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Select to download

PostPosted: 11.01.2018, 04:31
by privateren

I have a list of 50 patches which I need to download and install in my windows 2008 server.

1) Can I make my wsusoffline to download only the patches in my list?

2)Or Can I make wsus offline to download any patches including my list( My list contains old patches but wsusO downloads only the latest ones)



Re: Select to download

PostPosted: 13.01.2018, 22:16
by aker
This should clarify the situation:

Q: Can I download/install additional patches?
A: Yes, you can adjust how the download and update scripts behave by excluding or adding patches from download or installation. For adding updates proceed as follows:

1. Adding updates to download routines

For adding an update to be downloaded, insert its download URL into the matching "StaticDownloadLinks-<platform>[-architecture>]-<language>.txt file, found in the "...\static\custom" directory. Please don't forget a trailing <CR><LF>.

2. Adding updates to installation routines

Add an update to installation by inserting its knowledge base ID (KBxxxxxx or simply xxxxxx) into the matching "StaticUpdateIds-<platform>[-<architecture>].txt file (directory "...\client\static\custom"). Please don't forget a trailing <CR><LF>.

Q: Can I skip the dynamic update determination during downloading/installation in order to use my static definitions only?
A: Yes.
To avoid dynamic update URL determination during download, add "skipdynamic=Enabled" to the [Miscellaneous] section of your UpdateGenerator.ini file.
To avoid dynamic update ID determination during installation, set "skipdynamic=Enabled" in the [Installation] section of your UpdateInstaller.ini file.