CMD Scripts translated to linux

CMD Scripts translated to linux

Postby cpasqualini » 10.09.2014, 21:56


As an Spanish user i need to get updates in our language.

I want to use Linux for exporting our wsusoffline repo and some scripts to get the updates to our network workstations.
What i mos want is to have some automation based on cronjobs.

Some of the scripts provided in \cmd, namely AddCustomLanguageSupport.cmd, RemoveCustomLanguageSupport.cmd, RemoveGermanLanguageSupport.cmd, etc. are not available in shell scripts

Is there a way to Add spanish/Remove German on Linux?

I can write a script but i didn't understand very well what is the idea behind those scripts...


Re: CMD Scripts translated to linux

Postby itovikws » 07.10.2014, 07:28

I've added some functionality to the linux scripts, for instance the RemoveGerman and AddCustomLanguage support.
See post viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4428

- Peder

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