Office 2010 SP2 not being downloaded?

Office 2010 SP2 not being downloaded?

Postby 1ceTr0n » 30.08.2013, 20:09

Hey all, im totally new to this program and im trying to figure out solutions to be able to get our computers more updated frequently and much much faster and easier for Windows updates as well as office updates and i'm trying out this pretty slick WSUS tool. Its working well enough for Windows updates but im not having any luck with the new 8.5 version to pull down the SP2 for Office 2010 for the english language and a lot of our lab computers at my college really need this update bad. What am I doing wrong that its not downloading and then installing onto the systems? I"m mapping a networked shared drive so I can run the Client folder under the WSUSoffline folder on a server and then it pushes all the updates to the client machine rather then taking a USB or DVD disc to every machine.

Someone help a noob out?

Re: Office 2010 SP2 not being downloaded?

Postby harry » 30.08.2013, 20:35

Could it be, that you are using the x64-Version of Office 2010?
Please see .\doc\faq-enu.txt:
Q: I miss the x64 version of Office 2010 Service Pack 1. How can I have it downloaded?
A: Please call ...\cmd\AddOffice2010x64Support.cmd {lng} once to add its URL to your custom static download definitions (see directory ...\static\custom).

This also applies to Office 2010 Service Pack 2.
.\doc\history.txt wrote:Version 8.5 -- 26.07.13
- NOTE: If you customized your copy of WOU using the script AddOffice2010x64Support.cmd {lng}, please call it again once (per language) to get the appropriate Office 2010 SP2 installation file(s) downloaded
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Re: Office 2010 SP2 not being downloaded?

Postby 1ceTr0n » 30.08.2013, 21:20

No, our office is 32bit

Re: Office 2010 SP2 not being downloaded?

Postby 1ceTr0n » 30.08.2013, 21:29

I dunno how to add a script to this program

Re: Office 2010 SP2 not being downloaded?

Postby Denniss » 30.08.2013, 21:37

In the Update generator menu did you select "include Servicepacks" and in the Office menu Office 2010 english ?
Does your WOU\client subfolder contain a o2k10 subfolder? If yes please list any file found there.
Please check the download.log for possible errors or deleted 02k10 files
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Re: Office 2010 SP2 not being downloaded?

Postby 1ceTr0n » 30.08.2013, 22:32

Yep, it is checked on both sections for include services packs for Windows and OFfice tabsand I did see it download in the log with no errors and I see the big .exe file for SP2 for Office in the "clients" folder but I still do not see the option in the "Software tab" that shows office SP2 can be installed when I run update installer on the machine, its just blank

Re: Office 2010 SP2 not being downloaded?

Postby WSUSUpdateAdmin » 31.08.2013, 09:57

You misunderstand the "software" tab, which is for 3rd party msi packages.
SPs for OS and Offices will be installed if required during the normal updating process.
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Re: Office 2010 SP2 not being downloaded?

Postby 1ceTr0n » 05.09.2013, 22:43

Oh I see, I coudln't figure that out. Is it normal for WSUS to have to run a few times to apply all the updates to a machine after reboots, its not able to install everything at once? Also, I have seen SP2 for Office 2010 run but when I check windows updates, it is still showing another download for SP2 thats around 100 megs. Is the Windows updater finding new stuff that WSUS can't install/download or is it not capable of recognizing updates done by WSUS?

Re: Office 2010 SP2 not being downloaded?

Postby WSUSUpdateAdmin » 06.09.2013, 08:20


Sounds as if SP2 wasn't installed properly.
Please try to install it manually to see any error message, and also have a look at the log file.

And yes, there will be updates offered by Microsoft Update (online) after an update by WOU.
See viewtopic.php?f=7&t=172 for details.

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