As I'm not allowed to post the
Informationen/Information section, here's a short remark on the
Facilitate a build from the trunk topic.
I was annoyed by the now necessary rename for the downloaded trunk archive, so I already adapted the script accordingly. Until @Gerby adjusts it in the linked topic, here are the necessary changes for everyone who wants to do that himself.
Change the following lines in section "Search for latest trunk":
- Code: Select all
set TrunkSearcher=trunk-*.zip
(the "r" has been dropped)
- Code: Select all
(the "r" has been dropped)
And change the following line in section "Sub batch for searching latest revision":
- Code: Select all
if %MarkerSet% == 1 (set TempRev=%TempRev:~7,-4%) else (set TempRev=%TempRev:~6,-4%)
(an "8" has been turned into a "7", and a "7" has been turned into a "6").
That's it, afterwards the script runs fine as before

In case you want to purge each reference to the old "r‹nnn›" naming scheme, even in the other output, you can additionally change the following lines:
In Section "Search for latest trunk":
- Code: Select all
set BuildDir=build-%HighestRev%
(the "r" has been dropped)
And in section "Procedure for creating the build":
- Code: Select all
echo Using trunk %HighestRev%...
(the "r" has been dropped)