missing updates in WSUS 7.5

missing updates in WSUS 7.5

Postby glrider » 07.11.2012, 06:23


I am new to this forum and hope someone can solve a problem for me.

I started playing with WSUS to see if it would meet my needs as a patching tool. My reason is very long winded and will only post if someone is having problems sleeping.

Anyway I run the updategenerator, followed by the updateinstaller. After I did this I turned on automatic updates on my computer to see if it things had worked as I had hoped. To my surprise WU is reporting 11 critical updates that were not included when I ran WSUS. I reran the generator and installer but after running windows update from the help and support page, the 11 critical updates are still outstanding. I have done a lot of searches and saw some that some what resembled my problem, but I wasn't sure exactly hot to do some of the recommendations, probably due to my lack of experience with WSUS.

I am currently running Win XP SP3.

Re: missing updates in WSUS 7.5

Postby Denniss » 07.11.2012, 08:57


The 11 updates are either just labelled as critical but not included in the update database file (because internally not counted as critical) or these updates are for software not supported by WOU.

What kind of updates are thesse eleven?
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Re: missing updates in WSUS 7.5

Postby glrider » 10.11.2012, 20:46

IE8, Skype 5.10, 3 framework upgrades to 3.5 SP1, and the Windows Software malicious tool removal for October. The rest were just labeled Updates for Windows XP. I would not consider all of them critical, but I am thinking some certainly are.

Re: missing updates in WSUS 7.5

Postby boco » 10.11.2012, 23:49

IE8: IE8 itself is handled statically. Security updates will come through the normal, dynamic channel. Feature updates and non-security updates are not covered.

Skype 5.10: Not covered by the MS catalog.

Framework upgrades to 3.5 SP1: These should be installed if 3.5 is detected as being installed on the target system.

Windows Software malicious tool removal for October: The Windows MRT is blacklisted in WSUSOU by design.

The rest were just labeled Updates for Windows XP.
These aren't security-critical ones. Probably the ones that ''resolve issues'' or updates rated ''Important''. MS has not included these in their catalog.
Microsoft update catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/
Windows Install media download: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15088/windows-create-installation-media
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