Updating to Specific Build

Updating to Specific Build

Postby jonlosada » 04.11.2021, 17:06

Hello, I am trying to update an LTSC image up to 17763.1879 which was the April 13th, 2021 release from 17763.316.
I am using the 12.4 CE release of WSUSoffline. Is there a way to modify or tinker with the KB list, some other list or options in the back end which will install the KBs I put in to get me to the 1879 build.

If I am completely wrong in what I want to do could someone please explain how the program works in searching and installing the KBs it would probably also help me out a lot.

Thank you!
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Joined: 16.10.2019, 17:30

Re: Updating to Specific Build

Postby negg » 16.11.2021, 16:48

you need to download the correct build for your version of windows. I believe you need to tick version 1809 in either 32 or 64 bit depending on your system. that will download the relevant security fixes etc for your system. Please note it does not get every file only the ones deemed a security issue.

Also not this does not update a windows installation DVD or USB it updates a live system
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Re: Updating to Specific Build

Postby aker » 16.11.2021, 17:08

wsusou will update your system to the most recent version of Windows (while keeping the current build).
If you want to update to a specific version it will be easier to search for the right KB in the MS update catalog (https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/) and manually install (or find a copy of wsusou with a catalog dated 04/2021; but be warned, intentionally using an outdated catalog file with a newer version of wsusou might break other parts of the program).
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