Prozeduraufruf oder ungültiges Argument

Listing ids of installed updates...

No missing update found. Nothing to do!

Ending WSUS Offline Update at 16:13:29,59...

I downloaded the repository with UpdateGenerator 6.6.4 and I tried UpdateInstaller 6.6.3, 6.6.4 and trunk r159 - same result everytime...

Could someone give me a hint, please?

br mth404

Re: ERROR: ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs - Laufzeitfehler in VBSc

Postby boco » 31.10.2010, 23:18 ... aq-enu.txt

Q: On installation of patches I'm getting strange errors in the command line window, e. g. "C:\wsusupdate\client\cmd\DetermineSystemProperties.vbs(92, 3) (null): 0x80041014". Then the script terminates. What is the cause and how can I solve this problem?
A: For trouble-free execution, the script requires the correct installation and configuration of the following Windows services/components: "Automatic Update/Windows Update (WUA)", "Windows Script Host (WSH)" and "Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)". Please check first if you have restricted or even disabled these services with tools like TweakUI, nLite/vLite, XP-Antispy, XPy, Tuneup Utilities etc. If that's not the case, the cause is most probably an erroneous WMI registration. Download the WMI diagnostics tool from Microsoft ( ... laylang=en) and use it to scan you system for WMI-related errors. Further technical information is given on ... 7057(WS.10).aspx; the WMI FAQs you'll find on ... 92772.aspx.
Last edited by aker on 28.07.2013, 18:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Microsoft update catalog:
Windows Install media download:
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Location: Germany

Re: ERROR: ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs - Laufzeitfehler in VBSc

Postby mth404 » 01.11.2010, 13:14

Hi boco,

I can't get it working. Here a list of what I have tried/checked:

-Service Windows Update is running
-Windows Script Host is not disabled at XP-Antispy
-Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) - I can't find a service or an option in XP-Antispy.
But, wmic (wmi commandline tool) is working fine:
Code: Select all
T:\>wmic qfe GET description,hotfixid,installedon
Description      HotFixID   InstalledOn
Update           KB917607   10/20/2010
Security Update  KB2032276  9/9/2010
Security Update  KB2079403  9/9/2010
Update           KB2158563  10/11/2010
Security Update  KB2160329  9/9/2010
Security Update  KB2183461  9/9/2010
Security Update  KB2207566  10/14/2010
Security Update  KB2281679  10/14/2010
Security Update  KB2286198  9/9/2010
Security Update  KB2296011  10/14/2010
Security Update  KB2347290  9/16/2010
Security Update  KB2360131  10/14/2010
Security Update  KB2378111  10/14/2010
Security Update  KB2387149  10/14/2010
Security Update  KB2416471  10/11/2010
Update           KB958488   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB972270   9/9/2010
Update           KB974431   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB974571   9/9/2010
Hotfix           KB975467   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB975560   9/9/2010
Update           KB977074   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB978542   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB978601   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB978886   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB979309   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB979482   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB979687   10/14/2010
Security Update  KB979688   10/14/2010
Security Update  KB979916   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB980195   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB980218   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB980232   9/9/2010
Update           KB980408   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB980436   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB981332   9/9/2010
Update           KB981793   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB981852   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB981957   10/14/2010
Security Update  KB982132   10/14/2010
Security Update  KB982214   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB982665   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB982799   9/9/2010
Security Update  KB983590   9/9/2010

-the WMI diagnostics tool from Microsoft is not working any more (since XP SP3 I've read somewhere...) - in my case (Win7x64): "Unsupported OS version or build #"

UpdateGenerator is working fine, just UpdateInstaller is not working...
So, do you have any other things I could do/check?

Re: ERROR: ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs - Laufzeitfehler in VBSc

Postby WSUSUpdateAdmin » 01.11.2010, 14:33

Hi "mth404",

line 17 of "ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs" says:
Code: Select all
Set objUpdateService = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager").AddScanPackageService("Offline Sync Service", strTempFolder & "\")

Maybe your copy of Microsoft's update catalog file "" is damaged (or could not be copied to %TEMP% on the target machine).
Please delete it in your repository (...\client\wsus), re-download and rebuild your update medium.

Torsten Wittrock
Posts: 2245
Joined: 07.07.2009, 14:38

Re: ERROR: ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs - Laufzeitfehler in VBSc

Postby mth404 » 02.11.2010, 00:14

Hi WSUSUpdateAdmin,

problem is solved!!! was ok, but the %TEMP% path was the problem.
I recently installed a RAM-Drive (T:) and set the Windows Temp to "T:\" - but your script gets an error, because the TEMP-Path ends with a "\" - so I removed the trailing "\"...
(the RAM-Drive is empty after reboot - no temp dir is there...)
Now, I did a short test and created a TEMP-Directory and set all TEMP-Vars to this directory - and everything works :-)

Thanks for helping!

best regards

Re: ERROR: ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs - Laufzeitfehler in VBSc

Postby WSUSUpdateAdmin » 02.11.2010, 09:48

Hi mth404,

mth404 wrote:problem is solved!!!

nice to hear! :)

mth404 was ok, but the %TEMP% path was the problem.
I recently installed a RAM-Drive (T:) and set the Windows Temp to "T:\" - but your script gets an error, because the TEMP-Path ends with a "\" - so I removed the trailing "\"...
(the RAM-Drive is empty after reboot - no temp dir is there...)
Now, I did a short test and created a TEMP-Directory and set all TEMP-Vars to this directory - and everything works :-)

This should be checked and faulted by the UpdateInstaller script:
(6.9 KiB) Downloaded 347 times

So I assume you directly started Update.cmd/DoUpdate.cmd instead?

mth404 wrote:Thanks for helping!

You're welcome! :)

Torsten Wittrock
Posts: 2245
Joined: 07.07.2009, 14:38

Re: ERROR: ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs - Laufzeitfehler in VBSc

Postby mth404 » 04.11.2010, 17:25

Hi WSUSUpdateAdmin,

sorry for answering late...

I got this Error-Message (WOU_UpdateInstaller_trailing_backslash_error.png) with Temp-Dir set to "T:\".

So, I set Temp-Dir to "T:", but this is also not working - I have to use something like "T:\tmp"...

regards mth404

Re: ERROR: ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs - Laufzeitfehler in VBSc

Postby WSUSUpdateAdmin » 04.11.2010, 23:57

Hi mth404,

mth404 wrote:[...]So, I set Temp-Dir to "T:", but this is also not working - I have to use something like "T:\tmp"...

thanks for info. :)
I fixed that now - soon available under (r162).

Torsten Wittrock
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