Windows Home Server Updates

Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby aker » 21.07.2018, 21:19

Please use .\static\custom\StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-enu.txt and .\client\static\custom\StaticUpdateIds-w2k3-x86.txt.
Else wsusou might overwrite the modifications you made.

And yes, the URLs you get from WUMT should be copy-pasted into StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-enu.txt and the KB-number (e.g. „kb123456“) into StaticUpdateIds-w2k3-x86.txt.

For the language:
enu = en-us = English
esn = es-es = Spanish

You should capture the URLs from WUMT after a default wsusou finished, so you don‘t store files in your wsusou repo twice.

<CR><LF> is an emoty line created under Windows. Linux-based systems usually use <LF> for a new line and old Macs just <CR>. If you‘re using an good editor ( Notepad++), you can see, which line ending is used.
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby lioninstreet » 22.07.2018, 05:11

aker wrote: Please use .\static\custom\StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-enu.txt and .\client\static\custom\StaticUpdateIds-w2k3-x86.txt.

OK understood, for the update downloads, create the .txt file in the same format as the StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-enu.txt file and put the WUMT html addresses in the static\custom folder instead of simply the static folder.

aker wrote:You should capture the URLs from WUMT after a default wsusou finished, so you don‘t store files in your wsusou repo twice.

So the WSUSOU process to update the WHS OS off-line end to end would be:
Run the update generator on the WHS OS that needs to be updated, saving to another location (or USB)
Create the static download .txt file for all the html addresses of the missing WHS updates found by WUMT, put them in the static\custom folder
Run the update generator again to capture the missing WHS updates, saving to the same off line location as the first default update run.
Locate & open the folder containing the update installer
Create the static update .txt file for all the missing WHS KB#'s nd save them to the static\custom folder
When ready to perform the update, move all the saved files, folders, and the update installer created by the update generator to the WHS OS and run the update installer.

I'm thinking I got it right. Did I miss anything?

Couple of other q's
Is there a way to view the static updates before installing them to see how WSUSOU's pending update count compares to WUMT's pending update count?
I'm presuming I would be running the install generator & installer in stages, updating & installing the w2k3 & WHS updates to match the restarts that the OS wants when doing a traditional update install. Or does WSUSOU just pull down everything that's missing on the w2k3 root OS the first time around and both the w2k3 & WHS updates should all go in at the same time?

By the way St. Antoniushaus looks like a pretty cool place. Looks like we're sharing similar values.
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby aker » 22.07.2018, 10:27

The easiest way would be this one:
- run UpdateGenerator for w2k3 on any computer which has internet access (could be the WHS machine or any other)
- run UpdateInstaller of this download run on the WHS machine (to update the base OS)
- repeat the last step until wsusou reports "Nothing to do!"
- now do the WUMT scans to get the links and ids of the updates, wsusou didn't have
- also repeat this until WUMT does not find anything missing anymore
- add the missing updates to wsusou (as described above) [remember: WUMT sometimes provides two update links for one update; in this case you have to include both; do not include "-express-"-updates]
- rerun UpdateGenerator to include the missing updates into your repo
- you should be done now with downloading
- I would create an ISO, save it in a safe place and burn it onto a disk and save that in a different place

To answer your questions:
Is there a way to view the static updates before installing them to see how WSUSOU's pending update count compares to WUMT's pending update count?

The static updates are read from .\client\static\StaticUpdateIds-w2k3-x86.txt and .\client\static\custom\StaticUpdateIds-w2k3-x86.txt (in this case). To view / count them, just open the documents and count the lines.
I'm presuming I would be running the install generator & installer in stages, updating & installing the w2k3 & WHS updates to match the restarts that the OS wants when doing a traditional update install. Or does WSUSOU just pull down everything that's missing on the w2k3 root OS the first time around and both the w2k3 & WHS updates should all go in at the same time?

You don't have to run UpdateGenerator anymore as soon as you created the final ISO.
UpdateInstaller will install all static updates and then dynamically determine the missing ones (using the Windows Update Agent). Normally it's not important, if the base OS or the WHS gets updates first, as long as the most recent service pack is installed. If one of the static updates fails, you could post the KB-number and the errorlevel here; then I'll check the preqes and tell you, how to adjust the static links/ids.

I hope, I answered all of your questions.
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby lioninstreet » 24.07.2018, 05:33

Yes, I appreciate the clarification. Will be doing a trial install as you suggested sometime this week. With any luck the issue can now be put to bed.
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby lioninstreet » 25.07.2018, 05:32

OK now working with WSUSoffline 9.23 updating a fresh whs2008 install.

I loaded the program on to the server itself and began the update for w2k3 with the net framework box ticked. As with tns1 on 07.04.2016 (who was working with xp32), I am getting the sigcheck.exe - Entry Point Not found error every time there is a digital file signature for (whatever file) verification. Per this thread, the issue appears to have been solved by dropping in sigcheck.exe v2.30 into the bin file and replacing the existing v2.60 that exists.

Clicking past the verification nag isn't that big a deal but it would be nice if it was gone. For this application, should I be using an earlier version of WSUS to get the older sigcheck.exe version or?
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby aker » 25.07.2018, 06:39

It won‘t help as wsusou downloads sigcheck.exe on the first run.

I‘ll check, if I‘ve got the 2.30 version on my external HDD; maybe someone else here in the forum could help, too?
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby boco » 25.07.2018, 06:42

No. Sigcheck is downloaded from MS (AFAIK), and the MS website offers only the latest version. You explicitly need to drop in the older version.

Sigcheck 2.20: Datei von laden
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby aker » 25.07.2018, 07:18

I also found sigcheck 2.20 somewhere in my archive.


Just replace .\bin\sigcheck.exe with boco's or mine.
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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby Dalai » 25.07.2018, 14:46

Sigcheck 2.30, the last one working on NT 5.x (XP, Server 2003).

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Re: Windows Home Server Updates

Postby boco » 25.07.2018, 17:19

Übrigens hab ich hier noch Version 1.0 gefunden. :shock:
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