96 Server 2012 R2 updates missing

96 Server 2012 R2 updates missing

Postby ashg » 08.03.2017, 14:46

Hi all.

I'm having issues just with the w63-64 package. I'm updating by command line using the /includedotnet /includewddefs /verify /proxy flags for w63-64 and w100-x64 and am then using this as a source to build new images from (I'm using SCCM - don't ask why I'm not using WSUS as part of that - this is my ONLY option!).
I've got Windows 10 and Server 2016 building fine with zero updates needed when I run Windows update after building the OS, but there's 96 missing from the Server 2012R2 build on repeated retries.
I'm not getting any errors or anything standing out in the Wsusoffline log when I query for updates, but when I check the wsusofflineupdate.log on the Server 2012R2 client, the first 4 passes run fine (installing around 120 updates in total), but on the 5th (and subsequent) passes I get :

Warning: Update kb2978041 (id : %guid%) not found
Warning: Update kb3032663 (id: %guid%) not found
(with the %guid% having full guids I hasten to add)

I can see these updates on Microsofts site - the client OS and wsusoffline knows that it needs to install them, but wsusoffline hasn't pulled them down.
I'm seeing 185 updates in the w63-x64 glb folder, and 21 in the dotnet x64-glb folder. Have searched the whole wsusoffline folder for those KB numbers with no luck.

Have tried the suggestion I found on these boards about putting the cmd and client folders in the root of the drive and running from there ; made no difference.
Anyone have a clue whats going on?
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Joined: 08.03.2017, 14:33

Re: 96 Server 2012 R2 updates missing

Postby boco » 08.03.2017, 18:29

Those patches are for .NET 4.5.x - AFAIK WOU downloads ansd installs only the patches for the latest .NET, which is 4.6.x. Outdated .NET packages can be upgraded to the latest one.
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
Windows Install media download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15088/windows-create-installation-media
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Re: 96 Server 2012 R2 updates missing

Postby ashg » 08.03.2017, 21:21

Aha. That makes sense. Is it possible to config wou to include older packages too? Or (if I am right) if I upgrade the os to have 4.6, would this likely remove the problem?
Cheers, ash
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Re: 96 Server 2012 R2 updates missing

Postby aker » 08.03.2017, 21:56

You can tell wsusou to upgrade .NET to the most recent version. Either tick the bix in UpdateInstaller.exe or add the "/instdotnet4"-switch to your command-line.
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Re: 96 Server 2012 R2 updates missing

Postby Denniss » 09.03.2017, 09:53

dotnet 4.52 is still supported although there may be some problems identifying and installing the latest rollup packages
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Re: 96 Server 2012 R2 updates missing

Postby ashg » 10.03.2017, 10:09

Hi all, cheers for the pointers.
That's better - It's now installed .net 4.6 which is good - but now fails on kb3205410 - the December 2016 .net security fix, saying that it's missing.
I'm using the following:

Code: Select all
for %%i in ( w63-x64 w100-x64) do (
  echo Downloading updates for %%i glb...
  call "DownloadUpdates.cmd" %%i glb /includedotnet /includewddefs /verify /nocleanup /proxy http://myproxy:port

What am I missing?
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Re: 96 Server 2012 R2 updates missing

Postby aker » 13.03.2017, 06:15

How do you start the installation part? Using UpdateInstaller?
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Re: 96 Server 2012 R2 updates missing

Postby ashg » 13.03.2017, 07:08

Currently using a script, but have run via the GUI too.
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Re: 96 Server 2012 R2 updates missing

Postby ashg » 13.03.2017, 15:10

I'm running:
Code: Select all
doupdate.cmd /instdotnet4 /updatecpp /updatetsc

through a SCCM task sequence.
Here's the log from a pass I tried over the weekend - it's processing the flags fine ...

Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:14.24 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update (v. 10.9.1)
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:14.24 - Info: Used path "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\EDU00059\cmd\" on BUILDNCAP2 (user: SYSTEM)
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:14.24 - Info: Option /instdotnet4 detected
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:14.25 - Info: Option /updatecpp detected
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:14.27 - Info: Option /updatetsc detected
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.82 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows version 6.3.9600.18505 (w63 x64 enu sp0)
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.82 - Info: Found Microsoft Windows Software Licensing Management Tool info...
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.82 - Info: Name: Windows(R), ServerStandard edition
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.82 - Info: Description: Windows(R) Operating System, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.82 - Info: Partial Product Key: MDVJX
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.82 - Info: License Status: Notification
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.82 - Info: Notification Reason: 0xC004F056.
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found total physical memory: 8 GB
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found Windows Update Agent version 7.9.9600.18340
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found Windows Installer version 5.0.9600.18533
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found Windows Script Host version 5.8.9600.18538
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found Internet Explorer version 9.11.9600.18538
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found Microsoft Silverlight version 5.1.50901.0
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found Remote Desktop Client version 6.3.9600.17415
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 version 3.5.30729.4926
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found Windows PowerShell version 2.0
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found Microsoft .NET Framework 4 version 4.6.01590
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found Windows Management Framework version
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Found Windows Defender definitions version
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.85 - Info: Medium build date: 10/03/2017
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:15.88 - Info: Medium supports Microsoft Windows (w63 x64 glb)
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:16.00 - Info: Disabled screensaver
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:16.30 - Info: Created temporary power scheme
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:16.69 - Info: Adjusted power management settings
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:35.88 - Info: Installed ..\msse\x64-glb\mpam-fex64.exe
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:42.08 - Info: Stopping service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:42.10 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'STOPPED' (timeout: 180s)
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:42.10 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'STOPPED'
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:42.08 - Info: Stopped service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:44.22 - Info: Starting service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:44.24 - Info: Waiting for service 'wuauserv' to reach state 'RUNNING' (timeout: 60s)
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:44.24 - Info: Service 'wuauserv' reached state 'RUNNING'
Fri 03/10/2017 18:23:44.22 - Info: Started service 'Windows Update' (wuauserv)
Fri 03/10/2017 18:26:37.18 - Info: Listed ids of missing updates
Fri 03/10/2017 18:26:39.48 - Info: Listed ids of installed updates
Fri 03/10/2017 18:26:39.62 - Warning: Update kb3205410 (id: 14a84341-8f93-4278-a8e3-b4fb57bd4adf) not found
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Re: 96 Server 2012 R2 updates missing

Postby aker » 13.03.2017, 20:34

What happens, if you manually install windows8.1-kb3204802-x64_4b55750207db255011795e08ab9327543c61b186.msu?
Any error message?
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