Windows 2012 won't update

Windows 2012 won't update

Postby nsumner » 01.05.2017, 05:40

Using (regular) WSUS it is stuck forever (more than 48 hours) on checking for updates. Actually I have 2 servers (both with Exchange 2013 CU13 on them), that are in the same situation. As the title says they are running Windows Server 2012 (NOT R2).

I figured okay WSUSOffline will surely help, then they will get the magical update they are missing and all will be well in the world (they were last updated about 6 months 5 months ago). I ran wsus0ffline for over 12 hours and both machines never left "Listing IDs of missing updates...

I know it will take a while but I imagine 12 hours is more than enough.

What am I missing? How can I get these machines to update! Like I said 5 months ago updates worked without any problems. They both say from WSUS (actually one I deleted the catalog etc so it claims to have never been updated) but they both were fine with WSUS until about the 16th of April...

Re: Windows 2012 won't update

Postby aker » 01.05.2017, 19:40

Problem is: MS broke the Update-catalog by placing too much inside. This will affect wsusou, Windows Update and everything else.
You could try installing the Servicing Stack for w2k12
:arrow: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6069
and the most recent cumulative update

Then hope, that this is enough.
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WSUS Offline Update „Community Edition“
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Joined: 02.03.2011, 15:32

Re: Windows 2012 won't update

Postby nsumner » 02.05.2017, 14:23

Thanks, trying that now.

Will that possibly fix Windows Update I presume not but I'm not sure in the Servicing Stack might help...

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