Future of WSUSOffline should be made transparent

Re: Future of WSUSOffline should be made transparent

Postby Gerby » 22.11.2020, 12:09

Dalai wrote:WSUS Offline also provides such an option to enable/install .NET Framework 3.x on newer Windows versions, but I'm not sure how to use it. Judging from the source code of DoUpdate.cmd the content of sources\sxs directory needs to be copied to wsusoffline\client\w63-x64\<lang>\sxs (replace <lang> with the language of your Windows).

Just a little addition...
To integrate the installation files for .NET 3.5 into WSUS Offline repository for offline installation later on, you can use the provided batch \cmd\IntegrateSourcesSxsFolder.cmd which copies the needed files from the Windows Setup DVD.

Code: Select all
Usage: IntegrateSourcesSxsFolder <SxsPath> {w62-x64 | w63 | w63-x64 | w100 | w100-x64} {enu | fra | esn | jpn | kor | rus | ptg | ptb | deu | nld | ita | chs | cht | plk | hun | csy | sve | trk | ell | ara | heb | dan | nor | fin} [/cleanup]
Example: IntegrateSourcesSxsFolder D:\sources\sxs w63-x64 enu

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