why it downloaded installed version of dotnet?

why it downloaded installed version of dotnet?

Postby vsrawat » 17.01.2019, 11:19

I am on w8.1-64 bit. today I downloaded and ran wsus Offline update.

I already have .net 3.5 and .net 4.5 installed, but it still went ahead and downloaded
dotnetfx35.exe 231.50 MB and .net 4.6 60 MB and .net 4.7.2 80 MB.

When 4.7.2 "includes" 4.6 why it downloaded 4.6?

In any case I already had 4.6 and 4.7.2 downloaded and kept in my pc. I had forgotten to update them so I was at 4.5

Had it asked for some confirmation before going ahead for these huge downloads, I would have realized and moved my backed up files to its client files, or would have installed them myself and then re-ran this software.

And it also downloaded deu version of .net whereas my pc has English. What is the point?

You are having same mentality as MS as you think users to be dumb and you are not giving users option to decide what they want you to do and what they don't need you to do. You would force your way of thinking on users.

You had exhausted my 1.4 GB quota for the day downloading all these useless things, and now I have to use other sim to run net.

I am sad.

Posts: 1
Joined: 17.01.2019, 09:44

Re: why it downloaded installed version of dotnet?

Postby Dalai » 17.01.2019, 15:24

Hi, welcome to the forum :).

vsrawat wrote:When 4.7.2 "includes" 4.6 why it downloaded 4.6?

Because .NET Framework 4.6 is still supported on Windows Server 2008 (NT 6.0), and the latest one available for that OS. And because it's statically defined on WSUS Offline so that it's available for installation on that platform when you select to install .NET Framework 4 in UpdateInstaller.

And it also downloaded deu version of .net whereas my pc has English. What is the point?

Please check the FAQ in wsusoffline\doc\faq-enu.txt:
Q: I don't need the German installation files for IEx, .NET and MSSE. How can I disable their downloads?
A: Please call ...\cmd\RemoveGermanLanguageSupport.cmd once to remove their URLs from the static download definitions.

You are having same mentality as MS as you think users to be dumb and you are not giving users option to decide what they want you to do and what they don't need you to do. You would force your way of thinking on users.

You had exhausted my 1.4 GB quota for the day downloading all these useless things, and now I have to use other sim to run net.

Whoa, slow down, man! Nobody thinks that users are dumb (well, on the MS part we can agree on ;)). You're the only one that can know of any volume limitation of your internet connection. You can abort the download WSUS Offline is doing at any time if you see that it's loading some large files you know you don't need. Besides, WSUS Offline is a free software project (with its source code available to anyone), that is likely to be better documented than MS software (at least partially).

Furthermore, the .NET Framework setup files are downloaded only once.

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