Split different Office version ISOs

Split different Office version ISOs

Postby B00ze » 29.08.2015, 01:36

Good day.

The first time I ran WSUSOffline I selected Office 2k10 and 2k13 along with Win7. To my surprise, even tho "Create ISO image Per Selected Product" was checked, WSUSOffline created only -1- ISO for BOTH Office products. This came to ~7GB. Once Office 2k16 comes out, that ISO will no longer fit on DVDs at all. I expected WSUSOffline to create 1 ISO per product...

Is this normal? If it is, could you split the different Office versions into different ISOs?

Thank you.
Best Regards,

Re: Split different Office version ISOs

Postby aker » 29.08.2015, 09:23

As Microsoft's catalog wsusscn2.cab does not make any difference between the different Office versions, it is vers difficult to create e.g. an Office 2010 only ISO. The only updates, which can be removed from an ISO, would be the service packs for other Office versions and about five updates downloaded using a static definition.
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