Facilitate a build from the trunk

Re: Facilitate a build from the trunk

Postby Gerby » 07.08.2018, 11:14

So, the missing r is due to the trac version and not configurable by the admin?
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Re: Facilitate a build from the trunk

Postby boco » 07.08.2018, 12:27

It came with the change from trac 0.10.x to 1.x - quite a version change. It's entirely possible the trac devs decided to kick the "r" out at some point.

We should simply leave it as it is now. No r means none can be forgotten, and going back to the old scheme might reveal other unpleasant side effects - if it is even possible at all.
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Re: Facilitate a build from the trunk

Postby Gerby » 30.08.2018, 20:30

I've now adapted the script in the first post to use both, trunks with and without r in their name (script version 1.2.0). The output (build directory), however, always uses the r.
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